
Antagonist's Dilemma: Unbidden Netori

For some very strange reasons, I seem to be enjoying the Netori genre, but that was in a game.    I was never proud of it, but it had a strange kick to it, but like I said, that was in a game. Although I despise the antagonists for constantly stealing the MC's harem, what frustrates me even more is the MC's own insecurity, hesitance, and fear of being misunderstood. If you bitch out on every situation, you're practically inviting someone else to steal your girl. But there are some antagonists who cross the line—like kidnapping or forcing others against their will. Even though I still engage with the game, I'm not fond of characters like that.   Tragically, those games led to my demise, and now I've transmigrated into the very character I despise. But that doesn't mean I'm going down the Netori route. I'm going to focus on my studies and build a successful life with a loving wife and kids. ... Why does this stupid system keep pushing me towards a harem? I don't want that at all. I'm determined to live a normal life at all costs. (Disclaimer: this story is not netorare, Eric will not get cheated on, and is made from the hate generated from typical weak willed harem manga protagonist) ______________________ here are some tags I can't find #yandere #mature #netori #reverserape

hmangaiha_hmar · Urbain
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24 Chs


Standing in the stall inside the boys' restroom, swiping through the indecent pictures Akari had sent, I was jolted back to reality by the chatter of a group of boys entering the restroom.

I quickly strapped my erection to my belt to conceal it and wiped a bit of drool from the corner of my mouth.

As I stood there, my heart pounding and my mind racing, the reality of the situation sank in. The arousal I felt from Akari's photos was undeniable.

During my time in the restroom, amidst the laughter and chatter of the boys who had just entered, one thing became crystal clear to me—I was definitely not gay.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself before leaving the stall and rejoining the normalcy of the school day.

As I walked back to class, I noticed that while the students still reacted to my handsomeness, their gazes were more tolerable than when I first arrived at school. The initial intensity of their curiosity had waned, allowing me a bit more breathing room.

Back in the classroom, my classmates stared at me with a mix of curiosity and anticipation, likely due to my abrupt exit earlier.

Their eyes followed my every move, as if they were expecting me to do something out of the ordinary. Despite their intense scrutiny, no one dared to voice their questions or concerns, maintaining an awkward silence that filled the room.

It was clear that my unusual behavior hadn't gone unnoticed, but for now, they chose to keep their thoughts to themselves.

In the back of the classroom, Midori remained seated beside the original main character, whose name, I discovered, was Souma.

It turns out Souma came from a middle-class family and was the only child with both parents still alive. As for his gloomy nature, I suspect it's simply a part of the game settings.

I returned to my seat, ignoring the stares directed at me.

Class was about to start, and my mind was racing with thoughts about the Akari situation. I still had no idea how to handle it.


A textbook came hurtling down from above, landing abruptly in front of my face and thudding onto my desk, snapping me out of my thoughts.

It was Midori Sato standing beside my desk, one hand resting casually on her hip while the other gripped the textbook. The posture highlighted her attractive figure, drawing attention to her undeniable attractiveness.

Although a smile graced her lips, it didn't quite reach her eyes, suggesting she was forcing herself to appear cheerful while harboring some lingering resentment toward me. 

"Eric-kun, these are the important notes from before you were admitted," she said, setting the textbook down on my desk and folding her hands behind her back.

Her smile, though strained, conveyed a sense of obligation rather than genuine warmth. There was an awkwardness in the air, as if she were trying to maintain composure despite lingering frustration.

Yup, she's definitely upset about something. Whatever the reason, I'm not inclined to ask. Perhaps the system offended her in the past few days, though I can't recall exactly.

"I see, thank you very much," I replied, quickly flipping through the book to assess the amount of notes inside before closing it again.


About thirty seconds passed, and Midori Saito remained standing beside my desk, waiting for something to happen. Meanwhile, my classmates watched us like spectators, as if a live drama were unfolding before them.

"Ehem, um... can I do you a favor in return for the notes?" I asked earnestly, my expression serious. I didn't want to acknowledge the tension, but I was cornered, like a trapped mouse, since the moment Midori approached me.

"No, no, there's no need. I didn't do it with the intention of getting something in return," she replied, waving her hand dismissively.

That's a lie. There's no way you're giving off such a sinister vibe without a reason.


I fucking knew it. 

"If you really want to return the favor, maybe you can start by checking your messages for a change," she suggested, her tone carrying a hint of exasperation.

"I see, then I shall—"

"As you should," she interrupted, not letting me finish. It seemed being left on delivered for the first time did not sit well with her.

As I was thinking of a reasonable excuse, there was a sliding sound on the classroom door—it was the homeroom teacher coming to my rescue.

All the students returned to their seats, including Midori. Although I couldn't bring myself to look in his direction, I doubted Souma was reacting to the situation at all.

I didn't know if that was good or bad, but one thing was certain—I needed to know his intentions ASAP. Given the high chance he could be my killer, considering I stole all his girls in the original plot, it was crucial to figure out where he stood.


The class proceeded as usual until lunch break, when Akari arrived at our classroom doorstep. Upon entering, she exuded a distinct elegance that instantly captivated everyone's attention.

The class fell silent, all eyes drawn to us. A student nearby even adjusted his chair and opened a bag of chips, unable to resist joining in on the spectacle.

"E—hem," came a noise from the back, demanding attention be redirected toward her.

I turned my head slightly to the side, catching a glimpse of her with my peripheral vision. Just as I feared, tension seemed to be building between the two heroines under the system's influence. The entire class was just waiting for the drama to unfold.

'Yo, MC, get your girl,' is what I wanted to say but there was no way I was stepping into the fray without knowing the cause of their conflict.

And yes, you guessed it right. Despite all the system's antics, I'm still not accepting the harem and intend to focus on my retirement as much as possible.

As for Akari, I'll find a way to deal with her.


Hi author here

I wanted to apologise for the inconsistent update, just started college again so, yeah that's really much the only reason

Thanks for reading it ^∆^