
The gods' games?

The palace. Cut.

"What kind of message is this that you bring, Litu?"

The king stood up immediately at Litu's words. He looked through the faces of the chiefs and Ima stood up finding his words at last. Such situation seemed to fan his ego,

"He's a carrier of great messages, seize to be Litu. Let's dress him with the honour of such."

The king only took a glance at him and looked away. He didn't seem to take the fellow seriously. There probably was no point doing so.

The king looked at Litu expecting him to say something more and pluck them out of the towering darkness.

"The days when the services of the stranger is needed has come. The day he would prove himself as the great one has come. The day he would set his path right and show us which trail to track is now at our door."