
Another Kind of Genius

Ru Shenqi is a young Spirit Master, hoping to shock the world like the Shrek Seven Devils once had. Armed with her powerful martial soul, she does just that... and before she even turns ten! At just eight years old, she goes to Heaven Dou City to enroll in the infamous Shrek Academy. Already a Spirit Ancestor, she shocks all of the teachers. Just as the new battle team from Shrek Academy prepares to enter the Advanced Spirit Master Battle Competition, the reunion of the Shrek Seven Devils stirs the Academy. Ru Shenqi gets the chance of a lifetime to meet her idols, the geniuses of geniuses. When she overhears the Shrek Seven Devils talking about the resurgence of Spirit Empire, a deeply buried hatred reignites within her. She vows to grow stronger to one day go up against Spirit Empire and make them pay. **Soul Land (Douluo Dalu) fanfic based on lightnovel/anime, not live-action** *Originally published on AO3 and Scribblehub*

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140 Chs

The Ultimate Sacrifice

A week later, Ru Shenqi and the Golden Generation of Spirit Empire stood on the balcony. Across the way, Tang San and the other Shrek Devils headed the joint army. Spirit Empire's reinforcements had come over night, and now they were preparing to launch a full-fledged attack. The seven tribes released their spirits. Soldiers marched forward.

Hu Liena wore the Supreme Pontiff crown and held the Supreme Pontiff staff in her hand. She rose up into the air and released her Three-Tailed Charm Fox spirit. Xie Yue's Moon Blades appeared in his hands. Yan released his Flame Lord spirit. Ru Shenqi's eyes flashed silver-white.


Both sides rushed towards each other. The soldiers ran forward, swords clashing. Spirit masters launched their skills. Liuying Gorge lit up with brilliant colors. The Gu Royal Family fought with the Dai Royal Family and the Xue Royal Family against the seven heads of the seven tribes. A smaller Hell White Tiger grew. The Shrek Seven Devils went head-to-head with the Golden Generation. The larger Hell White Tiger roared. Tang San and Xiao Wu merged for the Coexistence of Two Gods. Ning Rongrong's Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda rose into the air as she launched her seventh spirit skill.

Ru Shenqi faced off against five of her friends.

"Xiao Shen," Liao Suyin pleaded. "Please don't do this. We don't want to hurt you."

"Suyin, I am Spirit Empire's Holy Maiden. I must fight for the Empire."

Ming Yong looked at her sadly. "Xiao Shen, what really pushed you to this? Was it your fear of Xingyun's obsession? Was it the threat of the Rakshasa God?"

She shook her head. Lies rolled off of her tongue. "I've fought it for so long, but I've always been meant to belong to Spirit Empire. It was Fate that led Laoshi to me that day in Vast Sea City."

Pain filled Ming Yong, Liao Suyin, Shu Jiaxiang, Fang Youyou, and Bai Shanxin's eyes. They swallowed and all released their spirits. Ru Shenqi launched her seventh spirit skill. The Shrek Five Tyrants knew that they stood no chance against their Captain. Her eyes fell on the battlefield.

"Nine Stars Meteor Shower!"

A raining of stars fell from the sky. So many soldiers and spirit masters, on both sides, perished. Her friends gaped at her in shock.

"Xiao Shen, why?!"

But her eyes were dead. "Spirit Empire will emerge victorious today."

Her second divine ring lit up. "Second divine skill, Spiritual Duplication!"

The Golden Iron Triangle and Shrek Seven Devils froze. Everyone across the battlefield waited to see what spirit she would release. The Golden Scepter of Haishen Island appeared in her hand. She summoned much of the water in the clouds to her.

"Fifth spirit skill of the Sea God: Sea God's Summon, Movement of Beasts!"

Out of the water, she formed an entire army of Ocean spirit beasts. They descended from the sky and attacked spirit masters and soldiers. The Shrek Seven Devils' pupils retracted with fear.

Senior Bo Saixi...

Ru Shenqi relaunched her second divine skill. Her eyes narrowed. "Sixth spirit skill of the Sea God: Sea Burial!"

The Shrek Seven Devils choked. A gaping hole opened in the sky, sucking people up into it. The Golden Generation launched all defensive skills. Zhao Wuji launched his third spirit skill, Gravity Increase, to keep people on the ground. Tang San used his Titan Giant Ape left arm bone skill, Gravity Control, to do the same. Gu Xingyun launched his Heavenly Lion Red Atmosphere to help also.

When she had exhausted the Sea Burial, she used her second divine skill. Again. Her eyes turned sad and pained.

Grandmaster, I'm sorry for breaking my promise.

"Secondary ability of the sixth spirit skill of the Soul Devouring Spider Emperor: Spatial Tear, Cut of the Abyss!"

