
Is this guy a pay-to-win user?

In the end the wait extended to almost twenty minutes, and while I'm sure the leader of the monks was cursing all of our ancestors, it didn't show on his face. Since the monk leader was the picture of calm and tranquility.

The choice of the leader, according to my senses, was between the medium high level in strength with respect to the group of monks.

It was a predictable choice, as although he is not his best fighter, he still has a chance of winning. And if he were to lose and therefore die, it will not be as great a loss as it would be if a more powerful and experienced cultivator died.

I have to say that these guys are very bland, the leader of the monks simply looked at the 'sacrifice', to which said 'sacrifice' nodded in confirmation to his leader's decision as he left the group and stood in front of us with his usual calm expression.

"Oh, and I was hoping that you would choose to fight yourself. Bah, it doesn't matter. If you keep making stupid decisions, sooner or later you will die. " The great patriarch said in a tone of feigned disappointment as he mocked the leader of the Buddhists.

I still find the change in behavior of the great patriarch strange, although I suppose it is better that people think that the most powerful cultivator in our clan is an easy madman to provoke, since that would make the other clans and sects be careful not to provoke us.

Besides being the leader of the Buddhist sect, he is actually equivalent in power to the patriarch of our clan. And needless to say, the great patriarch is far stronger than the patriarch.

That is why in this 'meeting' I am only accompanied by the great patriarch, while they go in a group of almost ten cultivators... And if it were not for that they would be totally useless and know that the great patriarch would mock them even more. I'm sure they would have brought sky rank 8 cultivators.

Well, while I was thinking about this, the group of monks along with the great patriarch, they moved away from the two of us, so that we can fight in peace.

"How does it feel to be sent to die by your leader's stupid pride?" I ask him with sincere curiosity, although since we are going to fight to the death, I have formulated the question in a mocking way. Since it never hurts, affect the mentality of your opponent.

For a second, a look between annoyance and anger flickered across his face, though he returned to a serene expression almost instantly. Clearly, this guy doesn't have the same mental toughness as their leader, so for a moment he's been carried away by anger.

Without even giving me an insult or a salute, the monk drew out a Buddhist sword and began to channel his Qi into the sword.

The sword quickly lit up in energy and with a slashing motion from the monk, a powerful beam sword flew in my direction.


Did I get to the wrong universe and came to the Nasuverse? Because this reminds me a lot of a beam saber… I quickly and easily dodged the beam saber, and couldn't help but look at the monk strangely.

On the one hand, the use of a saber beam caught me a bit by surprise, but that's not what made me look at the monk strangely. If not, it is because that attack should have been used to end a fight or to counteract a similar attack... One does not use an attack of this type as an entry movement...

Although I may not be the best one to talk about this type of things, since I myself used a Genki-Dama to knock on his 'door'.

My hairless opponent, seeing his attack miss, pulled another weapon out of his storage ring.


What is that?

Oh wait, it's rolls or sheet music. It's just that there are several of them that are packed together somewhat strangely.

As with the sword, the monk channeled his energy into the set of scores which began to glow as well.

Moments later, the scrolls were shot into the air, where they unwound and floated like streamers through the air.

After all the scrolls came to life and floated in the air, the monk gestured with his free hand and the scrolls were launched in my direction with incredible speed.

Although the speed of the scrolls is certainly top-notch, but… Due to the two inherent skills that increase my overall speed and perception, along with my observation haki, dodging the scrolls is too easy for me.

Although it would clearly not be as easy as simply dodging the scrolls, as they quickly spun in the air to attack again, what's more... Several of the scrolls seemed to work as a team to try to catch me...

Hum... I guess these scrolls will be some kind of talisman oversized sealing.

Keeping avoiding scrolls will only make this whole tag game drag on, so you better end this now.

Materializing a simple, yet incredibly durable sword, I made a slashing motion in the direction of one of the scrolls hovering near me.

A mocking look was shown on the monk's face, as his sealing scrolls are tier three tools and rank higher among tier three on top of that. So from his point of view, trying to cut any of his scrolls with a simple sword was ridiculous.

But his face turned to one in shock when one saw that one of his precious sealing rolls was cut in half with relative ease.

A slight smile spread across my face… Although it is true that these scrolls are level three items, but they are neither weapons nor armor. So its durability barely reaches level three.

That is why, with the use of the concept of cutting empowered with the concept of power, it was not difficult for me to cut through the roll.

Although I have to know that it is still difficult for me to use two concepts at the same time at this level. That he used a sword to channel the power of concepts.

Right after finishing the swing of my sword, it shattered as I was unable to withstand the power of both concepts.

My smile got even bigger at the thought of how my opponent would cry after my next move.

Instantly, at my top speed (I even used Kaiokenx3 to ensure my speed) I materialized several swords and sliced ​​through all the scrolls the monk sent flying in my direction... The priceless and priceless level three sealing scrolls...

The face of the Bald monk paled when he saw how in less than a second, from his perspective my figure was blurred and by the time I returned to my original position, all his rolls of seals had already been cut in half...

Shortly after, anger seized the monk, quickly the monk began to remove various objects from his storage ring and began a mad barrage of attacks.

Oh, shit.

All my excitement for the battle quickly faded and a bored expression formed on my face.

This guy is not a fighter... He is not a warrior... This guy is...

Just a battery.

The 'battery' growers, as I call them, are the ones who only focus on farming. They don't train fighting skills, be they magic or martial. They only focus on cultivating to increase their cultivation.

That's why when it comes to fighting, these guys are only capable of pulling items of different types... Potions, enchanted weapons, talismans, etc.

The worst of all, is that since these guys have not trained combat, the only thing they can do is activate their different objects to fight... Without any kind of technique or anything...

* Sigh. *

I really expected a battle, but against this guy who can only activate objects and hope they work…

* sigh *

I'd better get this over with, plus it'll help me prove 'that'.


I said out loud.

All the spectators of our battle were surprised to see that after I spoke, everything stopped.

The energy attacks, the flying objects, the few insects that were in the area…

Even my opponent stopped.

'Hum… I know Arthur has good control over space, but I didn't know that he was also capable of stopping time in a zone… No! I was wrong, time has not stopped, since I can feel that the natural flow of time continues to circulate normally... How has everything stopped in that area? Any new damage that has begun to develop? ' The great patriarch thought, as he watched the scene.

Step by step I approached the monk, who was frozen in the position before throwing a talisman.

When I stood in front of him I could feel the fear that radiated from him, since he was not able to understand what was happening to him.

"GET ON YOUR KNEES." I said aloud again.

And like the previous time, the monk obeyed, although this time my words only affected him and not the environment.

On his knees in front of me, fear emanated from the monk without restraint, and he was clearly trying to beg for mercy through his gaze.

But this was a battle to the death.

"Goodbye." I told him for the last time, although this time, my voice was only loud enough for him to hear me.

Raising my right hand, I extended my index finger and shot through my finger a Ki beam that went through the head of the monk, killing him on the spot.