
Another World Story

This story is about an average high school boy with an average lifestyle who likes to read novels especially fantasy ones and was transferred to another world along with his classmates from his school. As they were transferred our protagonist, John Kaiser, was the sole student among his classmates who were left behind, leaving him all alone in their classroom. As he was wondering what happened to the others, he remembered one of the novels he had read. It was a story of a fantasy world, where a king of a human kingdom summons heroes from another world to save their world from the demon king, a typical Isekai (Another World) fantasy novel. Our protagonist, John Kaiser, started to contemplate and question 'why?' why was he the only one not summoned? And as his questions go crazy, a light emerges from the place where he was sitting. Is this the start of our protagonist's fantasy adventure as a hero? Or will he live the same life again as an average person even in another world?

Ezract · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Day Twenty-Five: "I want you..."

"Does she also want to train...?"

Is the thought that passed through my mind at the moment.

But! I don't know if she wants to train or just planning on killing me!

Wait, now that I think about it there were plenty of times she could kill me, during the time I was asleep

or something.

But she didn't. Plus, she's confronting me head on, even if I'm exhausted it doesn't mean I can't fight back!

I've been honing my strength every day to fight those dog bastards! I'm not going down that easy!


Oh wait, rabbits at her side, let's ask him first.

Got caught up in the heat there... She got no reason to kill me either... right?



"What's going on? Why is she outside? Is she leaving now?"

It would be good if she could leave... But, I don't want her to leave. I mean... She's still wearing the

things I made you know? I'm not doing charity here you guys, I may be a kind gentleman, but I do things with

the thought of 'receiving something at the end', and I'd really like it if she could return the favor I


You're saying she didn't ask for the things I gave her? That's true, but she still owes me her life, though

rabbit was the one who cured her wounds, I was the one who rescued her from the lake she fell off.

So, she still owes me something.

You're saying what if she offered herself? Guys... I know full well that that won't happen. I mean, she

doesn't even want to get near me! It hurts when being treated like I'm some filth...

Though, if she would offer herself... I could only say; "Thanks for the meal!".

I did say I wouldn't lay my hands on the person I'm not going to marry, BUT! I'm not such an ungrateful

human being that I would refuse something that's offered infront of me for free!

Still, I highly doubt she would do that. So, I think I'll just use her as additional man power, or rather

'Girl Power'? I could train her so that we could easily hunt and level up.

The more the merrier as they say.

"Strength. Girl. Want."

"Hmmm... so you want me to train her?" I asked.

Understanding that, he nodded his small head, his big ears sway back and forth.

So she really wanted to train... But why me?

Welp. There's no other sapient creature here besides us so I guess it would be me... Plus she must've seen

me training like hell every day, though I can't say for sure if my training is hell mode though. HAHA!

Anyways. Now that it comes to this, I should think this over, whether to refuse or accept.

By training her, I could get more 'Girl Power' from her. That said, that training her wouldn't mean she

would help me either, she could leave after her training is complete or she could kill me either...

Ugh... What an unpleasant thought.

Also training her would be a pain in the arse. I mean, she hasn't apologized yet for pointing her sword at

me and treating me like garbage you know, it hurt my pride you know.

So I should refuse here... right?

Hmmm... Should I tell her that she needed to apologized first? But, I would look like a petty person if I

did that... Nah, f*cked that! Pride is an important part of me! That's one of the few things I should not

throw away!

Deciding that I spoke.

"So you want to train huh?"

As I asked that, rabbit turned to the girl, responding to that she nodded.

Derailing from the topic. I've been curious about this since I met rabbit, the language of this world is surprisingly similar to the language of the world I was summoned from. Though I can't say for certain in writing but, I the vocabulary is somewhat similar. The only difference is that, the Fauna and Flora of this world. Well, that should be expected from another world. So I was wondering if the words from this world, originated from my world or a world similar to that. Welp, let's add this to our "To be Research" list.

Back to the topic at hand.

"You know you haven't apologized yet for how you've treated me right?" I asked.

I looked at the girl as she gazed back at me.

I don't really know why but, I feel conflicted every time I looked at her, especially when I looked at her eyes. Brimming with determination, strength, hatred and almost all kinds of negative emotions, as if she was looking at the world as her enemy.

Welp, it's easy to see why her eyes are like that.

"I don't really mind training you, though I can't say that the 'training' I'm doing is what you could

training" I added.

Without answering me she looked at me intently.

Understanding that she's listening, I continued talking.

"I won't do this for free either, I'm adding this to my "To collect" list"





This rabbit...

"Ehem... As I said earlier, you haven't apologized yet, and I'm going to need you to repay me in someway"

As I said that I looked straight at the girl.

Uwaah... She got a disgusted look on her... It seems she misunderstood what I said. It wouldn't be good if she decided to use- Aaahhh!


