
Anthology of Many

Multiple stories are written each day about heroes from many genres.

SteamingCloud · Oriental
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21 Chs

Story Ten: Dragon King WuLong

In the mystical realm of the Immortal Kingdoms, there lived a powerful Dragon King named Wulong. He was the ruler of the Southern Seas and commanded great respect and admiration from his subjects. Wulong was a fierce warrior, but despite his strength, he had one weakness - his unrequited love for the Jade Empress.

The Jade Empress was the ruler of the Western Heavens and one of the most beautiful and powerful goddesses in all the realms. Wulong had loved her from afar for many years, but she had never shown any interest in him or any other suitor. This only fueled Wulong's obsession, and he spent his days dreaming of ways to win her heart.

One day, as Wulong was flying over the clouds, he spotted the Jade Empress riding on a phoenix. He couldn't resist following her, and as they flew over the mountains and valleys, Wulong could feel his heart beating faster and faster.

Finally, they landed on a mountain peak, and the Jade Empress turned to face Wulong. "Why do you follow me, Dragon King?" she asked, her voice as sweet as a songbird's.

Wulong took a deep breath and declared his love for her. "My Lady, I have loved you from afar for many years. I know you have many suitors, but I cannot help but hope that someday you will return my feelings."

The Jade Empress looked at Wulong with a mixture of surprise and pity. "Dragon King, I cannot return your feelings. My heart belongs to the heavens and the duties that come with it. I am not meant for love and romance."

Wulong felt his heart sink, but he refused to give up. "My Lady, please consider giving me a chance. I will do anything to prove my worth and win your heart."

The Jade Empress sighed and shook her head. "Dragon King, your devotion is admirable, but it is not enough. Love cannot be forced or won through deeds alone. It must be freely given."

With those words, the Jade Empress mounted her phoenix and flew away, leaving Wulong alone on the mountaintop. He knew then that his love for her was truly unrequited, and he would have to find a way to live with it. From that day on, Wulong continued to rule over the Southern Seas with strength and wisdom, but his heart would always belong to the Jade Empress, even if she could never love him in return.

Despite the Jade Empress's rejection, Wulong could not help but continue to love her. His heart was heavy with longing, and he often found himself gazing at the sky, searching for a glimpse of her.

One day, as he was meditating in his palace, he was approached by a wise old dragon. "Wulong, I have heard of your unrequited love for the Jade Empress," the old dragon said. "I have a piece of advice for you."

Wulong looked up, intrigued. "What is it?" he asked.

"The Jade Empress is a goddess, and her heart is not meant for mortal love," the old dragon said. "But there is a way you can ease your suffering. Find a way to love her without expectation or attachment. Love her for the sake of loving her, without any desire for reciprocation. Only then will you find true peace."

Wulong thought about the old dragon's words and realized that he had been so focused on winning the Jade Empress's heart that he had forgotten the true meaning of love. Love was not about possession or control - it was about pure, selfless devotion.

From that day on, Wulong made a conscious effort to love the Jade Empress without any expectation of reciprocation. He would send her gifts and offerings, write her poems, and admire her beauty from afar. He found that the more he loved her without expectation, the more peaceful and content he felt.

Years went by, and Wulong continued to rule over the Southern Seas with wisdom and compassion. He became known not only for his strength in battle but also for his deep and abiding love for the Jade Empress. Though he never won her heart, he knew that his love for her had taught him the true meaning of devotion, and for that, he was grateful.

And so, the Dragon King Wulong lived out the rest of his days, content in his unrequited love for the Jade Empress, knowing that even if she could never love him in return, he had found true peace in the act of loving her.