
Another Shot At Life - My Mysterious Neighbour From Another World

In the bustling city of Seoul, Ananya's world was small yet secure – revolving around her studies, her intimate group of friends, and her devotion to her younger brother. But when a mysterious man moves in next door, her uneventful existence takes a drastic turn – not sure if for better or for worse. ******* Ananya Mehra, a 23-year old Indian girl pursuing her Masters in SK on a full-scholarship, has only one goal in life – to give her younger brother the best life that she possibly can, after their parents tragically passed away in a car accident. However, her world is turned upside down when her new neighbour, Jung-wook, enters her life with some shocking revelations: he claims to have no identity, that he does not belong to this world, that she is his answer to everything – and that her life is in danger! While her friend Dae-jung’s warm gestures make her heart skip a beat, her mind still cannot help but waver to Jung-wook’s oft-weird yet adorable antics. However, his identity and intentions still remain a mystery to her. As Ananya navigates the complexities of academics and her friendships, Jung-wook's cryptic words cast a looming shadow of doubt over everything she thought she knew. Who is he, and how true are his claims? What is his ulterior motive – and why her? And, most importantly, how can she trust him with her life when it may possibly be in danger? ******* Author’s Note: I'm sorry in advance if my uploads are inconsistent at any point, it might get a little tricky to juggle between my profession and my passion at times. I'll try sharing at least 5 chapters each week! Also, as you can probably guess from the cover, I am a beginner at digital artform (and manhwa/manga art in general). Do let me know how you like this story, and my rough attempt at art, thanks :)

Anjie_M · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

Chapter 5: "You are my purpose in this life."

Ananya leaned against the counter, watching Jung-wook stack the shelves with his usual precision. While she hadn't quite warmed up to his presence yet, it seemed to offer her an odd comfort as her mind continued to struggle with the unease that she had been feeling since her conversation with Dae-jung.

"Deep in thoughts again, are we?" Jung-wook leaned in to face her. "Just contemplating the mysteries of the universe," Ananya replied, her tone clearly hinting at something more.

"Any groundbreaking discoveries?" Jung-wook raised an eyebrow with a warmer smile than usual. "Yes", she sighed, straightening up, "That daydreaming won't pay my bills so I should better get it together." 

"Maybe some coffee can help solve them," Jung-wook chuckled. As he walked away to prepare coffee, Ananya's smile faded. She appreciated his attempts to lighten the mood, but her mind was elsewhere. The feelings that had long been suppressed were about to erupt any moment now, and she did not know what to do. Yuvi wasn't picking her calls either.

When Jung-wook returned with her coffee, he noticed her subdued expression. "Everything okay, Ananya?" She nodded, forcing a smile, "Just a bit tired today. Thanks for the coffee."

He studied her for a moment, as if trying to gauge if she was telling the truth. "You're quieter than usual. I love calm, but this is almost eerie. What's on your mind?" 

She waved it off with yet another meek smile, and to her surprise, he didn't press further. Instead, he continued with his tasks, his movements as smooth and deliberate as ever. There was something calming about the way he worked, as if he brought a sense of order to the chaos around him – quite ironic to how he truly was, bringing chaos in her life from the moment she met him.

"Thought you could use something sweet", Jung-wook approached her with two ice pops. It was break time, and Ananya had just come out to gather her thoughts. 

"Thanks", she took an ice pop, her fingers brushing against his briefly. "You're surprisingly considerate for someone who's always so unhinged."

"Not always", he chuckled, sitting beside her on the stairs, "You bring my unhingedness out, I guess."

They sat down, and for a moment, there was just the sound of them eating their ice creams as they looked up at the night sky. Ananya looked to her side, something about Jung-wook's surprisingly calm demeanour making her want to open up.

"Do you ever think about your parents?"

Jung-wook looked at her, eyes filled with understanding. "All the time. It's hard not to."

Ananya nodded pensively, feeling a lump form in her throat. "My parents died in a freak car accident when I was younger. It was Yuvi's first inter-school cricket match, and they had gotten late because of a business appointment. I insisted that they turn up before it was his chance to go on the field... but they never made it."

Jung-wook listened attentively, his expression sombre. "I cannot even imagine how hard that must have been for you. But look at how far you have come."

"I have always felt guilty," Ananya continued, her voice barely coming out in a shaky whisper. "Guilty for snatching away the love and support of my parents from Yuvi. He was only 10, he did not deserve that. The only way that I can even attempt making up for it is by being the perfect sister and guardian to him."

"It was not your fault, Ananya." Jung-wook placed his hand gently on hers, giving it reassuring pats. "Sometimes, life throws things at us that are far beyond our control. Holding on to that undue guilt will only keep you from finding happiness for yourself."

Ananya looked at him, tears welling up in her eyes, her helplessness evident in her voice. "I wish I could just get rid of that feeling, but it seems impossible to."

Jung-wook glanced at her, his eyes full of warmth. He wiped the tears off her cheek with his sleeve, holding her face just like that as he gently spoke.

"I can understand where you are coming from, but you don't need to overwork yourself or sacrifice your own life to make up for the past. Your parents wouldn't have wanted that for you, and Yuvi wouldn't either. They would want you to live your life fully, to find your own worth and joy."

Ananya nodded, wiping away her tears only to break down into soft sobs. However, for once, the crying came from a certain sense of relief that had washed over her. For the first time, she began to believe that maybe, just maybe, she didn't have to carry the weight of the past on her shoulders alone.

"You can be there for Yuvi without losing yourself in the process." Jung-wook put his hand on her hair, stroking it tenderly. "You don't have to carry this alone."

She wiped her tears as they exchanged a smile, the serenity of the night taking over again. 

"When we met for the first time... you said some things", Ananya broke the silence, her curiosity getting the better of her. "What did you mean?"

Jung-wook hesitated, looking a little conflicted. "I cannot really explain it right now. But you have to trust me." Holding her hand in his a little tighter, he looked into her eyes, sincerity oozing from his' as he added, "You are my purpose in this life."

Ananya blinked, taken aback. "Your purpose?"

Jung-wook nodded with a soft smile, "Yes. Even if I cannot explain everything, just know that you're the most important to me now, Ananya."


As Ananya lay in bed that night, her thoughts returned to the day's events. Between Dae-jung's kind and warm demeanour, and Jung-wook's unsettling yet comforting presence – her life had suddenly become a lot more eventful. She heaved a sigh, closing her eyes and hoping for a dreamless sleep. But deep down, she knew that the mysteries surrounding Jung-wook were far from over, and her life was about to take a turn she had never anticipated.