
Another Harry Potter Fanfiction

In a 1990s London orphanage, Sean Felliop, a bookish and academically gifted young boy stands out with his mature mind. He is in fact the byproduct of reincarnation. Chatgpt powered

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20 Chs

Train and Neville Episode

As the trio continued chatting and sharing stories, Neville's expression suddenly shifted from mild anxiety to genuine distress. He frantically patted his robes and looked around, his eyes widening with realization.

"Oh no, Trevor!" Neville exclaimed, his voice filled with worry. "He's gone! My toad, Trevor, he's not in his cage!"

A shadow of sadness crossed Neville's face as he fumbled through his belongings, desperately hoping to find his missing toad. The realization that Trevor had somehow escaped weighed heavily on him, and his eyes welled up with a mix of frustration and sadness.

Hermione and Sean exchanged concerned glances and immediately offered their help.

"Don't worry, Neville. We'll help you find Trevor," Sean assured him, standing up to join the search.

"Yeah, we'll check the train compartments and see if he's wandered off somewhere," Hermione added, her usual bossy demeanor replaced by genuine empathy.

The trio began scouring the train, peeking into compartments and asking fellow students if they had seen a toad named Trevor. Neville's anxiety grew with each unanswered inquiry, but Sean and Hermione remained determined to assist.

After a thorough search, they regrouped in the corridor, Trevor still nowhere to be found. Neville's shoulders slumped, and a sense of defeat hung in the air.

"I can't believe he's gone," Neville sighed, his voice filled with sadness.

Hermione placed a comforting hand on Neville's shoulder. "We'll keep looking when we get to Hogwarts, Neville. Maybe he'll turn up there. Don't worry; we won't give up on Trevor."

Sean nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Neville, we'll make sure to check every nook and cranny at Hogwarts. Trevor's got to be around somewhere."

Sean and Hermione continued their search for Neville's missing toad, Trevor, by checking compartment after compartment on the Hogwarts Express. The rhythmic rattle of the train wheels provided a backdrop to their determined efforts. As they moved through the carriages, they encountered a commotion coming from one of the compartments further down the corridor.

Approaching the source of the disturbance, Sean and Hermione discovered a heated exchange involving Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy, and his two lackeys. Draco, with an air of arrogance, was attempting to assert his superiority, while Harry remained stoic, refusing to acknowledge Draco's attempts to provoke him.

Sean, ever calm and diplomatic, intervened to defuse the tension. "Hey, what's going on here?" he asked in a measured tone, directing the question to the group.

Draco sneered at Sean. "Mind your own business. This doesn't concern you."

Ignoring Draco's dismissive tone, Sean addressed Harry and the others. "Let's not ruin the journey to Hogwarts with unnecessary arguments. We're all here for the same reason—to learn and enjoy the magical world. Now, can we find a way to get along?"

Hermione, nodding in agreement, added, "Besides, we're looking for Neville's missing toad. Have any of you seen it?"

The mention of a missing toad momentarily shifted the focus of the conversation. Ron and Harry exchanged glances, indicating they hadn't seen Trevor. Draco, still fuming, scoffed at the idea of being bothered by such trivial matters.

As the tense atmosphere lingered, Sean decided to take a more direct approach to diffuse the situation. Silently and wandlessly, he cast a jinx aimed at Draco, creating a subtle and unnoticed magical push that caused Draco to stumble backward.

Draco, caught off guard, looked bewildered but didn't immediately connect the incident to Sean. Sean maintained his calm demeanor and gestured towards the door. "I think it's best if you find another compartment. We're on a mission to find Neville's toad, and we'd appreciate some peace."

Draco, still resentful but temporarily subdued, grumbled as he and his lackeys left the compartment. The door closed behind them, and a momentary calm settled over the space.

"Thanks for that," Ron said appreciatively, breaking the silence.

"No problem. Let's focus on finding Trevor," Sean replied, determined to return to the task at hand.

