

Publisher is Hiroshima Office Press. A collection volumes of short stories in anthology about horror and acts of mysterious magic and serious mystery behind the plot our authors had brought us the entertainment to fool you in our scare craze.

Audrius_Razma · Horreur
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8 Chs

Dark Forest

Rackis Industries might have urinated on letters in Hebrew.

The faith and order of Latin religion.

It was in order of money.

The logistics mogul plans to set him up with foreign government? His manager sliced his bicycle tire on the way to work? His director? We do not know the truth.

Was it a subliminal call? It was a final master plan before the disaster.

He took refuge at home to learn the arts of dark magic. Andre was his name under a contract of dark magic. The city of Klaipeda was located in Kaliningrad Peninsula.

He gains powers of dark forest surrounding him outside his military intelligence training from British Special Air Service forces to control the nature of evil.

Him gain his revenge versus business moguls and their legit club with the help of former Lithuanian Military Chiefs from Budo Club.

When Andre Boba joined to keep him busy seeking for work. The true master of arts unfolded before his eyes.

"Fock this mother I lost my job. Those pricks had something already in mind employing me. They did look for soldiers they could discard."

"I will go crazy listening to you. You take our dog and go out for a walk."

He knew his mother was not feeling herself. The powers of evil did surround her.


They lived in Skouds and the company was avoiding Norway taxes. Their anthology of the Dark Forest village in Lithuanian village.

Grazi Ina was the black voodoo master capable of calling out satanic orgy occult practice to unforeseen life and birth losses, acts of violence and infidelity.

It was her blood curse they shared.

Her life in London had a new beginning. Ina sect family life was unknown to its origin.

We had unseen crimes of the mafia, avoided tax authorities with university lecturer. The police high commissioner, and village shaman Vida Boba.

But Vida Boba was never featured on the news. We would never understand why they watched the news.

It was the true culprit in point of view. Our Vida Boba had her son work in the British Army not knowing he served top secret missions.

When he found a job in the logistics business. They avoided the National Norway Tax levy and customs. The evil spirits did visit his home.

The business manager and director Rackis had his lawyers set a trap to lure applicable and plausible explanation individuals to his business ritual to be served.

"It was not his fault he signed a contract."

"I am telling you I am your lawyer. You avoid conflicts and you cannot do anything."

"I had a great influence and investment group from Klaipeda. I use him to avoid my crimes. The media focus will be on him. I am using it."

"I am happy with the precedent you set. I have him raped of justice."

Their virtual evil satanic minds had joined their hands to set a political juices flowing.

Andre Boba from Klaipeda who served the Queen of England. He had training not to show his skills.

"I think I lost this job because I had problems at work. The job politics were not proper."

Her sweeping her home from tax inspectors, evil spirits clearing every corner and swearing to avoid responsibility and justice when tax inspectors fall ill from unknown disease her son falls victim to web crimes and physical property damage, a victim to bullies at work.

The pressures they had it was another story. The job loss. Their problems from the perfect Republic of Lithuania corruption.

"I go out for a walk. I hate these solidarity talks from employment lawyers."

Cyberbullying and cursing his good name without knowledge. It was the Satan job at work. The Rackis Industries had them thinking about how he built on Jewish cemetery an empire of evil in old Klaipeda Memel Town in Lithuania.


"The dark forest tree guides him in his spiritual journey to his wisdom of the dark. Let the darkness surround him." Vida Boba hopes to bring the dead forces of the deaf. The fields of dead victims of World War two to raise and surround him.

It would bring vengeance.

"I cannot listen to this anymore. I am going out along the walk of pagan river." He was able to eat many forest fruits and mushrooms. He took none deep in his sorrows about the work.

Andre Boba deeper path along the river. He felt strangled by life itself. His depression to earn an honest living was deeper and deeper into the forest.

"He could not deal with critics of him losing his work." The evil satanic voice of a dead Russian soldier spoke to him. The voice of who had many children raped and burried in the morning of his death.

"I think I am going crazy down here." His voice spoke his mind. Andre Boba continues walking the pathway of Skouds dark forest.

It was the dark forest guiding him. He was able to see his dog rubbing its fur in the dirt in her mind going out for a hunt.

Andre Boba knew the dropping spinning leaves made visions to him and the voices of the dead made louder please.

Her cursing louder and louder.

