
Anomaly İn Harry Potter

Headmistress: Gella Grindelwald (President of the Sorcerer Reform Society, first-class sorcerer of the Order of Merlin) To Mr. Sean Wallup. Congratulations, you have been accepted to study at the Nurmengard School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. There is a list of necessary books and equipment in the October edition. Please ensure that the utmost attention be made to the List of Requirements attached everywhere. We very much look forward to receiving you as part of the new generation of Nurmengard heritage. The semester is scheduled to start on September 1st, please send your answers by July 31st. Vice Principal Vita Rozier Sincerely, Looking at the acceptance letter to the second magic school he received, Sean was deep in thought... There is a big problem in this magical world… Note: This story was taken from Mtlnovel. It’s a Harry Potter fan fiction story that I really like. But there are also many points that I found to be missing. That’s why I wanted to organize and rewrite the story with my own interpretation. ( with R18 episodes and familiar, but with female characters... ) The real name of the story : I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts 被格林德沃看中的我去了霍格沃茨

Lazyauthor46 · Livres et littérature
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Chapter 2 : Sean Wallup

Sean, who came to his room after breakfast, paused for a short moment when he saw that some of the items in his room were broken and his room was still messy.

The black-haired boy took a deep breath after closing the door of his room.

As he raised his hand at the level of his chest and pointed forward, boy said only one word.


The next second, the broken things in his room completely returned to their former state.

If a person in a previous life saw this image, the person would be shocked. And the person would ask how he could do Harry Potter magic.

But in this life, it's probably no one knew who was Harry Potter's or J.K. Rowling

Yes, Sean was a traveler...

Or a reincarnated person...

Or someone who has been reborn...

These definitions can be used for him.

Sean had just entered college in his last life, but inexplicably he turned 20. Centurys England...

The young man accepted the truth during the many years he spent as a baby and a child. In his last life, he had no parents. In this life, he was also growing up in an orphanage, but unlike his previous life, the emerald-eyed teenager was quite happy now.

He had an impeccable looking and brain.

He was living with Miss Grace and a lot of lovely children.

Sean thought he has successfully grown up and he would get rich without difficulty because he knew about the big events that were happening in the 21. century.

Until his sixth birthday...

That day Sean realized that he was not an ordinary person.

He could talk to snakes... He could give orders to snakes. And that was incredible thing.

In the following years, Sean's abilities increased.

When he got too angry or stretched out, he could harm the things and people around him.

Noticing these details, the child tried for the first time to make a Harry Potter spell that he remembered from the movies he watched at the age of 8.

A simple spell...


Lumos magic, known as lighting magic, was one of the main aspects of the Harry Potter world.

The boy excitedly tried magic 8 times and he could'nt do anything. He would later give up in defeat on his attempt... But for the last time, that is, his 9. experiment, a small light came out of the tip of his hand and showed that the young man could do magic. And he was reborn in a magical world.

After that, Sean tried the spells he remembered.

Reparo, Accio, Aguamenti, Alohomora...

Apart from these innocent magics, he could not help but try the magic known as dark magic.

Diffundo, Expulso, Reducto, Sectumsempra, Serpensortia... He even tried 3 unforgivable curses.

And he came to a terrible conclusion.

The black-haired boy could do normal spells basically in 8 or 9 tries.

But it only took 2 or 3 attempts to make the dark magic.

And for those three spells, known as the unforgivable curse, it was enough just once.

This situation made the young man realize a very dangerous truth.

His incredible resemblance to the person who is the main villain of the Harry Potter world...

Voldemort or Tom Marvolo Riddle...

Sean remembered that the young Voldemort was extremely handsome...

He had incredible black magic abilities...

Because he was a descendant of Slytherin, he could speak Forked Tongue.

And as far as Sean remembers, only the descendants of Slytherin had this ability.

While the black-haired boy was scared over these thoughts, he remembered one more detail.

Voldemort was the last Slytherin descendant...

While all this was bothering the young man's mind, Sean closed it off to a certain part of his mind so as not to think about it again.

For the next 3 years, the young man tried not to think about them.

Perhaps Harry Potter spells were universal and could also be used in other magical worlds.

Or there were other reasons why he did these spells.

There were no signs that the world he lived in was the world of Harry Potter...

Sean only wanted to confirm this once and left the orphanage to search for Harry Potter's house.

Unfortunately, 4 Privet Drive he could not find way.

When he returned to the orphanage, Miss Grace was exhausted from crying.

For this reason, the emerald-eyed boy did not go on a second adventure.

Fortunately, Sean's concerns were passed a few days ago. He was relieved when his 11th birthday passed.

There were no letters or owls of any kind that came to him.

So it wasn't in the Harry Potter world!

While the handsome boy was thinking about these things, he suddenly fell backwards with the blow he received.

Falling to the ground, the boy suspiciously opened his eyes and saw an owl hovering on his chest, then flying away from the window.

"This..." Sean took the thing in his chest, it was a letter.

The thick parchment paper is very touchable and there is a wax seal on the back of the address. Above is the familiar school badge. There is a line of words under the school badge.

Sean froze where he was.

Damn it.. Is this really happening?

Sean opened the envelope with great surprise, anticipation and anxiety and took out the letter. On it were several lines of beautiful emerald and green ornamental characters.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmistress: Albina Dumbledore

(President of the International Federation of Magic, President of the Wizarding Society, First-Class Magician of the Merlin Order)

Dear Mr. Wallup:

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

There is a list of necessary books and equipment in the October edition.

The semester is scheduled to start on September 1. We will be waiting for your response from your owl until July 31.

Please ensure that the utmost attention be made to the List of Requirements attached everywhere.

We very much look forward to receiving you as part of the new generation of Hogwarts heritage.

Vice Principal

Minerva Mcgonagall

Sean looked at the letter and read it several times. This is not a trinket purchased in a previous life, but a real letter of acceptance!

This letter was basically a Hogwarts letter, except Albus Dumbledore was where it was supposed to be.

Although Sean noticed this small detail, he didn't take it very seriously.

A small typo did not matter ! The young man had much more important problems.

Subconsciously, he immediately began to recall vague memories of his previous life.

Obviously, he is not a big fan of the Harry Potter series. Like many people, he has read the book and the movie more than once, but it is a little embarrassing to ask him to remember all the details.

He looked at the envelope in his hand again with mixed emotions.

At that moment a new owl appeared at the window.

Unlike the previous owl, this owl was placed on the table under the confused gaze of the child and left the envelope at his feet on the table.

The black little owl nibbled on a few biscuits on the table, and just like his friend, he flew away.

Sean picked up the envelope suspiciously.

The same pale yellow parchment cover, even the same weight.

What's going on? What's the situation?

Swallowing involuntarily, Sean turned the letter over.

The same wax seal, but the school badge on it had changed.

A phoenix and a fire dragon surrounding a sign.

It was a sign that made Sean's eyes get big.

The Deathly Hallows.

And the letters on the logo made Sean's heart break.


There is a Latin phrase under the badge. Thanks to his previous life, Sean can speak Latin.

For this reason, he had no difficulty translating the sentence :

For the greater good...