
Another World Story

This story is about an average high school boy with an average lifestyle who likes to read novels especially fantasy ones and was transferred to another world along with his classmates from his school. As they were transferred our protagonist, John Kaiser, was the sole student among his classmates who were left behind, leaving him all alone in their classroom. As he was wondering what happened to the others, he remembered one of the novels he had read. It was a story of a fantasy world, where a king of a human kingdom summons heroes from another world to save their world from the demon king, a typical Isekai (Another World) fantasy novel. Our protagonist, John Kaiser, started to contemplate and question 'why?' why was he the only one not summoned? And as his questions go crazy, a light emerges from the place where he was sitting. Is this the start of our protagonist's fantasy adventure as a hero? Or will he live the same life again as an average person even in another world?

Ezract · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Day One: The Hero

Hello, I am Alex, Alex Mendez and I along with my classmates are currently meeting a person who claims himself the god of transmigration and reincarnation.

And you might be wondering why we ended up meeting such a person.

I'll just summarize it for you.

It all started this morning.

after I woke up I cleaned myself and ate breakfast with my lovely little sister. Then we went to school together she's a year below me, but we go to a different school, just like John, I am also born with a silver spoon in my mouth, but I want to go to a public school, but my sister can't, she's like the treasure of our household so she goes to a private school with high security.

And as we are walking on the road she saw her classmates and she went together with them, her school is near our house and near my school that is why we can just walk together, then I was left alone. Thankfully I saw my best friend, John Kaiser, and we started to chat as we go to our school.

John is a very kind guy, he always helps me when I need him. We met when I just turned 5 and he's still 4 that time. I was celebrating my birthday that day and my family went to the nearest restaurant. That's where I met him. They were also celebrating and it was his 2nd elder sister's birthday.

Anyhow that's how we met, and until today we still keep in touch with each other even though our house is almost a mile away from them. But thankfully we went to the same school, we were classmates since elementary days and until now that we are senior high school students.

I don't know if it's fate or not, but, I was thankful. He's like the brother I never had. He's the one who always manages the fund whenever there's an event in our class or school. Even our school treasurer admires John's skill in handling money.

It's really funny when I think about it, despite being rich that he can buy things he wants, he still saves money and works part-time.

I don't think that the reason John was able to do that was that he was always alone or was it because of the novels I've told him that he ended up being hooked up on it.

Though I believe that those affect why he still does it, but it's not the whole reason. I believe it's because of the bullying he experienced back when we were in elementary days.

He was..., bullied for being rich... It's absurd. The kids back then said that the only reason he passes was that his parents are rich. Well, my parents are also rich but they don't accuse me of that.

Reason? It's because my speaking ability and art skills are superior to them that they can't argue back at me.

But John was different, he's not smart and he knows it and he admitted it to me almost every day.

I think that's the reason why. You're wondering why he didn't transfer to another school?. It's because he wants to prove himself.

I can beat John to any school activities, except sports, we both suck at it... *chuckle* but the only thing I can't beat him is memorizing. That guy's brain can memorize every nook and cranny of something. He doesn't have a photographic memory though, if he has, his scores would be higher than mine. He just got far superior memorizing ability.

But even if he got an amazing memory, he lacks confidence in his self, that's why he doesn't recite or do things needing confidence. He just works on the shadows. He's the strategist of our class, that's why he still got an average grade.

And that is the reason why he wants to save money. He wants to prove that he does not need to be born a rich person to be successful, he will make his path.

Anyway, let's go back to the reason why we are here.

When John and I arrived at our classroom we waited for our class to be completed and we started a discussion on what we will be changing and improving in our classroom for the next semester.

And as our discussion got heated up, suddenly we were engulfed by a strong light and before I was engulfed I saw John still reading a book, so I know he's not here. There are currently 30 students from our class here in this white zone of nothingness, and we got 31 students total and John was not here, so it's accurate.

The person claiming that his a god spoke to us the moment we opened our eyes here. He said "Welcome, young ones" his face was blurry and I can't tell how old he is, but his voice is warm like a grandpa...

And after greeting us, he looked around us before nodding his head, as if to indicate that everything is correct.

Then he spoke again. "Young ones, what are you feeling right now?"

"I feel dizzy... where are we?" asked one of my classmates the class secretary and the school's treasurer, Faun Lauren, she is a beautiful girl, with short blonde hair, an almost transparent white skin tone, she's about 155cm tall and has a very proportionate body.

She's one of the few people close to both John and Me.

The God Of Reincarnation replied in a gentle tone "you all are in my dimension, this is the place where the soul wanders and reborn"

"soul... does that mean we're all dead?" asked another classmate, he's a tall and smart man he's also wearing glasses, he's the vice president of our class, Lance Millett.

