

*Leaves the hospital and heads home with the car*

*While driving*

*Looks at the time*

KAIDEN KURT: It is still 4pm…!!

This day is won't end...? All I wish is for this day be over soon...! After all i have gone through, i still do not understand what is happening to me.

Answers should be in those books. I need to understand; no…rather, i need to confirm my doubt because my theory is not reliable.

*Kaiden arrives home*

*In an act of impatience, he rushes directly to his bedroom where he lastly saw the three books*

*He is shocked to see all his stuff turned upside down, his locker was forced open and his safe broken.*

*Kaiden then realized something felt off when he was entering the house, he rushes back to the garden where he meets Billy lying unconscious*

KAIDEN KURT: Billy…!!! Billy…!!!

What happened here for god sake?

<<Looks left>>

What is that…? I never gave any food to Billy before I left, so why is he having a dish of bone marrow beside him. Could it be…!

*As Kaiden reaches back to his room, he witnesses a surprised shot with a dagger which aimed to kill him but due to sudden and unexpected reactivity, he succeeds in dodging the hit.*

*Before Kaiden reassess himself, the aggressor had cross-passed him and was running straight towards the entrance gate.*

*Kaiden chases him as soon as he realizes it was his aggressor. The aggressor reaches the gate where something unusual happens; knowing the gate was not open and the time necessary to open it, the aggressor while escaping jumps off the 3 meters high gate within a single jump and without any considerable effort.*

*Seeing this Kaiden cannot react any more*

KAIDEN KURT: Holy crap…!

Are you kidding me…!

The gate ...!!

I could not even see his face.

UNKNOWN VOICE: Isn't that obvious…! He wore a mask.

KAIDEN KURT: Yeah. I am aware of that.

Wait…! Who just spoke?




KAIDEN KURT: Wait!! Stop!

Am done with the jokes. Who are you and why are you inside my head?

UNKNOWN VOICE: Before being this impolite, you should at least thank me for saving your a**s earlier.

KAIDEN KURT: Saving me..!! <<Laughs>>

UNKNOWN VOICE: Your reactivity to that dagger shot, it was I reacting through you.

KAIDEN KURT: Funny…! I get it; this is all some sort of dream. You know, I am starting to get used to it. So I will advise you to use another trick, this one is old fashion.

UNKNOWN VOICE: So…You think your life been attempted is a joke.

Relentless…it is a pity i had to fall on a kid.

KAIDEN KURT: I don't want to hear your bullshit. Just tell me; who the f**k are you?

UNKNOWN VOICE: Silence…! Human

KAIDEN KURT: (^^what is happening to my body? I can't move nor speak^^)

UNKNOWN VOICE: It seems you are beginning to understand where your place is. The sooner you understand it, the better. Now lets go back to serious issues.

I do not have much time with me so I will be brief on everything you have to know.

I am the remnant or rather a fragment of the soul of the first human god to exist in this world. My name is JEHLABAH ARIHM, an ancestor of yours. In the year 150 BC, I experienced the same phenomenon you are experiencing now. However, before I tell you my story, there is one thing I need you to know: if you fear your destiny, the world as you know it would end.

As earlier said, during that year i discovered three books on the Olymp Pyramid.


The books in question were thesame books you discovered earlier during the day.

Time, Reality and Death.

I am sure you must be wondering where those books must have gone to, but never mind they are part of you now.

Let me explain:

In Egyptian mythology, they existed gods. According to history, they were myths and I myself never believed in mythology until the day I picked up those books. My existence changed along with the destiny of Egypt and the world. These books are the legacy of the Plague god or rather known in this era as the god of death "ANUBIS".

Long before the creation of man, ANUBIS was a single and whole entity who ruled solely the BRIVERSE and the ABIS: both dimensions of the underworld. As time passed, ANUBIS developed a new attraction for the new species created by the ENLIGHTENED and so he was then being drove into choosing to like man and or curse him.

His celestial body was subjected to rules of the "ENLIGHTENED" meanwhile his spirit was urged with the need of helping humanity evolve to its peak.

His assignment as an Enlightened was to make sure humans never evolved to the state of ENLIGHTENEMENT, reason why he cursed them to mortality on the demand of the council of the enlightened. The enlightened wanted to keep supremacy, control and dominion over humanity and feared that humans will rebel to their authority once they reached the same status and power as their creator.

Due to this difference in ANUBIS'S celestial body and spirit, his entity divided to form two ANUBIS. The celestial body and the spirit ANUBIS had opposite and different point of views; this led to a chaotic war within the BRIVERSE and the ABIS. Over ages of war between the two entities and with the help of the council of the Enlightened, ANUBIS spirit was casted out of the two dimensions into the human world.

