
Another world God

The Mc die on a nuclear plant explosion,the power sending his soul flying like a meteor traversing the void were souls are judged, hiting the source of creation energy entering a spatial tear creating a new universe and be coming one of the most powerful gods in energy capacity. [The cover isn't mine and will be removed if the owner so desire]

Menghao36 · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

New universe and little hunter

On Angra Dos Reis a boy is playing some games but the brigth ligth was in the way he turned to see where it come from.

Boy:"Oh! SHHHHhh..."


A nuclear plant exploded, with two more explosions a huge part of the city became craters.

this event became one of the biggest tragedies in the history and a big headache for some gods.

there was a place somewhere with a long line of white things that you could see throu, on the end of the line you could see a giant talking with the white things


João:"João Rafael"

the giant fliped the pages of the book and stoped on the letter "J" .

Giant:"Hmm... i see you died on an explosion you make some money with drugs congratulations you have wom a reward".

João:"Realy! give me! give me! my reward!"

Giant:Sure sure here it is a voyage with everything baid to HELL"

A fire as red as blood engulfed the soul as he screamed like a pig then he vanished.

This is where souls are judged and the giant is Roam he keeps track of every soul that enter this place and we're they go to,

he didn't know but a soul was nowhere to be seen, over his head in the sky was a star moving with such speed that no one could stop it, in this place only existed a bridge we're the souls walked to a huge table with the giant on the other side and two doors on the sides one bright white the other purble black.

Deep on this place has a huge ball of light as big as a whole star system, the star hit the ball on the side then a spatial tear opened an sucked the star with a huge amout of energy from the ball then it closed, some gods and minor gods aproched the ball they couldn't see anithing wrong with the ball or close arond.

A god with eyes that resembled gears with light in them is loking in the direction of the spatial tear as if he cold see something there.

On the dark void the spatial tear opened up the star and the energy came out it closed again,the star lost the mojority of her speed when hit the ball, because of it we could see what it is, the soul it's the boy again but it was hurt with cracks all over it, The energy of the ball started to pour into the cracks regenerating and strenghtening the soul, the process continued until 60 percent of the energy was gone, the boy didn't have anymore cracks he is now glowing white while his stremities is glowing green, 10 percent of the energy became a ball and the 30 percent started to expand.

1736.000 years later the 30 percent become a universe, the ball started to shake and make sounds, eight fingers perfurated the shell and riped it apart the hole became big enought for she to come out, a little girl with skin white as milk, hair that looked like the universe black with stars and galaxies on it, one eye blue like the sky and the other green like emerald.

The girl loked arond on the vast universe with curiosity in her eyes then the boy came in view she run to him but something is wrong he is imobile as if sleeping nearing him her mouth is opening her teeths sharpening walking around him she finds two hill like things nearing him as slow and silent as she can then with her teeth she crunched the hill like thing.


Waking with a shout he hit a punch with all his strength on her,hiting on her right cheek,the egg shell pieces behind her being send flying desapearing like a flash,on her cheek a red mark in the format of his fist.


seing the little girl crying he panicked.

Boy:no! no! no! no! no! stop don't cry damnit think think think.


Boy:you want this lolipop.

The girl takes his lolipop in a flash.

seing her descovering the "mysteries" of the lolipop he wonders(where did this lolipop comes from?, but where am i no one should be able to live in space, not without specific gear,how come this cute loli is alive and she seems so naive too,maybe it's just a dream hmmm.)

He pats her little head unexpectedly the place where his hand and her head meets start shening,knowledge enter his mind and into hers too.

Boy:i see let's start it right this time,i am Kyo Ishin,you shouldn't have a name right?.

Girl:don't have a name.

Kyo:want one?.

Girl:want one,want one.

Kyo:you shall be know as 🌜YUN ISHIN🌛whahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!.


Kyo:now we should be on our way.

Yun:our way?? our to where?

Kyo:our whay to understand what happened to us don't you wanna know??.

whitout waiting for her to say anything he start walking or flying on space,Yun chasing after him,the egg shell pieces completely forgoten while flying in the space after being blow away.