
Another World Story

This story is about an average high school boy with an average lifestyle who likes to read novels especially fantasy ones and was transferred to another world along with his classmates from his school. As they were transferred our protagonist, John Kaiser, was the sole student among his classmates who were left behind, leaving him all alone in their classroom. As he was wondering what happened to the others, he remembered one of the novels he had read. It was a story of a fantasy world, where a king of a human kingdom summons heroes from another world to save their world from the demon king, a typical Isekai (Another World) fantasy novel. Our protagonist, John Kaiser, started to contemplate and question 'why?' why was he the only one not summoned? And as his questions go crazy, a light emerges from the place where he was sitting. Is this the start of our protagonist's fantasy adventure as a hero? Or will he live the same life again as an average person even in another world?

Ezract · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Day Twenty: Confront (1)

「Boy: haaa...」The boy exhales as he looked at the beautiful night sky, there were two moons that differ in size from each other and countless stars filling the night sky, it looked like a scene from a virtual reality game except you could feel and smell everything around you.

「Boy: When... did I start having these sympathetic feelings? Was it in high school? Or Middle school? No, I think it's way back since I was a kid...」He thought as he closed his eyes and grasped the splinters of broken and burnt wood tightly, he lifted his head to the sky, feeling the cold wind of the night.

「Boy: how did I end up like this...?」he mumbled to himself.

Back Inside the cave the rabbit and the girl were looking at the standing boy, they didn't want to call out to him, no, rather they can't.

The girl who can't speak due to some circumstances stared at the back of the boy, though she stopped scrubbing the black felt to her pear-like skin minutes ago and the reddened skin was now slowly turning to its original shade, the girl still held on to the felt and sword's hilt tightly, she was scared of what the boy could do to her, the explosion was enough of a message that the boy has the means to kill her in an instant if she fought back, still, she didn't lower the sword and her glare became fiercer.

The rabbit who didn't bother to call out to him due to not being able to talk properly just stared at his back, It's not a wide back nor was it a small back either, It's just the perfect size for a high school kid with a height of 174cm, nonetheless, the rabbit knew it was a dependable back as it's the back that protected it throughout the short journey they had before meeting the girl.

The rabbit looked at the boy's back with nostalgic eyes before shifting its gaze towards the wary girl, who's still pointing the sword at the boy, even though he was pretty far from her, no, more like the girl became warier because of the explosion she now knows that the boy could kill her or bury her alive here in the cave, and that thought made the rabbit question.

「Rabbit: Why. Girl. Fight?」It said as it cocked its small head to the right, its eyes show worry and pity.

「Girl: ...」The girl looked at the rabbit with surprised eyes, she didn't expect the question from the rabbit. No, rather she's still baffled by how the rabbit can talk, she didn't know that rabbits can talk nor walk on their two hind legs.

She stared at the rabbit, she didn't understand the rabbit's question as she also cocked her head. The emotions she's showing towards the rabbit were vastly different compare to how she treats the boy, and the girl knows that the rabbit was also a male as the boy said but her reactions towards it were definitely different.

「Boy: Was it due to how humans treated her?」the boy thought as he looked inside the cave. He was watching how the events inside the cave would go, as he stood still outside not bothering to move nor go back.

He watched the reactions the girl makes towards the rabbit and compared it to her reactions towards him, and made a quick assumption that she's only wary towards humans or maybe even humanoid races as they will make her remember her terrible days.

「Boy: Hoo... I need to calm down, My goal is not to help anyone in need, I'm no hero, I'm not Alex, my goal is to oversee the others... haa... but, if I could help her in any way...」The boy thought to himself as he looked back inside the cave again, he focused his sense of hearing in order to hear the low voice of the rabbit.

「Rabbit: Why. Girl. Fight?」The rabbit asked once again, its big blue round eyes were peering into the girl's electric blue eyes as if wanting to see her soul.

「Girl: ...」The girl opened her mouth as she tried to speak, but no voice came out, she was mute for six long years now, but she was able to speak again before she almost died, but why can't she now? was it because she was alive that her voice didn't return again? The girl didn't know the reason as she hung her head.