Another void appeared. Seeing this, Yu Xiaogang's face blanched. Liu Erlong glanced at him.


"Xiao Shen promised she wouldn't use Bibi Dong's skills ever again."

Flender cut in, "Well she still used them!"

Tang San and Xiao Wu rose up. "Boiling like a behemoth, swallowing the sky and devouring the earth. Peacefully embracing the silent sky in its arms. Realm of the Sea God!"

Ru Shenqi's eyes sharpened. "Goddess of Nine Stars Domain, evolved skill: Omnipresent Supremacy!"

The two domains flew at each other. Taking the opportunity, Gu Xingyun used his left leg bone to fly up. He summoned the Lightning Spear. When Ru Shenqi broke the Realm of the Sea God, Gu Xingyun dove for her. She dodged out of the way. The other Tyrants cried out in protest.

"Xingyun, don't!"

They all knew that if he hurt his beloved, should he ever remember, he would greatly regret it.

"First divine skill, Ice Goddess!"

Ru Shenqi trapped Gu Xingyun in a block of ice, the weight of it pulling him to the ground. After having bought herself some time, she turned to look at Hu Liena.

"Laoshi, now!"

Hu Liena leapt up. "Thirty Six Star Prison!"

She trapped every soldier and spirit master from the joint army that was under God rank. Seeing Hu Liena use the Nine Stars, the Shrek Six Tyrants' faces paled. Ming Yong whipped around to look at Ru Shenqi.

"Xiao Shen, why? Why would you let Hu Liena succeed your God seat?!"

"Why shouldn't a disciple sacrifice for her Laoshi ? Plus, with my capabilities, there's no way another God wouldn't choose me. That way, Spirit Empire will have two Gods again."

They all stared at her in horror. Her heart clenched in pain. Everyone, I'm so sorry.

"Prison Break!"

Hu Liena sent the stars after the army. Ru Shenqi closed her eyes and looked away as screams echoed all over Liuying Gorge. And this is why I'm destroying the God seat for the Goddess of Nine Stars. This position is too powerful and too oppressive.

Once the joint army had suffered heavy casualties, Hu Liena joined with Xie Yue to create their Charm Genie spirit fusion skill. Now that Hu Liena was a Limit Douluo with an evolved spirit, this spirit fusion skill was menacing. Within the pink mist, Gu Xingyun growled. His skull bone granted him a bit of mental protection just because it was a skull bone. At that moment, Ming Yong's Melody and Harmony Domain rang out, effectively dissipating the Charm Genie fusion skill.

Xiang Yuezu shot out and released her spirit. As the Arcana Douluo, her spirit skills dealt with the dark side of magic. The other Elders and Flamens joined the fight. With this unexpected attack, and the sudden appearance of Spirit Empire's hidden reinforcements, dread filled the hearts of the Shrek Seven Devils and the Golden Iron Triangle.

Countless Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagodas lit up. Under the auxiliary boosts, many of the spirit masters from the joint army were restored to almost their full strength and full spirit power. Fang Youyou's lotus petals flew out one-by-one. The auxiliaries on Spirit Empire's side also released their skills, helping to heal and restore their spirit masters.

After the restoration across the field, Ru Shenqi's eyes locked with Gu Xingyun's. She launched her seventh spirit skill. After her body became crystalline, she taunted, "You think you can challenge me? You think you can become a God? Haha, think again."

Having been incited enough, he leapt up and released a roar. She took a deep breath. Xingyun, after this, I hope you can fulfill the God of Storms' expectations. Xiao Shen won't be able to accompany you ever again. Hell's Duo will never shock the world after this.

His grip tightened on the Lightning Spear. Its sharp point glinted in the sunlight. She turned and shot away, acting like a coward. He dashed after her. Seeing this, the other Five Tyrants' hearts clenched with worry. The Golden Iron Triangle frowned. The Shrek Seven Devils watched everything carefully. The Golden Generation fumed in fury.

Gu Xingyun sped up, thrusting the spear forward. Ru Shenqi suddenly stopped fleeing and turned around. Pain and sadness filled her eyes. Realizing that she had halted, everyone's eyes widened. Time seemed to slow as Gu Xingyun's Lightning Spear got closer and closer.

"NO, XIAO SHEN!" the Shrek Five Tyrants screamed.

"Ge, what is Xiao Shen doing?"

"I don't know why she stopped. Does she think her seventh spirit skill can stop a divine weapon?!"

The Golden Iron Triangle felt horror and fear creep into their bones.

Hu Liena shook her head and cried in a panicked voice, "Xiao Shen, go!"