As Sean and Hermione resumed their search, the incident with Draco momentarily behind them, the Hogwarts Express continued its journey toward Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

After the brief confrontation with Draco and his departure, Sean and Hermione resumed their search for Neville's missing toad, Trevor. As they continued down the corridor, they noticed Neville still looking worried and searching for his beloved pet.

Hermione had a sudden realization. "Wait a minute, Neville. Did you check your suitcase?"

Neville's eyes widened at the suggestion, and a mixture of hope and doubt played on his face. "My suitcase? I didn't think... But why would he be in there?"

Hermione, ever logical, explained, "Sometimes pets find peculiar places to hide, especially if they're scared. Let's check."

The trio made their way back to Neville's compartment, and with a sense of anticipation, they opened his suitcase. To their surprise and relief, there was Trevor, nestled among Neville's clothes and magical supplies.

"There he is!" Hermione exclaimed, a triumphant smile crossing her face.

Neville's expression shifted from worry to sheer joy. "Trevor, you sneaky little guy! How did you end up in there?"

Trevor croaked in response, seemingly unfazed by the commotion he had caused.

Sean chuckled, "Looks like Trevor wanted to join the journey in style, right in the suitcase."

With Trevor safely retrieved, the compartment was filled with a collective sense of relief. Neville, grateful and overjoyed, gently cradled his toad in his hands.

"Thanks, Hermione, Sean. I don't know what I would've done without you two," Neville expressed, genuine gratitude in his voice.

"No problem at all, Neville. It's all part of the magical journey," Sean replied, sharing in the moment of camaraderie.

As the trio settled back into their compartment, Trevor comfortably situated, the Hogwarts Express continued its journey to the castle. The incident with Draco and the temporary loss of Trevor became part of the adventure, a story to share as they approached the magical world that awaited them at Hogwarts.

As the Hogwarts Express rolled to a gradual stop at Hogsmeade Station, the excited chatter and anticipation among the first-year students reached a crescendo. The compartment doors slid open, and the students began to gather their belongings, eager to disembark and catch their first glimpse of the majestic castle.

Outside, the platform was bathed in the soft glow of lantern light, and the crisp night air carried the faint scent of magic. The students, guided by the enthusiastic chatter of Hagrid, filed out of the train and onto the platform. Hagrid, a towering figure with a wild beard and a soft spot for magical creatures, welcomed the freshmen with a hearty greeting.

"Right then, follow me, everyone! We'll be takin' these boats across the Black Lake to Hogwarts Castle. A bit of a bumpy ride, but don't you worry, the giant squid won't bite," Hagrid announced with a twinkle in his eye.

The first-year students, a mix of excitement and trepidation written on their faces, followed Hagrid as he led them towards the edge of the lake. The boats, bobbing gently in the water, waited for the students to embark. The night sky above was clear, revealing a canvas of stars that reflected on the tranquil surface of the Black Lake.

Hagrid assisted the students into the boats, ensuring that everyone was settled before taking his place in the lead boat. The boats glided smoothly across the lake, the water rippling with the gentle movements. The castle, perched atop a hill, loomed in the distance, its many towers and turrets outlined against the night sky.

As they approached the castle, the warm glow of its windows beckoned the newcomers. The air was filled with a sense of wonder and anticipation as the boats reached the shores of Hogwarts. Hagrid, with a grin that stretched from ear to ear, welcomed the students to their new home.

"Here we are, everyone! Hogwarts Castle. The start of your magical journey awaits!" Hagrid exclaimed, the excitement in his voice echoing the sentiments of the eager freshmen.

The students disembarked from the boats, the castle standing tall and majestic before them. The journey across the lake marked the beginning of their adventure at Hogwarts, a place where magic and mystery awaited them at every turn. With Hagrid as their guide, the first-year students set foot on the grounds of Hogwarts, ready to explore the enchanting world that lay within its ancient walls.

As the first-year students gathered in the entrance hall of Hogwarts, Professor McGonagall, the stern yet respected Transfiguration professor and Deputy Headmistress, awaited their arrival. Her sharp gaze swept over the group, assessing each student with an air of authority.

