
Another Life In Naruto

In a world where the boundary between fantasy and reality shatters, Ethan Nakamura, an American martial artist and former coach, is reincarnated into the legendary ninja village of Konoha. Now living as Haruto Takeda, an orphan with no family, Nathan must navigate the challenges of the ninja academy and the dangers of the shinobi world, relying on his past life’s discipline and perseverance. As Haruto trains alongside future legends like Kakashi Hatake and Might Guy, he discovers a mysterious system that rewards him for his efforts. But the system offers no shortcuts—it only enhances what he has earned through hard work. With every challenge he faces, Haruto becomes stronger, smarter, and more determined to forge his own path. With the looming threat of the next Great Ninja War, Haruto must push his limits and learn to master both his abilities and his new life in Konoha. His journey is one of growth, loyalty, and survival as he strives to rise above his peers and unlock his true potential. Warning: This novel contains content created with the assistance of AI.

litrpgfanfic · Anime et bandes dessinées
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308 Chs


A sharp knock jolted Haruto awake. He lay still for a moment, taking in the familiar surroundings of his apartment, but his mind was already alert, attuned to the chakra signature outside his door. His senses, honed over months of relentless training, picked up the visitor's chakra pattern with remarkable clarity, and his two clones had already sensed the approach and let him sleep a few extra moments.

Around him, his small but meticulously organized apartment was a testament to his commitment. One of his clones sat at a low desk, carefully refining fuinjutsu seals, each brushstroke deliberate and precise. The other clone worked on an ongoing project, the corrosive poison tag he was perfecting in preparation for the coming war. The goal was simple but ambitious: a tag capable of eating through armor and delivering a debilitating injury. In times like these, every tool, every detail, every advantage mattered.

Rising from his bed, Haruto stretched, feeling the deep ache from his body enhancement treatments. The soreness, though intense, was something he'd come to appreciate; it reminded him that his body was pushing past its natural limits, thanks to the benefits of Tier 2 Stamina. This ability allowed him to recover at a pace that others couldn't match. If he structured his days carefully—intense workouts, treatments, a nap, and a full night's rest—his body was ready for more. It was a strict, grueling cycle, but one that kept him constantly improving, constantly ready. His clones managed the extra projects and kept his training progressing efficiently, balancing the strain on his body and mind.

The knock came again, more insistent. Opening the door, Haruto found a young genin from the village's messenger corps. The boy was catching his breath, clearly rushing to get here. "Haruto," he managed between breaths, "you're needed for an urgent mission. Report to the mission hall immediately."

With a quick nod, Haruto grabbed his pack, securing his weapons and gear. He snatched up a quick snack—a strip of homemade jerky and a piece of dried fruit—as he headed out. Cooking had always been more than just a necessity for him; it was a way to keep control over his diet, something he took pride in. Now that he could afford better ingredients, he enjoyed the precision of preparing his own food, crafting each snack with his needs in mind. Gone were the days of scrounging for whatever he could find. Now, he could create exactly what he wanted, down to the last calorie.

At the mission hall, Haruto immediately spotted his teammates. One was familiar—Takeshi Hyuga, a skilled sensor a few years older than Haruto, with the sharp gaze and calm poise characteristic of his clan. Haruto had seen him in action during the chunin exams, his precision and taijutsu sharp enough to make a lasting impression.

The other shinobi, however, was a new face. He looked about sixteen, a bit taller than Haruto, with a scar tracing down his left cheek. His short black hair was slightly unkempt, and his eyes held a focused intensity that only came from real experience in the field.

"Alright," Haruto greeted them with a nod. "So, what's the mission?"

The briefing was succinct. They were tasked with gathering intelligence on enemy movements along the Land of Wind's border. Reports suggested that the enemy was setting up hidden outposts, and their mission was to locate and map these installations. The village had specifically chosen three sensory ninjas for the mission, underscoring the importance of stealth and intelligence gathering over direct engagement.

The scarred shinobi, Ryota, had been designated as the mission lead. His calm authority and subtle confidence made it clear he was no stranger to missions like these. With only a day to prepare, they began by outlining their individual strengths and roles.

