
Another Life as Older Brother

A boy who died after his revenge on his family. Reincarnated into the world of Anime. The last world he watched before he lost everything. Will he lost everything again, resent the world he currently lived or get a brand new life? PS: English is not my native language. I don't own anything except my character. (Current World : Danmachi)

Rouxk · Anime et bandes dessinées
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94 Chs


The night became long where people around the Hostess of Fertility still drinking. Nearing the end of night time, only tired maids and Mia that happily counting money could be seen around the counter.

While in the middle of the dining table only one man stood alone while the rest fell asleep on the ground. Ageas stood alone after defeating all the people in the drinking contest.

"Aww... When I want to see his drunk expression nyaa..." Chloe undeniably voiced out her reason for waiting there. For some unknown reason, everyone also thought the same, even including Ryuu.

"Hah~, I lost 3 million valis in one day just to pay for these people." I said while looking around. After carefully watching my step to not kick them in the face. I succeed in walking toward Mia and the other maids.

"You really open your best liquid aren't you, Mia-san." I said deducting from the price I pay. "You know me well, boy. If only I'm as old as you, I might marry you for real. Hahaha..." Mia laughed after counting the money.

"No, thanks. I'm good." I said rejecting her straightforwardly. "Hah~ Now that it's done. Sun would come up at any moment. All of you should get to sleep." I said towards the maid.

"Eh!? That's it? Since you pay that much. We got a day off tomorrow after all." Lunoire said in surprise. "What do you expect me to do?" I said to all the girls.

"Hmm... Since you knew Ryuu's story nyaa.. How about you hear all of our stories nyaa..?" Chloe said suggesting an idea. At this time maybe the alcohol got a little on me which made me told them something I shouldn't.

"So, What did the Black Cat and Black Fist want to ask from me?" I said which froze the whole maids and Mia. Everyone quickly looked around the room and heave in relief.

"Ageas-kun. This way." Lunoire said and dragged me, followed by other maids to the second floor where they live.

"Tell me, Ageas-kun. How do you know about us?" Lunoire quickly asked. "Yes, nyaa... No one knew about us except for a few people in the city nyaa.." Chloe said with a serious face.

"Well, I... Emm... I... How should I explain this?" I asked myself. All of them looked at me that making a troubled face and sighed heavily. "Then, Ageas. Do you know my nickname?" Ryuu asked with concern looked on her face.

"Uuuggh.. You make me can't lie with that face. Relax, Ryuu. I knew but that didn't change anything. You can relax, Ryuu Lion the Elven Gale." I said which greeted me by her smile.

"That's enough for not lying to me." She said sweetly but not with the other girls. "Then, Ageas-kun. Now that you knew about us. What do you want to do?" Lunoire asked.

"What I want to do? Nothing. Wait.. Actually, I had some plan about Ryuu since we would be going out together." I said after thinking for a while.

"Hmm?" Every girl put their attention on me. "I will talk to the guild to remove the blacklist from them." I said putting my idea upfront.

The girls looked confused for a second "Mind telling us how nyaa..?" Chloe said asking the question. "Hmm? Why do you have to know? Of course, I got my own way." I said shrugging the question off from them.

"Nyaa... Why don't you helped us too nyaa? I can consider going out with you too nyaa~." Chloe said tempting me while coming closer to me.

"Why should I?" I give her a quick answer. "Eh!? I just about to ask the same thing as Chloe-san though." Lunoire said with a sad expression.

"Can you also help them? but if it put you at risk, you can also forget about removing it. I already live happy right now." Ryuu said with worried face.

"Well..... Maybe I can negotiate with Ouranos-sama. Hah~ my trump card.." I said answering to their questions. "Eh!? You about to negotiate with Ouranos-sama? From the guild?" Lunoire said shocked after hearing the name.

"Of course, who else have the power over the guild. While I could help all of you, I got one condition for Chloe." I said while making a serious expression that put pressure on her.

"Why only her?" Ryuu asked in confusion. Just for this time, I ignored Ryuu and looked at Chloe which gulped down feeling somewhat scared.

"Tell me, who ordered you to kill Shakti years ago?" I asked while releasing killing intent. "Ageas-kun.. Nyaa... You scared me..." Chloe said trembled in fear. Ryuu quickly pulled my sleeves which woke me up. I sigh as hard as I could "Right, I won't do anything to you." I said slowly and calmly this time.

"Huf~ You scared me there nyaa~. Actually, I don't know who is it but if I had to guess nyaa.... It should be noble in the business part of the city nyaa..." Chloe said explaining the detail that she knew.

"Ufufu... Cat would never bother with difficult stuff like that. They can't after all." Lunoire chuckled while sneering at Chloe. "What do you say? Said someone that does everything with her fist." Chloe answered back to Lunoire which resulting in both of them glaring at each other.

"Hah~ Anyway, thanks for the information. I will leave all of you to rest now. As for your status as a blacklist. Let me deal with it." I said leaving a quick kiss on Ryuu's forehead which made her blush hardly. "Be careful." Ryuu said leaving only short messages while hiding behind Syr.

Without turning back home for a while. I directly went to the guild. Eina noticed my expression which made her stop greeting me.

"Eina, show me the way to Ouranos-sama." I said directly toward Eina without many jokes in my tone. "You always finding trouble aren't you. Just know that you owe me one in this." Eina quickly gave up knowing me.

She whispered slowly to show me the direction "Take left from here and them the first hallway on the right, that's the place where we never allowed to go but guild staff and employee would probably stop you." She said slowly.

"Thank you, Eina." I said nodding at her words and start walking toward the staff area. "Sir, you can't enter here." Someone already whining about me trespassing.

I just quickly avoid him and keep walking entering the hallway followed by guild staff that tried to hold me. Royman Mardeel the old elf also tried to stop me with his bulging stomach.

"Fels, I could feel your presence." I said randomly which luckily he show himself covered in a black robe "Let him in." He said and all the guild members started to back off.

I started to walk again, this time accompanied by Fels. "How do you know me?" He asked while we walked side by side. "I can't tell you." I just give him short answer.

Eventually, we arrive at a dark room full with standing torches and throne in the middle. High above it sit a God wearing his robe, Ouranos.

"Thank you for this opportunity, Ouranos-sama." I said with a slight bow showing my respect. "Speak, what do you want for coming here?" He said while maintaining his dignity.

"I want you to remove the blacklist on Black Cat, Black Fist, and Gale," I said with eye to eye contact with him. "I can't. They have disturbed the peace in Orario. Letting them stay already kind enough." Ouranos said.

"Then, what if I promise you. I will kill the Black Dragon if it came to Orario to prevent the destruction of the city and also completing the three great quest." I said smiling at him.

"What qualify you to say those big words?" He asked me still with a straight expression. "Because I'm related to Zeus. Me and my brother are." I said which made his face tensed a little.

"How could you prove it?" Ouranos asked after thinking for a second. "You don't, you just have to believe." I said while pulling out the golden key from the Gate of Babylon. I turned the handle making a clicking noise and Ea started to awaken.

"You better answer fast, before people started to investigate." I said that sounds like a threatening message but soon a light tremble occurred. The whole Orario affected to it.

Ouranos finally gave in and sighed hardly "Your request will be granted. I hope for your successful journey, Ageas Cranel." He said while hearing it, I turned Ea back into key.

"Thank you for your grace. Ouranos-sama." I said leaving him there with Fels beside him.

'Luckily a little promise could buy it off.' I thought after walking out from the guild while breathing heavily and a little sweat on my back.