
Apocalypse - Infinite Modification System

"Apocalypse in three minutes?" What should I do stuck in this dilapidated van in the middle of the city center? No worries! Infinite Modification System activated! [Ding! Successful modification of the dilapidated van, acquired one LV1 armored vehicle!] [Ding! Successful modification of the abandoned base, acquired one steel fortress!] [Ding! Successful modification of the exoskeleton armor! Acquired one Unicorn Gundam!] Transport plane? Cargo ship? Firearms? Ammunition? All modified!

moone_heroall · Romance
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64 Chs

Evolution Possible! The City Slaughter Plan!

In the camera's view, there was a middle-aged man who appeared very skinny and short, standing only about 1.6 meters tall.

However, what made Ray and Liu Yuqing's hearts skip a beat was that this originally scrawny and short middle-aged man, after mutating, turned into a giant standing 2.5 meters tall, with a physique two to three times more exaggerated than a massive stone wall!

From the onset of mutation, to the wriggling of muscles and the change in physique, these events might sound lengthy, but the entire mutation process took only about seven to eight seconds. During this time, bullets were fired into the giant's body as if they cost nothing.

Yet, for the giant, it was as if being tickled, causing no harm whatsoever.

It wasn't until a loud bang rang out, and an armor-piercing bullet precisely penetrated its head, that it was successfully taken down.

By then, six or seven people had already died, more than ten were injured, and over twenty were infected!

However, these were all ordinary zombies, which were quickly dealt with by the soldiers.

As calm returned to the area, a reporter hurriedly approached the camera.

"As everyone can see, although those infected with the new strain of rabies are dangerous, they were quickly taken care of by our soldiers. So, I urge viewers in front of the TV to follow the advice of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Defense. Prepare food and water, stay calm at home, try to avoid going out, and wait for rescue!"

Watching the news broadcast end and the TV start showing commercials, Liu Yuqing didn't notice that her skewer had gone cold, but at that moment, she didn't care.

Turning her gaze away from the TV, Liu Yuqing looked at Ray beside her, filled with astonishment, "What... What was with that zombie just now? Have you ever seen anything like it?"

Ray frowned and shook his head, saying, "If I'm not mistaken, that zombie must have evolved!"

"Ev... Evolved?"

Liu Yuqing gasped in disbelief, "Are you saying it's like those zombies infected with the T-virus in Resident Evil?"

Ray nodded.

The moment he saw that zombie on TV, he suddenly remembered the one he encountered on the first floor, which could use its arm to block his nail gun!

This speculation must be correct; the zombies in this world can indeed evolve!

This is not good news at all!

After finishing their meal, Liu Yuqing took it upon herself to clean up the table. Seeing this, Ray didn't intervene and took out his phone, walking alone to the side.

He found a seat by the window, looked down at the street outside, lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled.

Feeling his mind clear up a bit, he softly said, "Jarvis, check the current situation in countries around the world for me, as well as the real situation of the military and education departments in Shangbin City. Of course, if you could hack into the internal network and get inside information, that would be even better."

He didn't believe the news narrative; he knew that in these end times, the only way to do anything else was to first survive.

"Right away, sir!"

Jarvis responded.

After agreeing, Jarvis didn't make Ray wait long. In just about ten seconds, Jarvis's voice came again, summarizing the information found.

After understanding, it was pretty much as he had guessed.

The infection situation in countries around the world was basically consistent with what was found during the day. Although zombies had appeared before, they were controlled by various countries until today, when Shangbin City could no longer control it, leading to an outbreak. Other countries also lost control in the last two days, leading to a zombie crisis.

It could be said, this is the early stage of the apocalypse!

After the initial chaos, countries have now organized forces!

However, the plans of these military and education departments are not to rescue the masses but to continue concealing the truth, just like what was shown in the news, continuously calming the public.

Even in secret, a plan to slaughter an entire city, which was severely infected, had already been launched!

The city's transportation hubs were completely sealed off, and airplanes were dispatched to bomb indiscriminately. This not only eradicated the zombies within the city but also destroyed the entire city itself.

The reason nuclear weapons were not used, Ray guessed, was firstly due to the fear of causing too much uproar, and secondly, there was likely a desire to preserve a livable environment.

After all, the radiation from a nuclear explosion would render the city a complete no-go zone, unusable for the future.

However, given the current situation, the use of nuclear weapons seemed only a matter of time.

As for the domestic situation, it was somewhat better by comparison, with Shangbin being the most severe case.

As a result, the entire city of Shangbin was sealed off!

All exits from the city were manned with checkpoints, and leaving required passing through these inspections!

The situation with the Ministry of Education was no different from what was found during the day; the ministry's personnel had already evacuated Shangbin for safer cities.

The reports on TV were merely for show, intended to fool the ordinary citizens into staying calm, harboring a sliver of hope, and not causing chaos.

Of course, there would be actions taken, like the checkpoints established at each city exit, and there would be rescue operations, but these were just for appearances.

Even if there were real rescues, they would only target the outskirts of the city. For the people in the city center, it was as if they were left to fend for themselves.

For them, saving even one person was ideal, but if it ultimately became impossible, and Shangbin was doomed, they would resort to bombing to clear the city. If that failed, they would not hesitate to use nuclear weapons!

The military's stance was the same, ready to cooperate with the Ministry of Education's plans at any moment.

Additionally, through hacking into the internal networks of the Ministry of Education and the Military, Jarvis found out that the closest safe city to Shangbin was Donghai City.

All personnel evacuating from Shangbin were being relocated to Donghai City.

Moreover, the superficial rescue operations were only planned to last for seven days. After seven days, if the infection could not be contained, Shangbin City would be completely abandoned!

This meant that after seven days, they might start bombing Shangbin City!