
Another World's Harem

Dying is certain; everything that lives will come to its end. But reincarnation isn't something that should exist. After being stabbed to death, the average college student finds himself reincarnated in a fantasy world as the second child of the Wilfort Family, Allen Wilfort. Due to significant talent and potential that surpassed everyone in his age group, Allen was chosen as the rightful heir of the Wilfort family and enrolled in the infamous Shinra Academy at the age of fourteen. ****************** Heya, Alice here. I'm just a new girl in the town and don't have much experience in writing a story. The protagonist is a powerful character, but he is definitely not overpowered. At least for now. Also, this is a harem story, so don't expect much. Note: I don't own the image on the cover. All rights belong to the original creator.

HereAlice · Fantaisie
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3 Chs


"Unpackaging complete," Allen said satisfactorily; he and Kumiko had finished arranging and unpacking their stuff. Well, mostly the one who does the job is Kumiko, while Allen just does some small things like hanging his cloth in the closet.

He sat down on the king-sized bed; it looked like this room only had one big bed, which was a good thing because there was no way he would sleep separately from Kumiko. His pillow is her breasts, which won't change even if his new body reaches adulthood.

"Young Master, I made some tea for you." Kumiko walked into Allen's sight. She wears a new maid outfit that he asked his brother to buy. The same outfit as Yua, formerly Noah's personal maid, turned into one of his mates. Although Kumiko's maid outfit is more daring than Yua's because her skirt is shorter, you can clearly see her black panties and ass cheek from behind when she starts to walk. The outfit also shows her awesome cleavage. She is probably around F-Cup or something.

"Thanks Kumiko, come sit here." Allen said as he took the cup from her hand and patted it on his left side, to which Kumiko answered with "I understand." and began to sit on the bed. Allen then stood up and sat between Kumiko's thighs because he was smaller than her with a height of 143 cm, while Kumiko's height was 172 cm. He rested his head on Kumiko's large breasts casually.

"*Sips* This tea taste so good, Kumiko." Allen praised her with a smile that warmed her heart. "Thanks for honouring me, Young Master, but it is my responsibility to take care of you." Kumiko said as she found her hand brushing Allen's hair.

"I also baked some cookies, would you like to taste it Young Master?" Allen looked up at Kumiko and said, "Uhu, I want to eat Kumiko's cookies." Kumiko smiled warmly. "I will bring it to you, please give me a few second okay." Allen nodded and began to stand up so Kumiko could get the cookies.

After she brings the cookies, both return to their previous position.

"Young Master, Say Aaaaaaaa~."

"Aaaaaaaaaa *Munch*"

"How was it?" the fox maid asked. To be honest, she never asked questions about the food quality she made because she is always confident with them after looking at the sweet happy look on Allen's face. She can't help herself from asking him.

"It is so good! Kumiko's are the best!"

"Thanks for your kind words, Young Master." Kumiko blushed at Allen's innocent response; he is so cute to the point that Kumiko wanted to make him a man. Due to taking a bath every day, she knows despite Allen still being fourteen, the thing down there is pretty big.

Allen isn't just enjoying the tea and snack made by Kumiko but also the softness of her breasts and thighs hence why he mentions "Kumiko's are the best instead" of "Kumiko's cooking is the best."

"Kumiko, I can't wait for tomorrow morning," Allen said while munching the cookies. Kumiko smiled at him, saying, "I am also feel rather excited about your debut as a student of Shira Academy." Allen can't wait for the reaction of other students about him attending the academy and being way younger than them.



Hmmm? A guest at this kind of hour? Allen stares at the door for a few seconds. "Hey, Kumiko can you check who is behind the door?" which a nod, she let Allen move away from her thighs so she could open the door and greet the guest. It's already eleven in the evening. Who in their right mind will try to bother a noble? Aren't they afraid of a noble's wrath?

She opened the door, and to her surprise, she was greeted by two familiar faces.

