
Annaliese and the Saints

A prodigy and a regular archer at the Olympic Games since her 8th Grade, one will think Dianne Hunt is successful at a young age. Not at all. Dianne is an orphan. She lost her parents to a plane crash during one of her Olympic Games competitions and her brother from a mob. She sucks at academics, a struggle that she always had even in middle school before she focused on her sports. The only thing that excites her was feeling the pull of the bowstring and hearing the thwack of an arrow… or is it just that? In a fateful incident (killing a demon, perhaps?), Dianne met the Alpha-3, a group of Saints tasked to hunt and remove demons from its existence near her location. With her ability to see through the Veil and knowing the extent of danger she was in; the young lady wants to run away just like she always did and pretend it never happened. But can she even run away if she witnessed a certain Annaliese-but-certainly-doesn’t-look-like-an-Annaliese and her companions disappearing through a wall in a subway station? Will she be the same once she finds out about the hidden power within her?

XSkylar19 · Fantaisie
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12 Chs

Prologue | Escape, Part 2

"You dare insult me!" Mr. West screeched, sending a wave of spikes towards the brat.

The girl only continued to aggravate him by leaping high into the air, dodging his attacks, while fending off his attacks with her black dagger. She sheathed her daggers before forming her thumb and forefinger into a gun. She bit her forefinger until it bleed then pointed it at the demon.

"Blood Bullets," she chanted.

Mr. West quickly moved to the side, wincing when one of the blood bullets got embedded into his arm. He sneered at her.

"Do you really think you can win against me, Saint Hunter Annaliese? You couldn't even defeat a Marshal like me, even with the help of your friends!"

The girl only narrowed her eyes at him. "Think what you like, but I would recommend that you don't underestimate me. I'm not as weak and naïve as the others. To get straight to the point: I have a proposition to make."

Mr. West scoffed. "Are you surrendering already?"

Annaliese only looked at him coldly. She put down her hand to her side. "As if. There is a reason why I sought you out alone and I want you to answer some questions of my own. You could either give them to me willingly...or I can beat it out of you. Your choice."

He laughed. "Are you telling me that you think you can get me to do what you want?"

"Not think, know," Annaliese corrected him. "What's your decision?"

"You have some nerve coming here alone, Saint," Mr. West hissed. "Even more irritating is that arrogance!"

Suddenly, he released even more spikes toward the Saint, who quickly sidestepped his attacks. As the girl drew closer, she aimed a punch at him, only to have the girl swerve it and land a high kick to his face.

He staggered, surprised and unable to recover as Annaliese continuously landed multiple attacks on him. By the end of her onslaught, he has been pierced, punched, and kicked numerous times on his head and body, but she was far from finished.

He roared. His body became heavily armored with black iron spikes as he charged forward. The girl was forced on the defensive until she was backed into a corner. Instead of being trapped, however, the brat walked up the wall to move passed him from above. The demon ended up getting himself stuck and by the time he freed himself, he noticed Annaliese had pulled out a mortal gun, fully loaded and facing him.

"A mortal gun?" Mr. West laughed. "Are you stupid, girl? Don't you Saints know-!"


He gasped, blood gushing out from his mouth. He was actually wounded. Blood seeped out from his chest profusely. He found himself kneeling, his hand over his injury.


The girl only stared down at his knelt position, her golden eyes patronizing and cold.

"You shouldn't look down on mortal weapons, you know," Annaliese said casually as she studied the gun in her hand. "They are actually quite efficient. Given the right material, they have the potential to be more deadly than old-fashioned swords. I can't believe this is your first time seeing one."

She moved towards him. For the first time, Mr. West noticed how relaxed his younger opponent was like their battle was only a stroll in the park!

"I've read about you, Mr. West. I know how durable you are in battle, and seeing your fight from last time, I knew that mortal weapons won't bring you down so easily. So, I decided to take precautions this time," Annaliese said, directing her gun towards his head.

Mr. West's eyes widened with shock.

"Instead of the regular mortal bullets that you so ignorantly expected, these bullets are made with my blood solidified like my blood bullets."

Mr. West trembled; his head slightly faint. He clenched his teeth. He refused to be brought down like this. A gun with a Saint's blood as bullets? Ha!

"What do you want, brat?" Mr. West gasped.

"Answers. Are you willing to give them to me now?"

Mr. West glowered at her but finally thought about what the brat suggested. So, he wanted answers. No doubt concerning the Kings' plans. He sneered. As long as he gave the brat a couple of convincing lies, the girl would come here for nothing! Annaliese, the young prodigy of the Saints, already believed he was too weak to attack her. He'd strike and end that brat for good once her back was turned.

"Ask them."

"How many weapons have you produced?" Annaliese inquired. "I know what this company truly is, don't bother denying it, and give me an exact number."

"About 11,900 weapons," Mr. West said slyly. 'The brat thought he could measure our army size based on our weapons. Let them underestimate us when really their weapons quota was nearly five times that amount.'

Annaliese only stared at him, her golden eyes unnerved him. He'd gouge them out first once he was able to attack.

"You're lying."

Mr. West clenched his teeth…how did the brat know? He was certain that his expression was convincing enough. Maybe this was a trick.

"I'm not. We really do have 11,900-!"

"Do you want to know what happens if you continue to lie to me?" Annaliese said darkly. He suddenly pulled out a device. "How many industrial plants do you have around here Mr. West? Around 5 or 6 I gather, right?"

"What does that have to do with anything?" he demanded. The brat smiled as if she found something amusing.

"You have quite a nice view here, Mr. West. I was admiring it when I came in." Annaliese said casually. Her gun was still pointed at his head. "I see that you have 6 industrial plants in perfect condition. Now take a look, this is what happens when you lie…"

She pressed down on the device. Almost instantly, there was a huge rumbling sound like one of the six industrial plants – the weapon storehouses – suddenly burst into flames. Mr. West stared in shock and dismay as numerous explosions continued to occur simultaneously. He watched in horror as one of the plants was now reduced to ashes and rubble.

"Mr. West, you are now reduced to only five industrial plants. Would you like to make that four?"

The demon only stared at the Saint in shock. "How did you do it? What is that device you have in your hand?!"

"Oh, this?" Annaliese said, waving the damn device in front of him tauntingly. "This thing just activates the bombs that Hugh and I placed prior to my visit here." Seeing how Mr. West was still gaping at him in silence, Annaliese continued. "Do you honestly think I waltzed in here unprepared? You will give me the answers I seek or else this company will be reduced to shreds."

"So, you've resorted to blackmail, Hunter?" Mr. West sneered. "How unbecoming for a Saint – you would sacrifice those mortals working in her plants just for some answers?"

Annaliese glared at him. "Mortals who have already given in to the essence of Baal? Those mortals? I don't give a damn."

Mr. West stared at her in disbelief. "What?"