
Another Chance Please ... (based on true story)


Even today my new manager takes as well full advantage of my compulsions. My business is gone and my situation is going from bad to worse. As much as I want to cry, I cry on my way home from office for the reason that everyone in the house doesn't get upset seeing me upset. Every time I started my own business I did it with my savings and with the help of a my lovely friend. Today, I want to start my business again, but in this era of inflation, I am not able to save money at all nor is anyone willing to help me today. Today, all my friends have gone far ahead even everyone is married. Alone's success is slow because he thinks of his home before himself. But I believe that my Allah almighty is taking me from bad days for good days and want to make me a good person. Inshallah, one day I will be successful and my parents will perform Umrah and will do Hajj.

Everyone is luxuriating on the earnings of their parents, so the fun is when the money is mine and the parents do luxuriating.

Inshallah, I will fulfill every dream of my parents and every dream of my sisters one day and be Allah's resource in the worldly affairs of Allah.

Today I ask Allah almighty for all my help, I cry in front of Almighty as much as I cry. I am sure that Allah almighty will answer my every dua in yes.

"give me some sunshine give me some rain.

give me another chance wanna grow up once again"