

"We are finally alone, you and I.. Finally, I have you all to myself.. I get ownership of you and your eyes, Every time you look at my words and read my sentences.. This will be the last novel of mine you'll read in your life, as I am on the verge of death. I only have a few hours left in this life, though I don't know the exact count. But I know they are few, yet sufficient to give you what I want to give you through my words. Before I begin, let me tell you this: You must read this book and burn it. They will try to get rid of it and anyone who has read it, just as they have done with similar books. _________ This book was written by Ahmed Khaled Mustafa, and the rights of the book are reserved to its owner. _________ TN: I'm just translating, I remember reading this book when I was younger and feeling as if I'm reading something I shouldn't, it was scary but fun. AND PLEASE note that this translation is provided for entertainment purposes only and does not reflect any personal beliefs or opinions.

Sssimo · Histoire
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18 Chs

Introduction (TO READ)


All characters mentioned in this novel are real characters. With its human beings, its jinn, and its demons. And most narrated events are based on proven real events and facts.


"We are finally alone, you and I...

Finally, I have you all to myself...

I get ownership of you and your eyes, Every time you look at my words and read my sentences...

This will be the last novel of mine you'll read in your life, as I am on the verge of death.

I only have a few hours left in this life, though I don't know the exact count. But I know they are few, yet sufficient to give you what I want to give you through my words.

Before I begin, let me tell you this: You must read this book and burn it. They will try to get rid of it and anyone who has read it, just as they have done with similar books.

Don't be dismayed, just remember my words well. Even if they kill you after I have taught you these words, you will die contentedly. Who dreams of dying contentedly in this age? So, do not be dismayed, my friend.

Who am I? Where am I? Why? How? These are all questions that I know are haunting you, and perhaps you want to throw this book away right now and move on with your life. But let me assure you, there is no difference for them between those who possessed the book and read it and those who possessed it and throw it into the nearest garbage can. They exterminate everyone.

But the reader may have a chance at survival. Don't look at me like that. Despite being the writer, I am already a dead man. They will soon break into my room and annihilate me as if I have never existed on this earth. Don't waste time on explanations and empty talk. Let me start with you immediately because there is no time to waste for you and I.

In my narrative, you will discover things and deny even more. You will like some things and hate others. But let me tell you something important: I will never lie to you. I will only tell you the truth that no one before me has ever told you. I will teach you secrets that someone like you should not know. Even if I lied to you, they wouldn't kill me. They would reward me and celebrate me as they do with everyone.

I know you are a bored person. Either you are not a fan of reading, or you are but don't care much for books that lack the names of renowned authors. So, to make you read my book in its entirety as you should, I have devised a game that you and I will play. No one else will participate in it.

It's the game of cards, not the cards of Basra (الباصرة/Bastra/Pişti) or tarot, but cards of a different kind, a cursed kind. The most important thing about them is the order. If they were arranged differently from what their maker intended, they would be mere worthless cards. But if they are arranged correctly, as we will do, they will open doors to secrets that no one has ever told you, and no one will ever tell you, secrets that are dangerous. They kill anyone who knows them and burn anyone who learns and teaches them.

I present before you thirteen sets of cards. Each set tells a story and reveals a secret that they want to hide from people like you. They will pursue you because you know it, and because you are a bored person, and I appreciate that. Each of those thirteen stories will be presented to you in a different way. Have you noticed how eager I am to catch your attention? It's because I have little time left in life, and I don't want to waste a single moment of it in distraction by your bored mind.

But you can wander as you please between each story... for I will chatter a little. Although it is a very important chatter, if you need to wander, then wander only within this space and do not exceed it.

And as we progress in the game, you and I, I will tell you more about myself, where I come from, how I reached you, and who are those who will kill you and burn you after they kill and burn me, and how you can save yourself from them. But for now, I will only tell you my name. I am "Bobby Frank" You may have deduced from my name that I am American. That's correct.

Before we begin, I want to alert you to an important matter; do not think that you can read this book in one sitting in your favorite spot. You must read this book on thirteen sittings, in order to fully comprehend it.

And now let us start our game, which I will only reveal its name later. For now, you only need to know that it is a card game... Damned Cards.

Now, sit quietly in front of me and look at the first set of cards that I will now place on the table in order. I know that the dim light I use in my room causes you a headache, but it's necessary. Now, let's begin.

I have placed six cards in front of you, face down. I will reveal them to you one by one in the required order, the order that will tell the first story and unveil the first secret. Follow along with me.

The first card has an image of a raging devil with two horns. It appears furious in its worst state.

The second card is the card of magic, the magic of the earth. It bears the image of light emanating from the depths of the earth, shattering several rocks around it.

The third card is the card of the magic of the air, with an image of a sorcerer casting some sort of spell into the air.

The fourth card is the card of absolute power, featuring a strong hand clenched into a fist, adorned with a large golden ring.

The fifth card bears the image of idols, appearing as if someone had shattered them.

The sixth and final card is the card of the hammer, with the image of a strong man, a blacksmith, holding a mighty hammer and brandishing it with determination.

Even if you forget these images and cards now, they will flash clearly in your memory as I narrate the first story and the first secret to your ears."