
Upsetting the Balance

Shouta Aizawa stared at the screen. If anyone had seen him, and knew him, they would have thought he was trying to activate his quirk through the screen, or they would have been confused by his choice of viewing.

Before him, scattered in seemingly haphazard piles were papers. It was if the contents of a cork board had been vomited over the table. All that was missing was the red string.

The screen displayed a single man. He was standing before a podium and was well dressed. He had short green curls, bright green eyes and an easy smile. There were various things being projected behind him but the man was a skilled enough orator that he didn't turn.

Aizawa, having been a teacher for a few years, appreciated that. He listened to to the man for the few moments it took to understand the projection.

"-are not actually evil! They are just people who are desperate. A man who lost his job and wants to feed his kids. A woman who just wanted to protect her child. I can name countless examples. You've probably seen them yourselves! But it is the words and that language that we use which makes them all seem worse.

"Villain." The man said the single word with an impressive degree of emotion, stretching it out to make it all the more sinister.

"The majority of those we call villains are not. They are simply people. Performing criminal acts, I admit but they are people."

Aizawa resisted the urge to snort. The politician had some point but was glossing over those who were truly evil. But then that's what politicians did.

He looked down at the papers, but he already knew what they said.

Name: Imoku Kakurete

Birthdate: 17/07/2XXX

Quirk: Spark. Shouta had only been able to find some grainy footage, supposedly from Imoku's teenage years showing a shower of colourful sparks attributed to the man's quirk. He was not one of those people who had to show off their quirk.

Relatives: Mother Mikata Kakurete, Father Souzo Kakurete (deceased)

It was all very normal. The details were public record given Imoku's position as a member of the House of Representatives. He had dinner with his Mother once a week and visited the family grave once a year.

He turned back to the screen. There was another graph behind the politician. It was a bar chart. There were several which towered over the others.

"In the majority of the cases with what we like to call villains, the damage from their crimes was actually exacerbated by the so called hero who apprehended them!"

Aizawa didn't react, though he could hear the timbre of Imoku's voice. The man was a born orator… and several examples came to mind rather readily at Imoku's pronouncement. The problem was if he could think of them, then the public could think of them. It had nothing to do with insider hero knowledge, it was just knowledge.

"Relatively simple robberies have descended into hostage situations when heroes have intervened. An easy arrest costs thousands in property damage in the ensuing fight. There are better ways. There are more compassionate ways, and as a society, we have to embrace them!"

Shouta supposed he should be thankful Imoku wasn't mentioning the worst cases he knew about… those where the situation had actually caused deaths. They happened. A bit more frequently than he liked but for whatever reason the politician wasn't mentioning them.

The Pro-hero looked back to his paperwork. He hadn't become one of the best underground heroes by relying on mere paper. In investigations he never accepted anything unless he had confirmed it himself. The paperwork was immaculate. As it should be but it was when he looked at the actions that things were odd…

As an elected official Imoku's schedule was public, so Shouta had followed his mother. Or at least attempted to. It wasn't that the woman was slippery, it was like she didn't exist. There were pictures of her with her son on the campaign trail. Only a few but none of her neighbours had anything to say about her.

"She's quiet and keeps to herself," was the summary answer he'd gotten to all of his questions.

Yet there was a bank account in the woman's name. Even as a Pro-Hero Shouta couldn't find out the balance or any transaction details (not just on his suspicion) but he knew, from observations that she only ate out once a week, when her son was there. No home cooked meals for Imoku. Instead, a truly prodigious amount of food arrived for them to eat. And an examination of the apartment building's rubbish indicated that all the food was consumed that night. He'd been very careful in noting who ordered what, and when the containers appeared in the garbage. That meant either Imoku, or his mother, were using their quirks, and quite frequently at that. There were specific meal plans available for those who had high output quirks.

Except… There was no good footage of Spark and Mikata Kakurete's quirk was listed as being "Rainbow". She could make some small light shows, illusions if she desired. It didn't seem like it would be high energy and there was no evidence that they were inviting others to dinner when Imoku visited.

The food, and where it went, was just another clue to a puzzle that would eventually make sense. Once he had all the pieces. Shouta looked back at the screen. Imoku was shaking his head with every appearance of it being regretful.

"It is a harsh truth that heroics merely feed acts of villainy. Without heroes, there would not be villains. There would only be criminals, but since that is what they are, why do we make the distinction?