Screaming to the top of my lungs, I immediately cover the girl's body with a pelt I took from my 'Dimension Storage'.

"I didn't say anything about taking off clothes?! What are you thinking?!"

"John. Want. No?"

"...You furry bastard! So it was your Idea?!"

Saying that, I glared at rabbit. So this was this bastard's idea... Does he want to kill me?

"John. Enjoyed. No?"


I didn't even saw a thing! Though I wouldn't say that out loud.

"A-anyways! cover yourself up. That's not the thing I want from you"

"John. Want. Not?"

"Yeah, that's not what I want"


This f*cker almost gave me a heart attack. I would not know what she would have done if we were to continue on that route...

Ugh... I don't even want to imagine.

Though I'm contradicting what I said earlier, I want a good relationship with this girl, especially if I

were to train her. I don't want any disciple killing the master in a bout kind of thing.

That said, she readily gave her body away... It's as if she's saying, "I will use every means I can to

achieved my goal" that kind of thing. But, the look on her eyes, it's empty. The moment she took it off, although it was but a glance, those electric blue eyes of her that's full of hatred and strength immediately turned into an empty husk.

"Anyways, let's go eat for now. I will train you after lunch"

Deciding that, I walk towards my house, the two followed.

It's easy to know, that that reaction of her is a kind of sign.

'I want you to be our guide...' or something, is what I want to tell her, though I guess that could wait.


After lunch.

We are back to the front of my house(cave).

"Just gonna say this early on, I don't fight fair, and I would not fight fair either, so go ahead and give it your all, fight me with the intent to kill"

Saying that I took my beloved, the Haki Reindeer Antler Dagger from my 'Dimension Storage'.

We are going to have a mock battle in order for me to know what to train her in, or what she would need to develop.

And as if acknowledging my words, the girl unsheathes the short sword she is holding and immediately lower her center of gravity.

Uwaah... She's trained?!

The look on her eyes, if a gaze could kill a person, I would have died multiple times already... That's some strength girl.

The bloodlust she's emitting is incredible, it made both my and rabbit's experience in danger seems like child play... What's up with her?!

"I-I did say, that you need to fight me with the intent to kill... but, can you not kill me please?"

Pride is but a nuisance in battle.

Deciding that, I lowered my center of gravity.

"John. Petty."

"I don't care! Life is more important than pride!"

Acknowledging my words, the girl nodded her head and took a stance, the tip of her sword directed at me.

I'll lose this, if I would not give it my all.

That said. How can she emit such aura? Just what happened to her?

"Rabbit, you signal the start of the battle"

Rabbit nodded at my words, went between me and the girl and raise his front leg.


In a battle, there would always be a signal. It could either be audible or inaudible.


No matter what kind of situation, you need to keep calm and find that signal, that chance to attack and moved before the enemy could even take a step.


The swift takes the lead!

{Another World Story}

Day Twenty-Five: "I want you..."

"Does she also want to train...?"

Is the thought that passed through my mind at the moment.

But! I don't know if she wants to train or just planning on killing me!

Wait, now that I think about it there were plenty of times she could kill me, during the time I was asleep

or something.

But she didn't. Plus, she's confronting me head on, even if I'm exhausted it doesn't mean I can't fight back!

I've been honing my strength every day to fight those dog bastards! I'm not going down that easy!


Oh wait, rabbits at her side, let's ask him first.

Got caught up in the heat there... She got no reason to kill me either... right?



"What's going on? Why is she outside? Is she leaving now?"

It would be good if she could leave... But, I don't want her to leave. I mean... She's still wearing the

things I made you know? I'm not doing charity here you guys, I may be a kind gentleman, but I do things with

the thought of 'receiving something at the end', and I'd really like it if she could return the favor I


You're saying she didn't ask for the things I gave her? That's true, but she still owes me her life, though

rabbit was the one who cured her wounds, I was the one who rescued her from the lake she fell off.

So, she still owes me something.

You're saying what if she offered herself? Guys... I know full well that that won't happen. I mean, she

doesn't even want to get near me! It hurts when being treated like I'm some filth...

Though, if she would offer herself... I could only say; "Thanks for the meal!".

I did say I wouldn't lay my hands on the person I'm not going to marry, BUT! I'm not such an ungrateful

human being that I would refuse something that's offered infront of me for free!

Still, I highly doubt she would do that. So, I think I'll just use her as additional man power, or rather

'Girl Power'? I could train her so that we could easily hunt and level up.

The more the merrier as they say.

"Strength. Girl. Want."

"Hmmm... so you want me to train her?" I asked.

Understanding that, he nodded his small head, his big ears sway back and forth.

So she really wanted to train... But why me?

Welp. There's no other sapient creature here besides us so I guess it would be me... Plus she must've seen

me training like hell every day, though I can't say for sure if my training is hell mode though. HAHA!

Anyways. Now that it comes to this, I should think this over, whether to refuse or accept.