"Miss Miranda and Lady Violet, what brings you two here?" Kumiko asked respectfully. Of course, she knew them. Miranda was a former student of Duke. She always visits both Graft and Rouge, although she stopped seeing them after receiving the rank of Sentinal and becoming the head instructor of Shira Academy. While Violet is the relative of her young master, she constantly comes to the mansion to see her nephews. One of the reasons why Graft choose Aria Academy for Allen is because of them.

She also noticed the luggage they were carrying. Did they bring something for her young master? That is a lot of baggage.

"Oh, heya Kumiko. Long time no see! You still as polite as ever, huh? By the way, what with that skimpy outfit? Girl, you are bold as fuck!" Miranda said with a friendly tone. Kumiko is one of the persons that Miranda respects because Kumiko's physical strength surpasses her, and she never won a single fight against Kumiko despite the former being way younger than her.

"Oh, thank you for your praise, Miss Miranda. This is an outfit that my young master wants me to wear. He said this maid outfit is perfect for me." Kumiko stated in a happy tone because she liked it when someone praised the gift that was given by her young master.

"Heeeeeeeh, so he is as perverted as his dad?" Miranda stated ironically that people always say the apple didn't fall far from the tree, like father like son. Graft is a very lustful man. Before falling in love with Rouge, he slept with hundreds of women. Although Miranda never sleeps with Graft, he still makes her wear a rather skimpy outfit during the training just to satisfy his lust. What a scum, but at least he is willing to teach her after how many times she begged for him.

"Where is my sweet little Allen, Is he asleep?" Violet asked curiously, she wanted to meet with her nephew, and she had been looking forward to staying with him after the headmaster told her and Miranda to move into Allen's dorm. She can't wait to spoil him rotten.

"Young Master is currently having a snack. Why don't both of you come inside? Young Master probably missed you very much, Lady Violet, and he also wants to meet with his father's infamous student." Kumiko stated while bowing her head at both of them. "We can talk about why you two are doing here at this late hour later."

"Sure," Miranda and Violet replied at the same time. Kumiko nodded before leading them to Allen, who was still munching on his cookies.

"Young Master, Lady Violet and Miss Miranda are here to see you."

"Auntie Violet!" Allen jumped from his bed and ran toward his aunt to give her a big hug. he jumped on her and planted his face between her large mountains. It's been a long time since he last saw her. Allen stripped her loose garb to reveal her big areola and started to suck on her right nipple.

"Ahhhhhh~ Allen you are such a cutie~." Violet moaned, enjoying the feeling of her nipple being sucked roughly by her nephew, while Miranda was left stunned and flustered at the rare sight of her sworn rival. Kumiko just closed her eyes like she was expecting this turn of events.

This kind of thing occurred back when Allen was still two years old, unlike other babies. The male baby of the Wilfort Family needs to breastfeed by their mother until they reach three years old. Allen accidentally 'mistook' Rouge for Violet, who was sleeping soundly on the couch. He climbed on her, stripped her garb, and sucked her nipple hungrily, which woke up Violet but due to how cute Allen is, she just let him be. Everyone in the household still doesn't know how he manages to strip Violet to suck her nipple, but after that accident, Allen always sucked on her nipple every time he saw her.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Miranda asked, still stunned at the sight of an auntie and the nephew's weird bonding session.

"Miss Miranda, that is how Young Master shows his attachment toward Lady Violet. It is their tradition."

"You kidding me right?"


'Man, reincarnation is such a bliss.' Allen thought to himself as he continued to suck on Violet's nipple.

Miranda told Kumiko about the headmaster telling them to stay with Allen until he graduated. Kumiko replied, "Young Master will be pleased having both of you staying with him." She didn't even manage to introduce herself to Allen, and she probably will do it tomorrow. She was too tired to deal with Violet's bullshit.

Miranda can't sleep the rest of the night because Violet and Allen's tradition is happening beside her. They didn't even stop and moved to the bed to continue their tradition while Kumiko, who is used to this situation, slept relatively peacefully. Violet can't stop moaning while Allen can't stop sucking. She is also the only one wearing something to cover herself while the other three are in their birthday suit.

I want to become a Cheese Burger.

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