"Quirks," Imoku answered his own question. "We are stuck with the adoration of the past, back to the beginning of quirks, back in the 20th century, when they were new. We have adopted their naming convention for those with power… We have adopted a naming convention that was used for fantasy works!

"Now is not the time for fantasy."

It was an interesting analogy, Aizawa had to admit. He'd never truly considered that but he could recall from his history lessons that there had been a subculture in the 20th Century that followed Comic Book Heroes. They were usually someone born different. Those who used their powers for good were heroes, those who didn't were villains.

He grimaced. Imoku's words would resonate with the crowd, and with anyone who knew history and most people knew at least a little bit about the emergence and growth of quirk society.

That though, was a problem for another day. He sighed as he looked back at his notes.

He couldn't spend all his time on this case, so the only time he'd seen the woman himself was when she was on her way home after doing whatever she did on the evening she met with her son. Then she never emerged from the apartment building. Imoku did. That made sense. Imoku went home. His mother slept, and Aizawa had classes to teach the next day so could never remain in the morning. And he had yet to see her on the weekends.

She had a small online presence, and all her paperwork was good but…

He couldn't quite put his finger on the problem but couldn't shake the feeling that there was a problem.

"Villains are an illusion! They are a creation of the media but they aren't the reality. Using the word villain allows us to forget that they are people. Allows us to comfort ourselves at night with the thought that they were evil, allows us our ignorance. It is easy. It makes a villain into a cover, somet-"

Aizawa blinked, and looked back at the papers. A cover. An illusion. His lips twitched. That was it exactly. Mrs Kakurete was an illusion. Quite a skillful one. And a very well set up one as all the paperwork was complete and correct. Everything was as it should be.

He looked back at the screen, putting the TV on mute as he watched the politician.

It lead to more questions that it answered. Why did a politician need a cover for a mother? Unless Imoku wasn't who he said he was.

Shouta shivered. The realisation resonated with him and he felt a surety he'd only felt a few times in his life.

If Imoku Kakurete was not truly Imoku, then who the hell was he?


The raid on the facility where the government was attempting to treat the Noumu's went well. Without orders Noumu are reasonably docile, so the facility wasn't that well protected. The League simply took over one of the security points, one that had access to the building's PA and then Tomura and Dabi simply ordered the Noumu to come to them. It actually worked very well.

I am still not certain how many Noumu the Heroes retrieved during the incident where Sensei was captured, but having Tomura and Dabi call their Noumu meant that only those properly conditioned came to us. Each Noumu has a specific handler, besides Sensei of course. Tomura has control over the most, but Dabi's Chainsaw Noumu is still alive. The fire villain was happy about that, though not as happy as Tomura was to learn that High End was still operational.

High-End actually displays intelligence. It is simple intelligence but it recognised its master and was pleased to see Tomura.

I am thankful that before the mission, Tomura at least remembered to tell those who were still labouring to create further Noumu that several would be coming back. They had the room ready to accept them and each of the Noumu seemed pleased to rest in their huge tubes.

Of course, now that the Noumu have been retrieved, there is the question of what the League's next target is. Overhaul or Hawks.

Both are tempting for different reasons.

Overhaul for his knowledge. He is the one who conceived quirk-erasing bullets and then found the means to create them.

Hawks for the double cross the hero is intending to perform.

Tomura wants the heads of both, though his burning desire for Hawks has diminished. That does not mean he will ever forgive the hero but he is now able to more calmly think about the situation. That is what makes Tomura dangerous. Not the fact that he will lash out in anger, but the fact that once he calms down, he does not truly let go of his anger, instead he plans.

Hawks is the larger danger, since we are still playing along with his plan and taking him out will make the most impact on society. Taking out the number one hero, again, will cement the League's reputation in general society. Overhaul has knowledge, but the concept is now public so there are others thinking about it, others trying to make it work. Overhaul might find another way but that will take time. Thus Hawks should be our target.

There is another, far more pragmatic reason to take down Hawks first. As a hero, he is much easier to find. Overhaul has gone to ground. After we took back the quirk-erasure bullets, the former Yakuza has been very careful to remain under the radar. I am forced to wonder if the government have arrested him and simply not announced it to the world. That would be like them, especially if one of the underground heroes took him out.

