

His heart was cold, cold enough that even ice would lose its coldness seeing his freezing heart. Even fire has to lit off his flames after witnessing his fiery eyes. People often say he has water running in his system rather than blood. He chose to live like that after he lost his innocent mother and father whom he considered his role model. But now he was more vile and vengeful than he ever was. Because now he lost his brother. He had vowed to protect him with his life and he failed. He would go the end of earth and to the gates of hell to avenge his brother. She still blames herself for his death. The memory was still fresh in her mind. She was punishing herself each day, every hour, and every moment of her life. Both of them were mourning for the same person so destiny played the wicked game to seal their fate through the same person they loved most.

Keisha_Mars · Urbain
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19 Chs

His resilience

Orion had enough of Ruth's ignorance . She had pushed him for a whole week yet he silently calmed his beast and not to pound on her . But the moment he saw Darius with her, he lost it. He had so patiently waited for her and she repaid him with that.

" Excuse me? "

Ruth didn't understand exactly what and why he asked. Whether she was with Darius or any other person, it was none of his concern yet he was spitting fire on her because of reasons unknown to her.

" Never mind. "

Ruth, after realizing that he wouldn't be saying anything else sat comfortably on her chair.

The grip Orion had on his chair and the blank face he had pulled set a dread on Ruth's skin. His knuckles were white and his eyes were dead set on her. Mark and Sara were engrossed in what Darius was explaining while the remaining two were lost in their own world.

Suddenly Ruth jumped on her seat in fright when a warm yet rough, hard hands landed on her knees.

" Something wrong Ruth? "

Concerned Darius, after looking the flushed state of Ruth asked her .

" No, let's continue. "

Darius told that one of the interior designer of his company would contact Ruth to discuss certain things. Her part of renovations would not take much time.

Ruth made all attempts to shove away his hands off her knees but it was Orion. He would let go only when he wanted to. And for now he had no intentions of letting her go.

His fingers played with her dress while his focus was solely on Darius and Ruth who was somehow making conversation with him. Once again she tried to untangle his fingers but this time Orion gripped her hands instead.

A nasty look was thrown on his way saying - Stop annoying me.

Smirking Orion brought her hands to his lap. Their seats were close , it somewhat relieved Ruth that others couldn't look what Orion was doing to her under the table.

Orion hissed when her nails dug his outer membrane, marking his skin , crescent.

" I would like this nails to pierce my back not my hands. "

Ruth was left speechless listening to Orion's comment. How dirty he was talking to her without caring that they could hear them but no, no one heard him.

With each attempt Orion made his grip more tight. After scratching him, kicking him she left her hands on that state, on his lap. And she focused on the ongoing conversation . She would deal with him later, she decided.

Orion couldn't help himself but to admire her soft and small hands. Her nails were perfectly manicured and fit so right in his big ones. He was now playing with her fingers, distracting her from her prime focus.

Orion wanted to kiss those hands who were now looking perfect in his hands, a beautiful contrast of color, her pale and his tan skin.

" I think that's all for now. I will update if needed. "

Ruth was now tired of all these meetings. The meetings Orion organize were mainly about his hotel but his stubborn self always include Ruth in them. It was waste of her time.

" You guys carry on I want to have a talk with Mr. Vassiliev ."

Ruth, snatching her hands from his clutch when he was distracted, gave a tight smile to others to make them leave the room.

" I will wait for you in your cabin. "

Darius didn't want to leave them alone but as Ruth wanted some talk he decided to let them so he could have her focus on him for the rest of the day.

With a nod all left the room. Orion for the first time was happy that she wanted to talk to him.

" Mr. Vassiliev. "

" Orion. "

" What? "

" Call me Orion. "

She ignored his demand and continued.

" I will appreciate if you behave professionally when we are in office. What you did during the meeting was highly inappropriate and I won't tolerate this next time. "

Folding her hands across her arms she sat sat back straight.

He imitated her posture before replying.

" And I won't tolerate your ignorance next time. Why didn't you pick up my phone or not replied to my texts? "

Orion never was this desperate for someone's attention but every one has their first .

" It's upto me if I want to talk to you or not."

With an arrogant reply she stood from her chair to run from his congesting presence. He was intimidating her with his broad shoulders and questions. Yet Ruth held her composure and made her way to the door. Before she could even open the door her back clashed with the hard surface of wall.

" Don't you dare to run out of this room before listening to me. "

Orion was furious that Ruth wanted to leave him so that she could go and meet Darius who was waiting for her.

" Orion. "

She breathed. His face was impossibly close to her. His scent engulfed her senses, making her dizzy.

" Sounds like a heaven. "

He commented.

The way she called him either in fright or flight, it evoked something in him. Like only she had the right to call him that way.

" Leave me. "

Ruth gritted.

" Not this fast. And you are not meeting that Punk after this. "

Orion hated even thinking of her with Darius. With how much adoration Darius looked at Ruth irritated Orion to no ends.

" Are you serious right now? Cause I'm not in the mood for your games. "

Her pushes to his chest were like soft touches to Orion. He grasped both of her hands in his one hand and from the other he tipped her jaw up to his eyes.

Ruth was totally shocked that how easily Orion could control her with only one hand.

" But I'm always in the mood. "

He tugged her forward while saying.

His minty breath fanned her lips and eyes.

" Orion leave me. Darius is waiting for me."

" You are not going back to him. "

Ruth was losing her calm demeanor. Why did it mattered to him in anyway?

" Why not? And who are you to told me what not to do. No one right so back off. "

Ruth never liked when someone tries to control her and in this case Orion was total control freak.

She directly looked into his eyes which were already hard and blank.

" For now I'm no one. "

He accepted. Orion didn't know why he didn't want to leave her with Darius. Although he looked clean, there was more to it.

" But you will have your lunch with me only. "

With that being said he started dragging her out of the room towards the exit. Luckily the hallway was empty so she kicked, screamed and cursed him but it all fell on deaf ears.

When they were around her cabin and people started checking them she stopped her actions and let him drag her.

" Ruth? "