But Ru Shenqi closed her eyes, finally feeling at peace for the first time in months. When she opened her eyes, Gu Xingyun was almost to her. She recalled her seventh spirit skill and felt the spear pierce her chest. Blood spewed from her lips, accompanied by the horrified cries of her friends, Teachers, and Seniors. The force of the attack drove her into Liuying Fortress. Her eyelids fluttered as her consciousness waned.

Gu Xingyun didn't let go of the divine weapon. Ru Shenqi reached up with a shaking hand and cupped his face. "Xingyun, now, you can really become a God."

Her hand moved and tapped his mind's sea. Inside, she stood across from the man she loved. He frowned in confusion.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"My name is Ru Shenqi, but you always called me Xiao Shen. Xingyun, we met in Slaughter City and grew up together in Shrek Academy. We went to Vast Sea City with our friends and took on the Sea God's Challenges. Both of us received Red Level Tests. Then, we came back here and Yong was chosen to become a God. Do you remember all of this now?"

She coughed and fell out of his mind's sea. His eyes cleared, and he looked at her with brimming tears. "Xiao Shen..."

She smiled sadly. "I became the Holy Maiden to ensure you wouldn't become jealous of Yong and be approached by the Rakshasa God again. I begged the other Gods to choose you so there wouldn't be a chance for the Rakshasa God to do so. Everything I've done since has been to help you become the God of Storms. This is the last thing. You need a Flamen's death."

"No, Xiao Shen." He pulled the Lightning Spear and sent it away. Drawing her into his arms, he descended to the ground. Blood continued to trickle from her lips. "Xiao Shen, stay with me."

She smiled sadly. "I don't regret the choices I've made since I joined Spirit Empire. I've stalled Hu Liena's Inheritance as much as I could. So once I die, she won't be able to succeed as the Goddess of Nine Stars. The position will disappear from the Douluo Divine Realm, like the Angel God position."

He shook his head. "No, Xiao Shen, you're not going to die. I won't let you die!"

She coughed, choking on her own blood. "The spear tip cut through my heart. God or not, I will die."

Gu Xingyun pulled her closer. "No, no. I just got you back. I can't let you go."

Ru Shenqi reached out her arm and summoned the Golden Scepter. She pointed it into the sky and open a portal to the Douluo Divine Realm. "Go, Xingyun. Go finish your God of Storms Inheritance Trial. Forget about me, put the bigger picture first. Once you become a God, the joint army will have four Gods while Spirit Empire will have none."

"H- how long have you known?"

"Known what?"

"That you would die."

"Since I prayed for a God to acknowledge you."

He choked back a sob. "Xiao Shen, you're Hell's Little Empress. You can't leave me."

Her bottom lip quivered. She reached up and cupped his face once more. "I have never stopped loving you, Xingyun. You have always been the only one in my heart."

"Xiao Shen..."

She smiled, and her eyes fluttered before closing all the way. Her hand fell limp at her side. Gu Xingyun keened.

On the battlefield, Hu Liena spat blood. She felt the Inheritance wane until it was gone completely. Her eyes widened in realization.

"This was her plan all along. She came to Spirit Empire to ruin us. She was never one of us. She fooled us all."

Gu Xingyun picked up his beloved and shot towards the camp. He breezed by Spirit Empire's troops and returned to the Golden Iron Triangle's side. The Shrek Seven Devils and Five Tyrants came over quickly. Ming Yong, Shu Jiaxiang, Liao Suyin, Bai Shanxin, and Fang Youyou all dropped to their knees, tears streaming down their faces.

"Xiao Shen," they mourned.

Gu Xingyun hung his head, hands shaking. "I- I hurt her. I killed Xiao Shen."

Tang San walked over and rested a hand on his shoulder. "Xiao Shen's plan was elaborate. Even I had no idea she was planning to sacrifice her life for you to become a God. But you have the chance now. The portal's still open. Go. Become the God of Storms. Then come back to avenge your beloved."

Gu Xingyun swallowed and rubbed the tears from his eyes. He nodded slowly and stood. He flew up and entered the Douluo Divine Realm. The portal instantly disappeared after him. Xiao Wu knelt down next to her disciple.

"Xiao Shen apologized a week ago. She knew that her time had come when we told her Xingyun's Ninth Trial had begun. I can't even begin to imagine the stress, pain, and sorrow she's been holding in her heart with no one to talk to. As her Laoshi, I should've figured out something was on her mind much sooner."

Liu Erlong wrapped her arms around her daughter. "None of us had any idea. You can't fault yourself."

Ming Yong held Ru Shenqi's hand. "Xiao Shen, you hid such a heavy thing from all of us. How alone did you feel in Liuying Fortress with no one to trust and no one to rely on? How sad were your last days for you knew you would die today?"

As much as he hoped that stunning azure blue eyes of hers would open and look at him, he also knew that the woman he loved would never live again.