Though, I like to think I am well informed about the underground heroes. I do not recall one strong enough to do that. That doesn't mean there isn't one, just that they are truly being underground. If they are that strong, and that dedicated, I imagine when hero society falls, they will become a vigilante. I imagine those who have passed the little assessment the Hero Public Safety Bureau has established will all become vigilantes, because they are the ones who truly want to be heroes for what the public would call heroic reasons.

I also imagine that they will be watched carefully. They will be expected to lead by example which would go against what they truly desired.

I am looking forward to that day.


"It's taken me a long time to find you."

Imoku started at the voice. So did Toga, who was currently masquerading as his mother.

He turned, looking down the corridor to the speaker. A man stepped out of the shadows. Not literally out of the shadows, but he moved so that he was properly illuminated. Imoku felt he should recognise the dark hair and black eyes but… he didn't.

Toga did. She hissed but said nothing. It wasn't really an appropriate sound for his mother and Imoku waved one hand at her to see if he could bluff his way out of this. He was reasonably sure the answer would be no, but it never hurt to try.

"My business hours are posted," Imoku said mildly, as if this man was one of his constituents. "I would be happy to see you tomorrow."

"Oh, I think you should see me now," the man insisted, coming forward. "This isn't going to be a conversation that should be had in public, now, is it, Mrs Kakurete?"

Imoku spared a glance at Toga. Her disguise was holding but her expression was not as cheerful as it usually was.

"Of course," she said. "We've been rude, Imoku and we should invite the man in."

He gave Toga a proper look but she just nodded. Imoku sighed as Toga opened the door wider. He stepped through, aware of the man behind him.

"Don't even think about using your quirk," came the soft warning. Imoku looked over to the man. There was something swirling in his hand.

"You appear to have me at a disadvantage," he said, still trying to remember who this was.

The man chuckled as they moved through the apartment's small vestibule into the lounge room. Since Imoku earned a lot, mostly from his business dealings, the apartment was nothing like the one he had shared with his mother… not that long ago. This was a rich apartment. There was a lot of space, and two leather couches faced each other over a low coffee table. A plush armchair was set up to enjoy the view, which at the moment was the lights of the city. They took seats on opposing couches, settling comfortably before looking back at each other.

"He's Overhaul," Toga snarled. She didn't make any move to attack though, their seated position could explain why.

The word finally triggered Imoku's memory. Overhaul was the one who had developed the Anti-Quirk bullets. "You mean Tomura hasn't killed him?" He asked. He would have thought that Tomura would have done something about Overhaul by now

Overhaul didn't laugh. "Tomura hasn't killed me but you have Tomura to thank for letting me know you exist."

"Oh?" Imoku made the murmur a question, while he collated what Overhaul would know about him in his mind. It wasn't much. He didn't really know the man and the main weakness was that he didn't know how much Tomura might have said, or implied about him.

"The League was always too well funded. They recovered too quickly," the man told him. "Their resources weren't the norm, that was the first clue. Even for someone as moronic as Tomura, without cash, there is nothing he can do. So I began searching.

"It's taken me a long time to find you, though I have Toga here to thank." Overhaul's face stretched into a grin. "You suck at watching your back," he told the girl.

She bristled but Imoku put one hand out, which seemed to calm her.

Overhaul chuckled. "I wondered about that," he murmured.

"About what?" Toga hissed.

"Which of you is more highly ranked," he replied, not even looking at her.

Imoku shook his head before he fixed his eyes on Overhaul. "That would be me," he told the man as he tried to focus his quirk.

"No quirks!" Overhaul growled, lifting the swirling vortex again and something tumbled to the ground.

Imoku let his fade. How had Overhaul detected it? Or… He glanced at Toga. She appeared deflated. One of her knives was at her feet. Overhaul meant her quirk, though Imoku wondered what she had been about to do. Obviously she needed to draw blood but knives were not a part of her quirk and she wouldn't drop it… that was something Overhaul had done. "I guess the question is what do you want?" he asked, waving one hand at Toga again. He'd handle this.

"Just the answers to a few questions, and then I'll deal with business," Overhaul replied before he made an odd movement. Toga made a small sound. Imoku glanced to her as he felt her movement. She was clawing at her face. Her mouth was gone and she was digging into the skin. Her nose was still clear, so the man wasn't trying to kill her yet.

"A very interesting quirk," Izuku said honestly. He'd never seen something quite like it. "Calm, Toga, calm," he told her. Her eyes locked on to his and Imoku gave her a reassuring nod.