And before the god of reincarnation got to answer, questions were poured out.

"Why are we here!?, can we go back to our place?!" It came from Tol Burrell, the sports ace of our class, he got the talent for almost all sports there is. A jack of all trades, master one none as others say it, he got short brown hair and a handsome look, the only problem was his personality, he's kind but gets easily angered.

"Hey, old man! don't play a prank on us! My father is the head of the police department in our city! do you know what will happen to you?!" A threat came from Barb Atlanti, the son of a Police head, he got black and spiky hair, he can do sports but he's not as good as Tol.

*chatter* *chatter*

Different questions, threats, and pleads were filling the space of nothingness.

And as I was about to ask a question, I looked at the God of Reincarnation and stopped.

'He's... smiling?!' as I saw the small smile on the God of reincarnation's face, my body froze up, I felt cold-sweats run through my back, his smile added to the mysterious blur on his face gave an eerie impression.

'I want to scream...! I want to shout...!' I thought but immediately discarded it, as I heard countless alarm bells inside my head as if they were telling me; 'if I don't do anything now...', I lightly shook my head horizontally as an ominous thought pass through my mind, then opened my mouth.

"E-everyone..." I said with a shaky voice, then after confirming that everyone's attention was on me I continued "Please, Stay quiet for while, let me do the talking, if you got questions just tell it to me, we won't be able to understand each other and the God of Reincarnation won't be able to answer it if it was poured in one go".

'Yosh!' I thought, as everyone became silent.

Then I looked at the God of Reincarnation again. 'He's...! still smiling? wait...! Is he looking at me from the very beginning?!' My body trembled as I realized the situation.

'His face was blurred so I wasn't able to notice, no, none could notice it, but why did I think he's looking at me? he's in front of us, so I can't tell, but why do I get the feeling that he's just looking at me?' a chill went down my spine as my mind continued to constantly question my thoughts.

Then the God of Reincarnation started to talk again.

"First let me say my thanks to the young one over there, next I would like to answer the questions," He said with a gentle tone then continued

"all of you are not dead... yet".

"w-wait... Old man, what do you mean?!" a question everyone inside this space wants to know the answer to was asked by Barb Atlanti.

"It means what you interpret it means, all of you are still alive and breathing even now, but you young ones are summoned here, not by me, but by the people of another world"

'his blurred face is smiling bitterly...'

"S-so it means that we are alive because you are not the one who summoned us? But the people of another world?" I asked as I controlled the shaking from my voice "But then why are we in this dimension space that you govern?" I added.

Then He smiled like he expected my questions.

"People from another world can't just travel to another world without a medium; my dimension is the medium that was always used by the other side to transport another being from another world to their side."

After talking he looked around again then said.

"The moment all of you transferred to the other side, the only way to get back here is to either die and meet me or find a hidden artifact that would be able to communicate with me from that side, unfortunately, I am only an entrance and an exit" the God of reincarnation declares as he shrugged his shoulders.

Questions poured out from my classmates, each one of them has something they want to know, but I decided to ask the primary question everyone wanted to know.

"Can we... return now? to our original world that is" I asked, hoping to get a positive response.

But it shattered from the words he let out, "Unfortunately, you can't, I'm sorry... I told you I am merely a medium, an entrance, and an exit, I can't guide you to your world, you would need the power of the other gods to be able to travel back safely".

"W-what is this bullsh*t?! 'can't return?!' and you call yourself a God!?" Barb Atlanti cried out as he heard the God of reincarnation's words.

"You go call the other god! we're not going to follow your bullsh*t!!" he screamed as he looked at the others, his face was red, and his veins were popping out.

"Y-yeah! why does it have to be us?!" a scream from another classmate.

"I want to go home!" another cry from a female classmate.

"Oi! old-man! you're a God right?! then do something!"

"This is just a prank right guys...? this is not real right...?! tell me this isn't happening!!"

Chaos once again filled the room, the students who weren't able to grasp the situation earlier finally begun to catch up, as they screamed and cried.

I look around my classmates and saw Faun, Lance, and a few students looking down, Lance was clenching his fist, Fauna tried to hold her urge to cry, and the few remaining were either covering their ears or holding their emotions.

The thought of not being able to come back to our world frightened everyone, and of course, I'm included, everyone has the right to feel enraged, none of us wanted this to happen, but... things would turn bad if this continues.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath "hoo..." and as I opened my eyes I exhaled "haa..."

I examined the situations of my classmates once again, I saw that some of them are crying, some are exasperated, some even looked like they are lost, 'it's a heartwrenching scene' I thought to myself. 'This won't end well...' as I finally decided on what to do, I took a step forward and opened my mouth.

