
Rising Black

My name is Silva Branwen, and I am looking at Kuo Kuana from a distance. Feeling glad that I finally reached my destination, I went to Neopolitan to talk with her about what to do next. I found her brushing Sir Spot despite the cheetah cub's protests at being held down. He slipped from the tri-colored girl's grasp and hid behind me, which made me laugh, and Neopolitan glared at me like I stole all her ice cream. I knelt down to stroked Sir Spot, but he wanted to play instead, as he nibbled and latched on to my paw. I humored the cub as I talked to the tri-colored girl.

" Neo, I am relieving of your punishment for not keeping a close eye on Argint."

She jumped up in the air excitedly at getting her sweets back and even cartwheeled. I wasn't finished talking to her as I needed to ask what she wanted to do next. Kuo Kuana is known to be welcoming to faunus, but to humans, not so much. I asked Neopolitan as I continued to play with Sir Spot.

" Neo, another thing I want to talk to you about is what you want to do next. I will be staying in Menagerie for a while, but I am not entirely sure about their attitude toward humans, but they are likely less than positive feelings for them, so you may not be able to stay with me during my stay. So do you want to return to Vale?"

The tri-colored girl smirked at me and used her Semblance to give herself a pair of cat ears, one brown and the other pink, with a white tip. She looked very, very cute as a cat girl, and I told her.

"You're making me wish you were a cat faunus, Neo."

Neopolitan puffed up her chest with pride, and I got her and Argint ready to enter Kuo Kuana. As I drove the Drake into town, I was stopped by a group of guards on patrol.

" Halt and identify yourself!"

I opened a window to show my face and rested my arm against the door. The guards glanced at my arm and relaxed their vigilance; I guess they thought my hovercraft was being driven by humans and weren't on guard against fellow faunus. The leader of the group of guards greeted me; he was a boar faunus, I think, with the tusks coming out from the sides of his mouth.

" Hello, stranger, and welcome to Kuo Kuana. Where do you hail from?"

" Mainly Anima, but I have done a fair bit of traveling and have always wanted to come here."

The guards nodded at my answer, and I then asked them.

" Quick question. Do I need to set an appointment with the chief of Kuo Kuana to see him? I have business with him."

" No, you don't need an appointment to see Chief Ghira, but what business do you have with him?"

" Just a proposal to help Kuo Kuana in my own way."

The guards started to mutter amongst themselves then the leader told me.

" The chief resides in the large mansion on the northern outskirts, right there."

The guard leader pointed at the Belladonna mansion, and I thanked him.

" Thanks."

" Not a problem, and once again, welcome to Kuo Kuana."

I drove into the main road of the crowded town, and a lot of people gaped at the Drake as I went past them to reach the Belladonna residence. I got out of my hovercraft and told Neopolitan.

" Neo, keep an eye on the Drake for me, will you?"

She gave me a mock salute as I went to the door of the mansion to knock. I used the knocker on the door, which was as loud as in the show and more impressive in person. After a few moments, the door opened to reveal Kali Belladonna, Blake's mother. She had short black hair and yellow eyes with purple eyeshadow around them. She has three gold piercings on her cat ears - two on her right and one on her left. She wears a black hakama and sandals with white tabi socks. Over her outfit, she wears a black shrug with a long right sleeve and a short left sleeve, with gold-leaf trim adorning the opening on the front. She wears long, black arm warmers that extend to the middle finger. The left warmer has a purple band tied around the top and a pair of gold bangles around the wrist. Around her waist is a black and gold sash that trails behind her, with a gold flower-shaped buckle at the end.

I can see where Blake got her good looks from but that aside I greeted her politely.

" Hello, my name is Silva Branwen, and I was wondering if the chief would be willing to see about a proposition I have for him and Kuo Kuana."

Kali smiled at me as she invited me into her home.

" Oh, come in, come in. It's not often that I get to entertain guests."

She dragged me in and took me to a foyer where she served tea. Blake's mother told me as she poured me a cup of tea.

" Ghira is a bit swamped with work right now, so you may have to wait a while."

" I understand. May I bring in my companions? I don't want them to be too bored waiting for me."

" Certainly, feel free to invite them. The more, the merrier."

I thanked Kali and sent a text to Neopolitan to bring in Argint and Sir Spot, as I didn't want to leave the cub alone. I heard the girls using the knocker on the door, and Kali went to let them in. Soon, I heard the woman squeal, and I went to see what was the matter. I saw Kali hugging Neopolitan and Argint. She then noticed me and said happily.

" You should've mentioned that you had such cute friends!"

Sir Spot came up to me after coming behind the girls and started mewing for attention. Blake's mother started entertaining the three and a half of us, and I told her about my travels. Time flew by until night came, and Ghira showed up looking tired to ask his wife.

" Kali, is dinner ready?"

He then noticed the girls and me and said.

" Apologies, I didn't know we had guests."

Hearing that it was dinnertime, I decided to offer a hand or rather paw in helping Kali cook.

" Mrs.Belladonna, if you like, I could help in preparing dinner since I distracted you while waiting for your husband."

" Please, call me Kali, Silva, and I am your hostess, so let me handle dinner while you talk to Ghira. After all, you wanted to meet him."

" You wanted to meet me, young man?"

Kali then left to start dinner after giving her husband a quick kiss on the cheek. Blake's father took a seat across from me and introduced himself.

" You probably already know of me, but allow me to introduce myself formally. I am Ghira Belladonna, and you are young man."

" My name is Silva Branwen, Mr.Belladonna, and I have a proposal for you."

I then told him my plans for Menagerie and how I plan to achieve it, plus why I want to help. Ghira was silent for a few minutes after my explanation and then asked with a serious tone.

" Can you really do what you say?"

" Yes, I just seem land to set things up and your permission."

" Very well then, I will set up the necessary paperwork."

Kali came back and said.

" Dinner is ready!"

Now I can get started on my plans for the future while making some extra preparation to deal with Salem.