The home brought sweeping sounds past the forest louder and louder of the screams and curses.

Andre Boba feet soaking deeper in the mud. He heard how the spirits named him the loser. How the business lied and how they bribed Klaipeda Police Commissioner pocket. It was so surreal not to believe it was the truth.

He had to write about it in the posted notes to leave under the coffee table. The lines of hatred before the evening news were on at six PM.

"I cannot focking believe my luck. I am hallucinating. The SAS training made me resilient to the environment but this."

Andre Boba had in mind he was not the creator but specialist in demolition, sabotage and assassination. Therefore the intelligence field training made him merge within the environment he would finish every job.

"I knew this focking logistics job lifting boxes out of and in the container made my life hell. Their fake import documents probably caused me to lose the job."

It was a Klaipeda logistics business that avoided Norway Customs and Import taxes. Andre Boba was the one guilty but the black magic of dark forest sensed his vicious kind to lend its power.

The land made him see within the dream he found a route in the account. The Klaipeda Police Department Commissioner hired criminals to clear customs for illegally imported narcotics.

The local tax authorities took bribes to avoid responsibility. They found a victim. It was him but the dark forest lent him its powers.

"The vision was clear. I must use SAS training to distant spirits, enriching me to kill the business leaders of the corrupt cartel that made me see them in the dream. Yes, it was clear vision."

It was no matter what the crime they committed, it was the matter of dark magic.

The case.

The story of his crime in the spiritual world.

Their gates of evil opened before him. He let the blood out with his working hands. He was now capable of opening the gates.

"I focking do it."

He left home early.

"Chop chop job done. The poor voice translation in LBT national media channel is not the best option but I hope it works from the old Japanese silver screen."

"I can smell shat. I can taste shat. When I am writing it he folds the note under the family coffee table."

He spoke his mind. The thick Roman Greek sculpture hands for work. His body muscles tenderly pull shoulder veins from heavy chest in affection to his strength.

"I hope it wont infringe on their focking copy rights." The SAS war hero, a war criminal who fought in Syria had them do it.

The cast of a black magic for no reason mentioned in the story. A reason you won't read.

Her warmth of blood flowing felt the heat of the night. The night moon's dark side has her blood vessels.

The vassal to evil of her bloodline, her lover Rackis had love with her.

Her flower opens slower, watering the plants between her legs; the evil spreads out of her personal experience.

Rackis wakes up in the morning on his silver bed, a logistics soprano stands up.

The business moguls leader standing in his briefs and slippers. "How long can you sleep!?"

"I will have it a little longer." Her blond hair, her closed blue eyes were not worn off with age of sex. Her form body, her firm nipples last week her boys were feeding on. The tight between she allowed only her boys to feed on it would stay fresh and clean.

Her firm. It's like the business she managed.

It would stay closed to her director Rackis to have joy.

"You stupid biatch get out!" His office hands pull over like another pushover blanket. It was his job.

"I will call you an ambulance."

"I asked you a little longer."

His eyes rolled over he walked away shaking the image of her sleeping in his bed in a pool of blood between her legs her life had gasped.

It was no longer Monday; it was her life passing a dilemma of black arts.

The spirits had her long away gasp her last life breath in peaceful love sleep his hand picked up the phone to dial emergency.

"What the fock is this dog barking away?" He focused back on the call.

The spirits had their powers over Rackis Industries taking every man's wife this way. The very same morning.

"It was true the phenomenal had appeared in anomalies; twenty wives have died in one business link." LBT News Media were reporting.

The cuts came deep within it was like razors diarrhoea out their uterus the faithful night. The simultaneous loss of blood small coroner spoke outside his clinic giving public advice.

Andre Boba thought to himself their holy marriage rings cursed them dying all at once?

Him sitting with the same posted note under the table folded in half. His lips sprayed coffee in the news broke out.

"I better go and shave my balls like spirits said." He walks away leaving us unable to learn what it was written.

Audrius Razma lost two newborns in Thailand from Oxford University created vaccine and manufactured Astrazzenica in Netherlands.

He moved to Netherlands to recreate his life and three Oxford University students with help of local police enforcement and security guard (Nederlandse politie, beveiliger en Enschedese studenten) with help of rape drug kidnapped his Dutch girlfriend and fataly planned overdose.

Audrius_Razmacreators' thoughts