"A demonstration," Overhaul told him. "Besides, I don't want her interfering."

The politician knew what that meant. "I'm always happy to discuss business," he responded to the earlier suggestion with a sharp smile that let Overhaul know that he wouldn't go without a fight.

The former Yakuza just gave him a thin smile, dismissing his threat. "Most of it is coming together for me," he said conversationally, "just by confirming your existence. You funnel money to the League and have capitalised on their efforts to change the rules."

Imoku gave Overhaul his own thin smile as he nodded, There was little point in denying it

"It has benefited the League, and your long term plan is very exciting. It's almost a shame that I have to take you out… Unless you want to-"

"No," Imoku interrupted before Overhaul could complete his offer. It was a pity he couldn't use his quirk when he spoke like that but saying yes would finish this far too quickly.

"Pity, I think you'd find that I am a much more reasonable boss than Tomura."

At that Izuku was forced to give the Yakuza a wry smile. "Probably," he allowed, extending himself a little, "but I am a member of the League, and the League does not betray their own."

Overhaul gave him a look that clearly said he thought Imoku was being naive. "Once they start sinking, Tomura will be abandoned. Especially without you. Without the resources you provide, he can't recover. You should think about it. You could save any you liked."

Imoku shook his head. Overhaul was thinking the League was something like he'd known. There was no point in explaining. "You'd never trust me." He placed particular emphasis on the worth trust. It was a very interesting concept.

Toga had calmed and was looking at him oddly before she blinked and nodded to herself. Imoku thought she'd figured out what he was going to do… But she didn't know it all.

The Yakuza had to good taste not to deny that there would be a lack of trust in any relationship they formed. "A pity then, though I will be entertained by the chaos this will cause."

"I don't think you will have much time to be entertained," Imoku said, leaning back, extending himself again. This was what made things so interesting. He had to trust that he had control. He always had to trust that he did, even at the times when it appeared he didn't. "The murder of a Representative will be investigated closely. They will find it's you." He didn't seen to say anything further. Though to his mind, he could also see how his half fulfilled plans would collapse. Some would continue but the overall goal would be missed.

"Oh, I know," Overhaul was relaxed. "But consider that they will also find Toga with you. At which point your credibility and reputation, even in death is ruined."

"I don't think so," Imoku shrugged as he put his hands on the leather of the couch. Overhaul saw the gesture but did nothing. So long as his hands could still be seen, it was okay. But it was a good beginning and he felt a drain of energy. Just a little. "There are many reasons for Toga to be here. Blackmail, for example, threats… I have, as you say, been changing the rules." He wasn't sure if Toga's quirk induced form survived if she was unconscious, and therefore he had no idea if her form might persist into death. He suspected not but quirks were odd like that, it was a possibility. Finding him, murdered with his mother would be tragic but not an ending he wanted.

It was not what would happen. Imoku glanced to Toga. Even with the enforced gag she was being uncharacteristically quiet. She was glaring at Overhaul but the man was completely ignoring her.

"I think you can release her now," Imoku murmured, pushing a little more power out. He resisted the urge to snarl. He'd had a long day, and hadn't eaten since lunch. This was not what he needed now.

"Oh… Is little Toga going to be quiet?" Overhaul mocked.

Imoku hoped Himiko would go along with it. She nodded, and then kept her head down as Overhaul rearranged her features again. "Interesting," he commented. "It doesn't cause pain?" Toga hadn't moved.

Overhaul looked at him like he was stupid. "It causes great pain. The bitch gets off on pain, you know that."

He glanced to the girl sitting beside him and nodded. That made more sense. "So, just knowing who I am can't have answered everything for you," he said to Overhaul, opening up the conversation.

"It answered a lot," the Yakuza replied. "Though there are a few niggling queries."

Imoku grinned. It was a genuine expression. "I don't get to brag that often, so indulge me," he encouraged.

"Why aren't you the League's leader?" The question was asked with an almost idle air but Imoku could see the implications. Overhaul thought he was the more intelligent man, the better candidate.

"Do you think I could juggle the House of Representatives, the League and my businesses?" Imoku returned with his own question, extending himself. His stomach poked him in protest, though thankfully it was not loud. It was beyond time this was over but he needed an opening.

"With competent underlin-"

Imoku held up one hand, not letting Overhaul finish. "And who would be that?" He asked, arching one eyebrow gently. The statement was deliberately designed to be open, to be amusing.