Takeshi glanced at Haruto as he spoke up first. "My strengths lie in taijutsu and sensory perception. I can handle close-range combat if we're forced into it, though I'd prefer to avoid direct conflict." His Byakugan, capable of reading chakra patterns from afar, gave him a distinct edge in sensory reconnaissance.

Ryota nodded, his gaze calculating. "I specialize in long-range sensory ninjutsu and genjutsu. If we need to disable scouts or throw off pursuers, I can manage." He gave a faint, confident smirk. "The name's Ryota, by the way."

Haruto took mental notes, recognizing the balance they'd have as a team. "I'm also skilled in sensory techniques. I've trained in medical ninjutsu, so I'll handle field care if anyone's injured." He left out mention of his body enhancement treatments; that advantage was best kept to himself for now.

With three sensory ninjas on the team, they agreed on a strategy to avoid conflict whenever possible and remain undetected. The village had arranged a decoy—a jonin-led team that would move directly toward the Land of Wind, creating a distraction that would draw attention away from their true objective.

Early the next morning, after a final gear check, the team set out. They moved swiftly, the village's landscape fading behind them as they crossed the terrain in silence. Hours into their journey, they paused near the border for a quick rest. Ryota and Takeshi each pulled out a standard military ration pill, swallowing them with practiced ease. Haruto, however, winced as he watched.

Military ration pills were convenient, sure, but Haruto knew better than to rely on them. He had broken down their ingredients, analyzing every component. The pills offered a quick boost of calories and chakra, but they lacked quality. They were packed with fillers—starches, basic proteins, artificial enhancers—anything that could be produced cheaply in bulk. Nutritionally, they were lacking in vital elements like fiber, quality proteins, and complex vitamins. While they did the job of replenishing chakra and providing a fast energy surge, the crash that followed was brutal, and they didn't give the kind of sustained energy a shinobi truly needed in the field.

Instead, Haruto unsealed a small scroll and pulled out his own version of a field ration. It looked like a simple, scentless strip of jerky, but he knew it was packed with nutrients. He'd spent weeks developing this recipe, carefully grinding together vegetables, fruits, grains, and lean meats into a dense, compact slab. After forming the ingredients into a solid slab, he dehydrated it, removing any scent to maintain stealth. It was bland, but it provided a balanced array of nutrients, and the slow-release energy meant no harsh crashes later.

Haruto handed a piece to each of his teammates, watching them examine it with curiosity.

"This is… different," Takeshi noted, raising an eyebrow as he took a cautious bite.

"It's bland, but it'll keep you going without the crash," Haruto said with a smirk. "I call it a 'jerky ration.' It's got real calories, balanced nutrients, and won't give you that hollow feeling the pills do. Took me weeks to get it scentless."

Ryota chewed thoughtfully, nodding with approval. "Better than the standard fare," he murmured, pocketing an extra strip for later. Takeshi also gave a nod of appreciation, slipping the rest of his ration into his pack.

Once they were refueled, the team continued toward the border. Each of them was more alert now, knowing they were entering hostile territory. They kept to the shadows, moving with a quiet efficiency honed through years of training. Ryota led them with steady confidence, their silence occasionally punctuated by the faint sounds of wildlife and the rustling of leaves underfoot.

Haruto stayed focused, his Tier 2 Chakra Sensitivity active, allowing him to detect any chakra signatures in the vicinity. He felt the familiar thrill of anticipation as they approached the mission site. This was what he had trained for, the reason behind every grueling workout, every body enhancement session, every carefully crafted meal. His goal was survival and excellence, and every detail, down to his scentless jerky ration, was part of his preparation.

As they reached the outer edges of their surveillance area, they dropped into a crouch, observing the distant outlines of enemy outposts against the morning sky. Each team member shifted into their roles seamlessly, Takeshi activating his Byakugan to scan the immediate area for hidden traps or patrols, while Ryota focused his sensory ninjutsu to detect enemy chakra patterns farther out.

Haruto stayed alert, covering the mid-range sensory field and mentally tracking each of his teammates' positions. The enemy wasn't close, but the faint hum of chakra signatures flickered on the edges of his perception—proof that they were getting closer to hostile territory.

He felt his heartbeat steady as they moved into position, a calm resolve settling over him. The shadow of war loomed over them, but Haruto was ready to meet it, prepared down to the very last calorie.