"Welcome to Hogwarts," Professor McGonagall announced, her voice carrying a no-nonsense tone that demanded attention. "I am Professor McGonagall, your transfiguration professor . Now, follow me. We will be heading to the Great Hall for the sorting ceremony."

As the freshmen fell into line and followed Professor McGonagall through the massive castle doors, the air was thick with anticipation and curiosity. Whispers circulated among the students, fueled by the uncertainty of what lay ahead.

"I heard there's a special challenge for us," one student murmured.

"Maybe it's a test of our magical abilities," speculated another, anxiety evident in their voice.

Professor McGonagall maintained her dignified silence as the students walked through the echoing corridors. The rumors, however, continued to swirl among the first-years, each whisper adding an element of uncertainty to their expectations.

The group arrived at the entrance to the Great Hall, where the large wooden doors stood imposingly. Professor McGonagall turned to address the freshmen, her stern expression unyielding.

"Inside, you will find the Sorting Hat. It will determine which of the four houses you will belong to during your time at Hogwarts," she informed them, her words leaving room for no further questions.

The announcement stirred a mix of curiosity and nervousness among the students. The nature of the sorting ceremony, shrouded in mystery, fueled imaginative rumors.

"I heard the Sorting Hat can read your mind," one student whispered to their companion.

Another added, "Maybe it's a magical obstacle course, and we have to prove our worth to the school."

The group entered the Great Hall, and the sight of its enchanted ceiling and the long, candle-lit tables left the freshmen in awe. The anticipation reached its peak as Professor McGonagall gestured towards the front, where the Sorting Hat rested upon a stool.

"Wait here the sorting ceremony will begin shortly," Professor McGonagall instructed, leaving the students to exchange wary glances.

The rumors, however unfounded, continued to circulate among the freshmen, each whisper growing more imaginative and exaggerated. As the Sorting Hat ceremony loomed, the uncertainty created an atmosphere of both excitement and trepidation. The freshmen, unaware of the magical tradition awaiting them, speculated about the mysterious ordeal that lay ahead, ranging from battling trolls to facing daunting exams. The truth of the sorting ceremony, a magical sorting hat determining their house placement, remained veiled in the students' collective imagination.

The Great Hall buzzed with anticipation as the freshmen awaited their turn to be sorted. The enchanted ceiling above mimicked the night sky, and the long tables were filled with eager faces. At the front of the hall, the Sorting Hat rested on a stool, its tattered brim concealing the ancient wisdom within.

Professor McGonagall approached the stool, holding a long scroll of parchment. She unrolled it and began to call out the names of the first-year students, who then stepped forward, one by one.

"Abbott, Hannah!"

The first student nervously approached the stool, and after a brief moment of contemplation, the Sorting Hat declared, "Hufflepuff!"

The hall erupted into applause as the Hufflepuff table welcomed its newest member. The sorting continued, with each student being placed into one of the four houses: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin.

Finally, it was Sean's turn. He took a deep breath and walked up to the stool, where the Sorting Hat awaited. The hat was placed on his head, and as it settled, the whispers in Sean's mind began.

"A reader, eh? A thirst for knowledge, a love for books. You're certainly an intellectual one," the Sorting Hat mused in Sean's thoughts.

Sean nodded inwardly, his excitement evident.

The Sorting Hat continued its contemplation, "Cunning thoughts, a keen mind. But where to place you, my young scholar?"

After a moment of silence, the Sorting Hat made its decision.


The announcement echoed through the Great Hall, and the Ravenclaw table erupted into cheers. Sean, a satisfied smile on his face, removed the Sorting Hat and took his place at the Ravenclaw table. The blue and silver colors of his new house surrounded him, and he found himself among fellow students who shared his passion for knowledge and learning.

As Sean sat down, the applause and cheers subsided, giving way to the continued sorting of the incoming students. The Sorting Hat, having completed its task with Sean, awaited the next eager mind to unravel and categorize. The magical tradition continued, and Hogwarts welcomed a new group of students into its diverse and spirited community.

the chapter's name are messed up

TheVeryLazyOnecreators' thoughts