Without his physical body, he had no means of existing within the human world and could only travel over ages in the form of remnants that is the three books, which represented his soul. He tried merging with other vessels several times but it only resulted in their instant death, until he found me. A worthy vessel who could bear his soul without any casualties. A one in a lifetime miracle just happened.

ANUBIS swore to destroy the enlightened and their system of leadership, but once the information arrived the council they immediately reacted with the intention of killing ANUBIS by terminating his host before it could undergo enlightenment. Humans are mortal, but only because the curse of mortality which was imposed on them.

KAIDEN KURT: So why did he not just unlock the curse of mortality on humans once both of you merged. By so doing, humans would have reached enlightenment and rebelled. As simple as that.

JEHLABAH ARIHM: It does not work that way. For ANUBIS to lift the curse of mortality he must be complete again, that is regain his whole entity. Body and spirit must have confirmed the decision before the curse can be undone. The council was aware of that detail, which is why they never saw ANUBIS as a threat until when he was able to acquire a vessel. This meant once he was fully merged with his vessel he could go back to the BRIVERSE and the ABIS to regain his complete entity. So it became necessary to terminate him or rather his vessel before it could reach enlightenment. However, even that was not something the ENLIGHTENED could do so easily, this because the spirit of ANUBIS is indestructible. Hence, killing his vessel will only repel him to a new worthy vessel. The only reasonable option was to capture his vessel and restrain him in order to stop the process. However, this solution was only temporal since humans were mortals. Finally, they came up with a better solution that implied…

KAIDEN KURT: Killing all the possible future vessels of ANUBIS…


For the enlightened; curses, enchantments and reincarnations are linked to bloodline.

KAIDEN KURT: You mean I am your descendant…!

JEHLABAH ARIHM: I just said it a while ago when presenting myself. Where you listening already?

KAIDEN KURT: Yeah, I am not deft.

JEHLABAH ARIHM: Do you get the reason why you were been attacked….

The council has surely dispatched some of their soldiers to inspect my bloodline in other to reach to any possible vessel of ANUBIS and terminate him. You should be glad he did not find what he was looking for, because you would had been done for by now.

KAIDEN KURT: The books…right!

JEHLABAH ARIHM: Once the first stage of the merge will be complete, your nightmares will not stop and you will keep on repeatedly living the past of ANUBIS. I assure you, it is not something pleasant.

Imagine millions of years of information and experience flowing into your body constantly, you will be tempted to go viral but you must keep calm.

I cannot really tell you more because, I for one never completed the merge process because I was been killed by the council. Later they began tracing the ARIHM bloodline to detect all future possible worthy vessels of ANUBIS. When the first phase of the merge is over, remember once you can sense him he can sense you too.

KAIDEN KURT: Wait…! Sense whom.

JEHLABAH ARIHM: ANUBIS celestial body. That is why you need to learn faster than I did and Save the world.

KAIDEN KURT: However, I do not get something. The council could have just terminated their creation, which is all humanity. An easy and more efficient way to solve the problem in a one go.

What restrained them?

JEHLABAH ARIHM: The Enlightened depend on their creation to possess all the powers they have. Take it this way; Every time a human worships heaven, his prayers are then been converted into powerful matter of energy, which the Enlightened us to enhance their powers. Humans are precious to them.

KAIDEN KURT: So were born just to serve as tools to the gods…!

JEHLABAH ARIHM: I am sure deep inside you; you always had that feeling of living independently of your will. All circumstances and events are been designed and formulated in order to drive humans into worshiping them.

Originally, I did not want to tell you this but during the period when I was his vessel, I saw memories of his past and something the gods call "THE ECLIPSE OF LOCKA" is close. A time when all planets in the universe will align one on the another. That is the time when the Enlightened's powers will be at their peak and then they will be able to create new forms of life to replace humans since we pose a possible threat to them. In other words, the end of humanity as we all know. I cannot tell you exactly when but ANUBIS is our only chance of stopping them, I believe in you.

KAIDEN KURT: My life, my dreams, my thoughts…nothing of those belong to me. They are all just been dictated by the gods will.

As for a shocking news, this is one of a hellish information to process.

JEHLABAH ARIHM: It seems like my time is close. Young human do not fear what is in you, I have the feeling you are the one who will bring the light from the dark. Child of ANUBIS you are Time, you are Reality, you are Death and with all this my child, my blood…You are HOPE.

Humanity's only HOPE

*The fragments of JEHLABAH'S soul disappears*


Crap…! I still got many questions to ask.

He is gone ...but what am I suppose do now.

I know just so little.

I better go check on mum first. If I am a descendant of ARIHM then may be she is ...

(^^Mum hold on I'm coming to protect you^^)