

  Jason sits down Muna next to him, He then begins to speak in a uneased and calm tone "I was born with Immortality they said... I was given to the gift to never truly die. Everytime I tried to end my life I wake up not to far away from where I last died, I would say maybe 25feet is the maximum distance away." Muna looks at him "How did you find out? That you are Immortal?" Jason breathes in deeply" I was about 10 years old, my parents thought I was the unlucky child of the family, the one born without powers. One night I was at a friends and I remember so clearly his Dad had gone insane, shot everyone down... even himself... emergency services where called and when they got there they found three dead bodies, a pile of ash where I was "killed" and me out cold in the bushes in the backyard.

  They took me to the hospital to check me out and the Doctor told my parents I may have immortality, as far as we know I'm the only person with it and out a family with 5 kids all similar powers to our family, I'm the one given the mutation funny enough." She looks in shock at him, He looks at her and asks "Anything you want to know?" She nods her head "Do you age endlessly or?" Jason sits up straight for a second and laughs "Hopefully I stop aging at maybe I wanna say 35? If I don't stop it's gonna be a fun ride, launch me into space see what happens." She asks another question "What do you see when you "die?" His eyes widen "I see a door with light shining through it, brighter than the sun, and right as I'm about to open that door I begin to fall, and when I open my eyes I'm alive again, waking up someplace nearby."

  Muna sits quietly and leans against his shoulder "That sounds amazing yet sad, immortality isn't fun after a certain amount of years isn't it?" Jason smiles and wraps his arm around her "Well I dont know, I'm only 17 right now, I guess I have to wait and see, I heard it isn't fun if you watch videos on it. After some time my brain's storage will fill up completely, I wont be able to do certain task..." He tears up slightly, but holds back and voice breaks a little "I'm scared... I know everyone I love is going to be gone one day, and I have to watch everyone go, my family, friends, love of my life... gone unless I learn something new about my power maybe, but if those theories are true I don't want anyone to suffer" She looks at him with sympathetically acknowledging his doomed fate he's been cursed with. "Can I ask you one last question?" He responds slowly "Go ahead-" He begins to tremble lightly as reality is hitting him full force once again.

  She grabs his hand and squeezes it tightly "Jason calm down... that day hasn't come yet and it's not going to come for a long time, I really don't want to ask you this last question now..." Her minds trails off and his trembling calms, "Its okay you can ask me." She Stares ahead of them and asks "How many times have you tried to killed yourself?" Jason freezes then stands up, Muna sits up and looks at him. He proceeds to take off his shirt relieving scars, burns and all sorts of markings "I have gotten creative over the years... and some reason my body leaves slight markings only when I attempt to kill myself. (He turns around) In my back I had shot at myself with a literal cannon at a Medieval Festival. There is a gash from me cutting into my lower neck with a hatchet, (He faces Muna) I shot myself with a shotgun in my stomach, I have burned myself alive twice, slit my throat multiple times.(Points at the lines across his neck with his thumb) Cut my wrist more times than I can count, jumped off a cliff, drove myself with a stake to the heart, whipped myself, hung, poisoned, (Laughs) and even one point I drunk radioactive chemicals and that is a long story" He puts his shirt back on and sits down next to her slowly beginning to tremble heavily and fall apart.

  She looks at him holds his hand again to comfort him and says "No matter what, I will be there for you, just stop trying to die and accept what has happened to you, you have been given the ability to tell stories beyond end and make history as many times as you want too, we all have to accept our fates. I want you to accept yours, so please stop, I want to ease your pain make your time on this world better not worse, think about everyone you love. They don't want to see you in so much pain, so while we can lets make memories you can hold onto forever, until your day comes." Jason stares ahead straight, and begins to tear up, proceeding to hug her tightly, crying out his pain he been refusing to let out for so long. She pats his back and amazed what just happened between them, after knowing him for so many years, he told everyone even her, he never had a power.

  He wasn't that "special" he claimed all the time, now that this has happened she feels closer to him and hopes to get him to open up about his past more. Wanting to help him accept time and its inevitable plans for him, they hear a knock at the front door and hear Ajax yelling frantically "I forgot my keys! Jason!? Muna!? Someone!? Open the door!" They hear Ajax yell and fall backwards down the stairs. Jason wipes away his tears and looks at Muna, she smiles lightly with a blush and laughs "Come on, let's go help real fast, make sure "Mr. Invincible" didnt leave a dent in himself, not in the mood to grab the heat gun today" Jason laughs lightly "Yea let's go help him. Also, Muna please don't tell anyone what I told you today... Please?" She looks at him "Don't worry your secret is safe with me."

I'm debating to continue this, I had fun finally putting my characters to use after not being used and given life for so long. I hope everyone enjoyed this first chapter! Stay safe out there everyone. Dont be Ajax, he is a klutz- *Laughs*

MeltedGearscreators' thoughts