"ENOUGH!!" I howled, my voice was so loud that it even sent shivers down my spine, the looked on my classmate's face was undoubtedly the look of surprise, their eyes were widened as they focus their gaze on me.

'Well, it also surprised me that I could shout that loudly' I thought as I looked at my classmate's and the God of reincarnation's flabbergasted expressions.

"Enough" I once again spoke in a low but cold voice, "I know how everyone feels right now, it's also hard for me to accept this, but..." I clenched my fist as my words trailed off.

"But..? but what?!" Barb Atlanti cry out, his face was still red from anger "Are you telling us to do the sh*ts this so-called God said?!" he added, I smacked my lips as I heard his voice.

Many of my classmates begun to side with Barb as his words begun to sway their emotions, and as I saw that lance also sided up with him, I bit my lips, 'Why?!, why can't anyone see it?!, why... why can't they see that smile on his face... just why?" I thought as blood poured from my clenched fist and lips.

As the white space of nothingness became filled with screams and cries, a cold voice was heard "Other Gods you say... how many Gods are out there?" the voice came from one of our top scorers, 'The Frost Queen' Lilia Faust, or so they call her, She's also a beautiful girl just like Faun, has long black hair swaying from her back, sky blue eyes, small red lips, has a height of 165cm and she's also the kendo club's ace.

As everyone's attention was gathered to Lilia, the God of reincarnation begun to explain.

"There are 10 main Gods, including me, there is The Goddess of love and fertility, Amora. The Goddess of War and Triumph, Anastasia. The God of Wisdom and knowledge Kuro. The Goddess of Hunting and Harvest Lunaria. The God of Wine and Production, Barack. The Goddess of Life and Virtue, Laura. The Goddess of Death and Destruction, Reil. The Goddess of Dreams and Harmony Foelia. And The God of Creation, Gist.

They are the 9 main gods of the world Ashura, I am also part of the main gods, though nobody except the gods and other-worlders knows that I exist."

'10 main gods... So there are minor gods and goddesses?'

"Any more questions?" he asks with a gentle tone, he looked at Lilia who just nodded her head horizontally then he looked at the other classmates who were in clamor earlier

No one answered and everyone was in deep thought.

As questions flood my head, a voice suddenly interrupted my train of thoughts.

'The minor gods are hard to find, the 9 main gods got their own religions in almost every corner of Ashura. But the minor gods are hard to find, some also troublesome, and I recommend not going to Foelia's church or Laura's Church, they got some crazy believers there. In Laura's church, the believers there disliked all non-human species and torture them when they are captured, but Laura herself love every race and living things in Ashura, her believers are interpreting it that she only love humankind and other races were for them to use, In Foelia's case the believers are all nice, except for the goddess herself, she's also kind and caring like Laura, but she changes mood without any warning, she wants something but nobody know what it was, she won't tell. Also, don't worry, I'm smiling because I'm just thrilled to meet the hero himself, hahaha.'


"Okay, anyone has thoughts about it?" he asked once again as he looked around.

Then lance Millett started talking.

"Is there really no other way...?"

"The only way is to accept the summon and to either die or find an artifact, I really can't help you to get back without any artifact that has space attribute, and I can't also interfere to the world of Ashura as it is would affect the balance of the world" The god of Reincarnation readily answered.

"I see..." Lance looked around, he looked at each one of us, then his eyes locked into mine, then he spoke.

"Alex... no, Class Rep, Can you take responsibility for all of us?" He asked, his face indicated that his serious as he looked straight into my eyes.

I looked around and saw that all my classmates were looking at me, even Barb was quiet from the God of reincarnation's answer, then I took a glance at Lilia who was crossing her arms.

'If John was here what would he do?' I thought as I let out a soft sigh "haa..."

"Yes, I can" I answered.

Everyone nodded at my answer, and all decided to accept the summon.

"Then, before I transport you, I'll give you a tip... you can see your status if you think the word 'status' if you want to show it to others you will need to say 'show status' and only the 30 of you can see the status window in the world, The people of Ashura needed guild cards and magic crystals to show their status, demon kin and other races can see not your status but a different kind of window, So you better be vigilant when it comes to them. Well then... I'll see you all next time" he added.

"We'll keep that in mind. Thanks..."

As we are engulfed with the same light that took us, a voice was heard by everyone, not just me, it was the God of Reincarnation... With his final advice.

'Trust No one except your selves, as only a few other people could be trusted on the kingdom that summoned you'


"Ah!, Heroes! We thank you for answering our summon!".

There might be people who would be confused by the title of the chapters, so just a heads up, the word "Day" in the beginning of the title is just my substitute for the word "Chapter" so please don't be confused for the oncoming chapters.

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