「Rabbit: Speak. Can't?」 the rabbit spoke as it hopped closer to the girl.

The girl didn't speak as she shooked her head horizontally. She could see the rabbit hopping at the edge of her peripheral vision, it was moving towards her, but she didn't feel like denying the rabbit, and that itself was a contradiction to her conviction. She didn't want to accept it, but she couldn't deny it either. She wanted help but she didn't want to be helped either. Those contradictions made the girl closed her eyes, she didn't want to see the rabbit's peering eyes as that would make her waver.

「Rabbit: Girl. Alright?」the rabbit asked, it was standing infront of the girl, trying to peek at the girl's face.

The girl shook her head, she's not alright. Her happy life with her parents was taken from her and she was defiled by many, men and women alike used her for convenience and pleasure. She wanted to return to her parents to meet them again and see her new sister that she saw years ago, she wanted to meet them, and now she was defiled once again, trapped inside a cave, with the person who she thinks defiled her once again, she can't show her face to her family any longer, she was filthy is what she thought. She wanted to cry but she can't, no tears were flowing, she has dried up a long time ago.

「Rabbit: Want. Water?」The rabbit asked, which was immediately turned down by the girl as she shook her head horizontally.

「Rabbit: Want. Food?」It asked, But was immediately turned down.

The rabbit continued to ask the girl and the girl continued to shake her head, this back and forth question and denial event continued, until a question she didn't expect coming.

「Rabbit: Family. Where?」The rabbit asked, still peering into the girl's face, its face was plastered with worry.

「Girl: ...」The girl opened her eyes and looked at the rabbit.

「Rabbit: Girl. Know. Where. Family?」it asked as it cocked its small head to the right, its two big ears followed suit and bent to the right side as well.

「Girl: ...」The girl was silent, but she nodded her head slightly to the rabbit.

The rabbit's eyes glitter as it saw the girl's reaction, its worried gaze was now untraceable as it was replaced with joy.

「Rabbit: Family. Where?」it asked again.

The girl made a slight smile as it looked at the rabbit, she then turned her gaze from the rabbit at her side to the front where the entrance is. The boy was standing there looking at them. Then their eyes met, the girl's electric blue eyes were locked onto the boy's onyx black eyes.

The boy began to walk towards her as he peers into her eyes, the girl didn't move, she didn't know why but she keeps her gaze locked onto his.

Those onyx black eyes of the boy were devoid of life as she peers into them, she couldn't see any emotions nor life through it, it was like the boy was a hollow shell, and the thought itself removed her from their locked gaze. She gripped the hilt of her sword tightly.

「Girl: I'll kill you the moment you get near!」the girl thought to herself.

Cluck. Cluck. Cluck

The boy's steps reverberated throughout the cave he didn't look elsewhere as he locked his gaze to her, and after a few seconds, he stopped. The boy was now in reach of the girl, if she extended her sword towards him, he'll die.

He stood there silently, looking at the girl's quivering eyes, she was glaring at him and the short sword was pointed at him.

The rabbit at the sideline looked at the two, it didn't know what the boy was doing and he couldn't understand why the girl was angry at the boy to that extent. The rabbit knew that the boy didn't do anything to her, which is why it was confusing, the boy already clarified himself and yet the girl was still angry at him.

The rabbit even with its high intelligence couldn't understand them and decided to watch the scene, it was worried that the boy might be killed by the girl, cause it knew that the boy wouldn't hurt her.

Despite the short time they have spent together, the rabbit knew that the boy got a weird habit of helping others, and the rabbit also knew that the boy got some weird personality changes on every occasion. Nonetheless, the rabbit knew even with the boy's weird persona it knew that the boy was kind and caring.

「Rabbit: What would you do now?」The rabbit thought as it looked at the two.

Hello everyone author here

I just wanted to say that the mass update would be delayed, and the publish time would also change, there are a lot of things happening right now.

Anyway here's Day Twenty: Confront (1)

this should be a 2-4 chapter, but I would hold on for the later chapters.

Welp. Have A nice day everyone

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