

His heart was cold, cold enough that even ice would lose its coldness seeing his freezing heart. Even fire has to lit off his flames after witnessing his fiery eyes. People often say he has water running in his system rather than blood. He chose to live like that after he lost his innocent mother and father whom he considered his role model. But now he was more vile and vengeful than he ever was. Because now he lost his brother. He had vowed to protect him with his life and he failed. He would go the end of earth and to the gates of hell to avenge his brother. She still blames herself for his death. The memory was still fresh in her mind. She was punishing herself each day, every hour, and every moment of her life. Both of them were mourning for the same person so destiny played the wicked game to seal their fate through the same person they loved most.

Keisha_Mars · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
19 Chs

Her anger


" I will drop you to your apartment. "

" No need. I'm an adult, I can find my way to my home Mr. Vassiliev and besides that you have done enough for me. "

She hasn't forgotten what he did to her in that party. He knew she would be the target yet he brought her to that awful place. As soon as people started approching to demean her she wanted nothing but get out of the suffocating environment but also she didn't want to look like a coward. She was a strong lady and she faced the pathetic people with her head held high with confidence and strong aura surrounding her presence.

Although Orion shut the mouths of everyone who breathe even a word in her way but not he was the one who lead her to them? And she could never forget what happened with her in the bathroom.

Before Orion could stop her, Ruth blocked the distance by shutting the door with much force that almost unhinged the door.

Helpless and Sad? He didn't know what feeling was that but anger was surely one of them. She left him! He didn't know that taking Ruth would be the worst decision. He thought he had it all , he would never let anyone get to her yet she was unknowingly thrown in the beast's cave. He protected her from the comments and lusty eyes or thought so but he failed her.

Orion in some way blamed himself for whatever happened to her. Her anger was valid. But also promised himself that he would not spare the person without making him suffer.

The man who attacked Ruth was Brian, spoiled son of a businessman who handed his entire empire to his useless son. Orion surely know how man like Brian were, they thought with their dicks not with their brain, probably because his brain was nothing but garbage.

He texted Mark to prepare the basement for him, he would soon visit Brian till then Mark was allowed to torture him as much as he want but not kill him. Brian was his prey.

Ruth settled on her decision for royally ignoring Orion and was successful in doing it for two days. She never picked up his calls, left the texts without replying and avoided meetings with him . Gratified that he had not knocked at her office door yet .

Mark was in contact with Ruth about the designs because Orion was giving her time. Although his patience was running on a thin thread. It was a matter of time he would loose it and no one but Ruth would have to take the blame of what would happen, not to her but the havoc Orion would create.

* * * * *

" She is such a stubborn woman. I don't know how people keep up with her. She like all the things to go her way. So much like you. "

Taking a sip of his cigarette Mark complained to Orion about Ruth. Mark went to her office to discuss some points and the meeting was a total disaster. He knew Ruth was still angry with Orion and was taking it out on him.

A deep chuckle escaped Orion lips.

" Good for you. You have nothing much to do anyways. "

It was hard to get under Mark's skin. Orion's lips tilted up in amazement that a petite woman could rile up Mark, one of the most haughty person after Orion. But she was Ruth not any other woman, he had seen her stubbornness.

" Shut up. And tell your woman to stop ruining my chances with Sara. "

Mark was doing everything to get Sara but every chance he would get, Ruth was there to dash it.

" I can't blame her. Ruth is protective over Sara. I don't want you trying to get in her assistant's pants. "

Crushing his cigarette under his shoes Orion glared at Mark. Ruth was still far away from talking terms with him and he didn't want Mark to add up one more pile that would lead Ruth to finally snap.

However the one thing Orion didn't notice was Mark's smirk. Orion didn't deny when Mark referred Ruth as his woman .

" Leave that . What about Brian? For how long will you keep him? You just order to torture him then tend him. "

The colourful Mark was gone and was now replaced with the second boss. Mark knew Orion would not let Brian go this easily. When Orion visited basement that night he did a number on Brian . No one would recognize his face now, the handsome face was long gone, his nose was crooked and some of his teeth had fallen . All in all Brian was a wreck.

" I don't have anything in mind for him now, keep blowing his bones though. I will think about how to end him when I will solve my differences with Ruth. "

His hands in fist and eyes unmerciful when the scene of Brian touching Ruth flared before his eyes. But his priority was Ruth.

" Hm. I'm looking forward to it. I have to let out my frustrations on someone. So much for not being getting a good fuck for about a week. "

Mark accused Orion. Mark was busy handling the underground businesses, then he also had to look after his work and then he had to face the Red Ruth for Orion.

" I didn't do anything. You are free to go to the strip clubs. "

" Nah! I'll pass. "

Shutting the door behind him Mark left Orion with his thoughts.

He had enough of Ruth's ignoring him. The first thing he would do the next day was putting Ruth in her place. She really was igniting something in him, unknown to him.

* * * *

" Ma'am Mr. Vassiliev and Mr. Erikson are here. I have guided them to the meeting room, Mr. Matthew said he will be here in five minutes. "

Sara informed Ruth about their arrival. Ruth didn't know what Orion had to say now. She had not met him for a week and now she was hesitant to face him.

Sara left her cabin to attend them. Ruth took her laptop to leave for the meeting when a knock halted her action.

"Come in. "

" I see you are still here. "

" Darry? "

" Yeah I thought to check up on you before meeting. "

" Thanks. Let's go ,you probably don't know the way, good you came to me."

" Yeah. Lead the way. "

Darius wanted to talk to Ruth. He thought she would contact him, afterall they have met after years. But he respected her space and didn't pry.

" Tight schedule? "

Darius asked. Carefully to not give her wrong intentions.

" No. Just this meeting and then I'm free. "

" Good. Can we talk after the meeting. On lunch? "

" Sure, why not. I want to catch up with you and I will love to know how you changed this much. Our last meeting was ruined so yes for lunch. "

Ruth didn't even hide her malicious feeling thinking how Orion invaded their talk.

Sara was giving updates about the business to Orion. He was serious when he said he would help Ruth. Mark was doing nothing but ogling Sara who was oblivious of Mark's contagious stare.

Three heads peaked up when the door of the meeting was held open by Darius who was giving way to Ruth.

She totally ignored Orion's burning stare and sat at the head chair. However it didn't get unnoticed by Darius that how intense his gaze was. He was ready to kill Darius.

Sara and Orion were seated on either side of Ruth. Darius sat next to Sara just like Mark was on other side of Orion.

" Why he was with you? "

His cold and deep voice boomed the room shaking Ruth in her place.