
Antarina Lanchester

She was the most beautiful rose in the empire. Her mesmerizing beauty made people forget that roses have thrones too. She was beautiful, poisonous, distinctive, destructive, and venomous. She ruled like nobody else. The passion and rage she had inside were enough to burn the entire world. She can play twisted games, destroy the world and still not be a criminal. Some hated her, Some envied her, Some resented her, some were attracted to her, and some were mesmerized by her. But nobody could ever deny that she was one of a kind.

_Ramisa_ · Histoire
Pas assez d’évaluations
10 Chs

Chapter 6

Documents are piled up again. It's the regular work but strangely enough, I feel exhausted. I couldn't sleep the last few nights due to the dirty cleaning I had to do for society. Human traffickers, gamblers who gamble organs, child kidnappers, slave auctions, illegal auctions, etc. These crimes make me sick. Morgan enters as if he wants to tell me something. The only reason, he approached me when the other knights are in training and the butlers are not around can be because of the secret message. Every single time it takes a different turn. " Read it to me," I said. " Duke, it's from the Renal count family. The count sends it to you with a secret messenger. It conveys the message that if the duke doesn't reveal that count Renal was in an illegal slave auction trying to earn money then he will present the duke with the most proper land he has on his property." Ha, ha, ha it's been i while since I laughed that hard. Morgan, write a letter to the count that his audacity to bribe me with land will be taken very seriously. Despite knowing that if the Lanchester family bought all the lands in the empire it would never affect the family's economy, he thought that he could buy me with a mere land. his stupidity is appreciated. And make sure to give him details about the consequences since he put so much effort into sending a secret messenger. After writing the letter, Morgan asked "and duke?" He is the captain of the blue moon knights so there is no way that he doesn't know the way I work and think. "And no one named count Renal should exist in the empire anymore". " your wish is my command". Morgan left. I don't have to worry about the rest because I have gathered more than enough capable people in a knight team who know how to do their job properly.

The head butler came and stood in one place for a long time. I understood that he wanted to talk to me privately. I told everyone to go outside for a while. He got information about Antarina. " Duke, the young lady is doing fine. No matter what area it is, she has already shown her extraordinary capability of being a Lanchester". Well, there is no wonder. She was brilliant since childhood. I thought swordsmanship would be a little difficult for her but that thought soon faded. The teacher that was teaching her the basics of swordsmanship reported only after a week that she had already mastered everything. The knight she used to practice with was defeated by her in only ten days. And after defeating numerous knights finally Morgan the captain of blue moon knights was assigned to her. And she is close to defeating him as well. Most of the knights were terrified to fight with her. Because they say she doesn't practice, she fights like the real battlefield. There is a fire inside of her that just wants to burn everything. " And how is she doing overall?" " She is fine your grace. But it seems like she has taken a liking to her fiance". " Are you sure?" " Yes". " Butler, get me information about Antarinas fiance. Including what he has been doing recently" " Yes duke. But you don't seem that happy about ladys fiance". " It was just a family engagement. There was not a problem. If Antarina refused once, it would never take place. But if she has taken a liking to him, then I have to look into it carefully." " I got it, duke". The head butler has been there since I turned 15. He has always been here and thanks to him the maintenance of the mansion has been done properly.

There are three butlers in the mansion of Lanchester. The head butler, The second butler, and the third butler. The first and second butlers are in the mansion for a very long time. And the third butler is barely twenty-five and joined a few years ago. " Duke, the marriage invitations have arrived from numerous elite families for the duke". " And you still didn't burn them? It seems like even after being with your master for many years you still don't know the way your master works" " And if it's how it is. Then maybe I won't need you anymore" " I am sorry duke. I will correct my mistake and reflect on it". " You better if you want to remain as one of the butlers". Marriage invitations make me disgusted. There are many families in the empire who are very interested in the duchess's position in order to gain more power. But it will impossible. Because my heart and the duchess position only belonged to one person and will forever.

The head butler

The duke has always been cold since childhood. It was the consequence of not receiving any warmth. He was always the best in everything. No matter how much people admired him, his inside was still empty. And one encounter with certain someone made him a different person. For the first time, we saw the duke feel all the emotions that he never felt. And everyone remaining in this mansion will always be grateful to that certain someone. But duke is back to his old self again. And it pains everyone remaining who wants to see him happy. Duke is one of the most beautiful men on the continent. His rare silver hair and blue eyes mesmerize everyone even now. There are no wonder ladies still aim for the duchess position despite of everything. But the people present at some certain time know, that it only belongs and always will belong to only one person.