
Apexer System

As humanity was barely surviving in the aftermath of nuclear armageddon caused byWW 3 that began with the Ukrainian-Russian war an alien taskforce came over and started exterminating the last remmenants of humanity until there was nothing left... But as fate would have it a certain bored omnipotent being who was currently sitting in his barracks from all universes encompassing author's race decided to give a certain someone a second chance and see what will happen after a soldier from the future returns back to the past and receives an Apexer System.

scifiistheway · Romance
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7 Chs


"Only nights likes these make me feel allive."

I thought while looking at Morganas hourglass shaped body down from her long golden color curly hair tied into a long ponytail with fancy and expensive black earrings and black choker with a a black tumb sized ravens skull, healthy bronze tanned skin, F+ breasts held in place by her erotic black braw which showed itself through her see through white sleeveless loose T-shirt.

Her plump ass and longs legs covered by her tight fitting black jeans under which you could clearly see the shape of her underwear to her high heel open black boots showing off her feets and black nails sitting on the bar counters black aluminum chair.

"Even thou she's 30 years old she looks like she's 20 years old and the matures womens charm she's giving off is quite a turn-on"

I thought in my mind as I gulped down a shot of vodka in one gulp while Morgana kept sipping her cocktail with her ocean blue eyes scanning her surroundings like the predator she is and hitting the bar counters black aluminum table with her left hands long and sharp black nails.

Hmmm 23:45 the fun should start soon.

I murmured under my breath after checking my wristwatch while gulping down one more shot of vodka and standing up as I plunged my left hand into my pants pocket grabbing my specially prepared bug and started drunkily walking to Morgana purperssly imitating a wasted person for what I was about to do.

Just as Morgana turned her head to the left I purperssly slipped and collapsed onto her.

Ah shit....I'm sorry miss...burp...

I said in nonconhereant words as I looked up at Morganas gothic make up covered face full of disgust and murderous eyes that were telling me to fuck off immediately or else.

I'm going... burp... I'm going...

I made a panicked face full of fear that received the message as I pushed my self off from her only to accidentally touch her plump ass with my left hand and slip my bug inside her jeans left pocket only to receive a left hook punch to my face to which I didn't fight back at all allowing her to knock me out to the ground easily.

Fuck off pervert or I'll fucking kill you!

Morgana roared at me in English as she gave my ribs a few good kicks to which I groaned out with pain while grabbing my ribs with my hands and curling up like a best Oscar Hollywood actor.

Tch!A fucking weakling and you dare to call yourself a man.

Morgana cursed under her breath with even more disgust evident on her scrunched up face which looked like as if she was looking at shit on the ground.

After standing up and limping a few meters while groaning in pain and holding my ribs with my right hand I entered the WC and as I did I dropped the act and while leaning against the WC's ceramic tiles covered wall.

I took out my wireless earphone with my left hand and put it inside my left ear while with my right hand I took my smartphone and started looking at dozens Hades security cameras at once in my smartphone that got hacked by HYDRA a long time ago without anyone noticing.

Mrs Hellsing its a pleasure to meet y...

Cut the bullshit do you have what you promised or not?!

I saw and heard Morgana snap in a suppresed voice at an old man who should be dead a long time ago by his appearance with his hunched back dressed in simple civilian clothes with a walking stick in his right hand.

HYDRA do a search on this man.

"His definetelly not a normal person even from here can I see and smell his ugly and sinful soul that reeks of death and sin with my sixth sense.

I said and thought in my mind with my scrunched up white eyebrows not even Morganas soul who is a mafia queen is in that level of rotten state compared to the man"

No record found.

I heard GHYDRA's voice in my left ear which led me to think of two possible scenarios one the most unlikely was that the man had just that good of a cybernetic protection on himself and the other one the most likely one judging based on his appearance the man became a ghost long before internet became a global thing.

Upon hearing this the man's pleasent smile disappeared and got replaced by an expression full of anger and disgust.

Here I promised to take this together with me to my grave but after hearing that your daughter is dying I decided to give the chance to save her for your family's support before and during WW 2 for our regime but if your acting like that I hope you and your vermin daughter dies as soon as possible!

The man roared as he tossed an envelope and stood up with his salliva flying out from his almost toothless mouth.

You son of a bitch I'm going to fucking kill y...

Morgana completely lost it after hearing the man mention her daughter and was about to gut the man like a pig with the beer bottle that she grabbed with her right hand and smashed the end of it into the table.

Only for a bunch of CS gas grandes get thrown onto the nightclubs floor from all sides from a bunch of CIS field operatives dressed in civilian clothes with gas masks already on their faces who were mixed in the crowd of intoxicated and waisting away their life's young people.

In Death I Live.

Without waisting time I murmured the apex combat assistance function keywords that I have set that I always used to say before each battle under my breath making the apex systems HUD appear in my view with all of my body stats, a map with marked enemies and other stuff just like in a game.

While with my left hand I took out my all kinds of military grade combat stimulants mixed into one syringe cocktail from my dimensional storage and injected them into my left thigh.

As I did suddenly my emotions, feelings, and the pain from my still recovering muscles that I was feeling disappeared as if they were never there.

While the adrenaline stored in my body and the combat stimulants overflowed my body increasing all of my bodily functions while my body started producing more adrenaline like a madman.

The only thing separating me from an AI-controlled robot killing machine was my body made of flesh and blood at this point.

[All stats except luck increased +0,2 temporarily]

[+0.1 from apex systems combat assistance function and 0.1 from users military grade combat stimulants.]

[Warning! The users body is at its limit!]

[Time until the user's body shuts down 59:59]

Green arteries and veins expanded from my madly beating heart to my eyes under my skin that were threatening to burst at any moment from the sky high blood pressure in them.

The mix of the combat assistance function and combat stimulants was too much for my body to handle.

I felt my arterries and veins in my eyes together with a bunch of bloodvessels burst apart dying my eyes white scleras in bloodred color and causing my body to start bleeding internally.

While my muscles expanded like a balloon and then contracted becoming like steel fiber cables.

As my stomach's contents rose to my throat but I forcefully swallowed it down.

While my teeth gums, eyes, nose, and ears started bleeding with hot red blood.

But I just ignored it all because I felt nothing the only thing on my mind was how to most efficiently eliminates the hostiles and secure my mission objective.

And as I did I used the combat assistance function to instantly equip my AE.

Let the carnage begin...

I muttered under my breath as I exhaled a hot breath from my bodies rapidly rising temperature through my gas masks exhalation valve which's eye lenses glowed in bloodred color from my bloodred glowing eyes.