By training her, I could get more 'Girl Power' from her. That said, that training her wouldn't mean she

would help me either, she could leave after her training is complete or she could kill me either...

Ugh... What an unpleasant thought.

Also training her would be a pain in the arse. I mean, she hasn't apologized yet for pointing her sword at

me and treating me like garbage you know, it hurt my pride you know.

So I should refuse here... right?

Hmmm... Should I tell her that she needed to apologized first? But, I would look like a petty person if I

did that... Nah, f*cked that! Pride is an important part of me! That's one of the few things I should not

throw away!

Deciding that I spoke.

"So you want to train huh?"

As I asked that, rabbit turned to the girl, responding to that she nodded.

Derailing from the topic. I've been curious about this since I met rabbit, the language of this world is

surprisingly similar to the language of the world I was summoned from. Though I can't say for certain in

writing but, I the vocabulary is somewhat similar. The only difference is that, the Fauna and Flora of this

world. Well, that should be expected from another world. So I was wondering if the words from this world,

originated from my world or a world similar to that.

Welp, let's add this to our "To be Research" list.

Back to the topic at hand.

"You know you haven't apologized yet for how you've treated me right?" I asked.

I looked at the girl as she gazed back at me.

I don't really know why but, I feel conflicted every time I looked at her, especially when I looked at her

eyes. Brimming with determination, strength, hatred and almost all kinds of negative emotions, as if she was

looking at the world as her enemy.

Welp, it's easy to see why her eyes are like that.

"I don't really mind training you, though I can't say that the 'training' I'm doing is what you could

training" I added.

Without answering me she looked at me intently.

Understanding that she's listening, I continued talking.

"I won't do this for free either, I'm adding this to my "To collect" list"





This rabbit...

"Ehem... As I said earlier, you haven't apologized yet, and I'm going to need you to repay me in someway"

As I said that I looked straight at the girl.

Uwaah... She got a disgusted look on her... It seems she misunderstood what I said. It wouldn't be good if

she decided to use- Aaahhh!


Screaming to the top of my lungs, I immediately cover the girl's body with a pelt I took from my 'Dimension


"I didn't say anything about taking off clothes?! What are you thinking?!"

"John. Want. No?"

"...You furry bastard! So it was your Idea?!"

Saying that, I glared at rabbit. So this was this bastard's idea... Does he want to kill me?

"John. Enjoyed. No?"


I didn't even saw a thing! Though I wouldn't say that outloud.

"A-anyways! cover yourself up. That's not the thing I want from you"

"John. Want. Not?"

"Yeah, that's not what I want"


This f*cker almost gave me a heart attack. I would not know what she would have done if we were to continue

on that route...

Ugh... I don't even want to imagine.

Though I'm contradicting what I said earlier, I want a good relationship with this girl, especially if I

were to train her. I don't want any disciple killing the master in a bout kind of thing.

That said, she readily gave her body away... It's as if she's saying, "I will use every means I can to

achieved my goal" that kind of thing. But, the look on her eyes, it's empty. The moment she took it off,

although it was but a glance, those electric blue eyes of her that's full of hatred and strength immediately

turned into an empty husk.

"Anyways, let's go eat for now. I will train you after lunch"

Deciding that, I walk towards my house, the two followed.

It's easy to know, that that reaction of her is a kind of sign.

'I want you to be our guide...' or something, is what I want to tell her, though I guess that could wait.


After lunch.

We are back to the front of my house(cave).

"Just gonna say this early on, I don't fight fair, and I would not fight fair either, so go ahead and give it your all, fight me with the intent to kill"

Saying that I took my beloved, the Haki Reindeer Antler Dagger from my 'Dimension Storage'.

We are going to have a mock battle in order for me to know what to train her in, or what she would need to develop.

And as if acknowledging my words, the girl unsheathes the short sword she is holding and immediately lower her center of gravity.

Uwaah... She's trained?!

The look on her eyes, if a gaze could kill a person, I would have died multiple times already... That's some strength girl.

The bloodlust she's emitting is incredible, it made both my and rabbit's experience in danger seems like child play... What's up with her?!

"I-I did say, that you need to fight me with the intent to kill... but, can you not kill me please?"

Pride is but a nuisance in battle.

Deciding that, I lowered my center of gravity.

"John. Petty."

"I don't care! Life is more important than pride!"

Acknowledging my words, the girl nodded her head and took a stance, the tip of her sword directed at me.

I'll lose this, if I would not give it my all.

That said. How can she emit such aura? Just what happened to her?

"Rabbit, you signal the start of the battle"

Rabbit nodded at my words, went between me and the girl and raise his front leg.


In a battle, there would always be a signal. It could either be audible or inaudible.


No matter what kind of situation, you need to keep calm and find that signal, that chance to attack and moved before the enemy could even take a step.


The swift takes the lead!