Overhaul gave a bark of laughter. "True," he conceded.

Imoku cocked his head. He couldn't smile at Overhaul's laugh. He would use it. "What else?"

There was a flash in Overhaul's eyes that warned Imoku the next question would be far more probing. "Who are you?"

"He's Imoku," Toga replied for him.

"No, you stupid girl. He's not. Imoku Kakurete is as much a fiction as you. So who are you? I'll make sure you are buried with your real name."

Imoku put his hand on Toga's thigh, calming her down as he chuckled. He wanted to say he was no one but that would transfer Overhaul's anger to him and he needed the man agreeable. "My name won't mean anything to you, but it is Izuku Midoriya."

There was no spark of recognition. There wasn't going to be. His disappearance had not been well reported but Imoku could tell that Overhaul believed him.

"You are right, it means nothing, and I think it's time to end this."

"Funnily enough, I was thinking the same thing," Imoku said, stretching out his senses and driving them at Overhaul, "and all you need to do is trust me."

The words immediately set Overhaul on alert and Imoku watched as he tried to activate his quirk. Too slow. The instant Imoku had finished speaking, he had driven his hand down the back of the couch, seeking the pistol he'd left there. Toga appeared shocked when she saw it and Imoku wasted no time, but was careful to ensure his aim was true as he shot one bullet into Overhaul.

He only had one bullet here.

Blood blossomed as the bullet penetrated Overhaul's shoulder.

"You missed!" Toga shrieked, jumping forward, pulling one of her knives from somewhere.

"I didn't," Imoku assured her, again extending his power. It was enough, just to keep her from cutting Overhaul's throat… That would be a waste.

"What have you done?" Overhaul snarled and rolling his forearm in a way that should be significant.

"Himiko, knife at the throat, but there is no need to cut," Imoku instructed, before deciding it was better if he didn't rise. His vision was watery, and it would completely ruin the image if he was to collapse now. Toga was quick to comply, pressing her knife into Overhaul's throat. He recognised the threat too late.

"What have you done!?" He screamed.

"I think you know," Imoku replied, lowering the gun, and shifting slightly as he retrieved the casing. He held it up.

It was amusing to see two sets of eyes recognise it.

"No!" Overhaul screamed, before Toga pressed her knife deeper. She knew they couldn't really afford the commotion.

"I think it's rather ironic," Imoku said conversationally.

Himiko snickered. "Izuku!" She purred his real name. It really didn't seem right coming from the form of the older woman.

"Do not call me that, in that form," Imoku said immediately.

Toga seemed to understand. "Give me his phone," He instructed her and watched as Toga went through Overhaul's pockets. She was careful to never let the pressure of her knife abate and eventually she held up the phone.

"Unlock it," Imoku ordered.

Himiko giggled but complied, holding the screen in front of Overhaul's face for a moment before she tossed the phone to him.

"How?" Overhaul growled.

Imoku considered the question. He really needed to eat but he couldn't give off any sign of weakness. The Yakuza had to know he wasn't going to get out of this predicament, so why was he seeking the information… And it would reveal information to Toga, who wouldn't tell anyone…He'd seen to that already. Imoku dialed a number from memory but didn't press send as he looked at Overhaul.

"My quirk is useless for combat," he explained. "Instead it relies on the mind, on trust, on suggestion. A moment is all I need, just one where you think favourably of me." That was all he said before touching send.

The phone rang. Imoku saw Overhaul thinking about the implications of his words, trying to work out his quirk but he'd been vague enough that there would still be doubts. The phone continued ringing. Imoku resisted the urge to glare but eventually it was picked up.

There was silence on the other end.

"Kurogiri," Imoku said firmly.

Overhaul recognised the name. So did Toga. "I have a gift for Tomura," Imoku said quickly, knowing that the bartender would recognise his voice. "Could you warp it from here?"

There was a few moments of silence before a warp gate opened, and Kurogiri's eyes formed in the mist. He took in the situation before shifting the gate.

"And can you deliver me a shake?" Imoku asked impishly, gesturing towards the coffee table.

Even as mist Kurogiri looked disapproving. "No one makes them like you do!" Imoku begged, using the words to hide the fact that he was going to have trouble moving. The older villain seemed to understand as he closed in around Overhaul.

"You won't win!" The Yakuza barked.

Despite the tiredness Imoku felt, and the way his vision was becoming dangerously narrow, Imoku smiled. "I already have."



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