

After the pirates were paid the captives were placed inside a carriage with their eyes blind folded and taken to the palace.

On getting to the palace the captives were arranged according to their age and genders. "Take all the boys to the training field for we would train them and send them out to war" ordered the head guard.

"If I point towards to you you move to my hand side and those of you that I don't point towards you stand at my left" Madame Grace ordered the girls. She began pointing to the girls who caught her eyes and finally got to Alice and Anna's turn who hugged each other tightly

" You with blonde hair move and the left" Madam Grace ordered harshly as she has been pointing towards Alice for sometime but she refused to let go of Anna who cried in fear and confusion"Simon separate them if they rebel hit them" She signaled to one of the guards in duty.

"Let go of me I want to stay with my sister" cried Anna as she was forcefully pulled away from her sister"Anna you have to stay calm don't worry about me and be obedient so you are not punished I will find a way for us to escape this place" Alice whispered to her sister softly.

After the separation Madam Grace took the girls on her right to the courtesans quarters while the one's on the left were taken to the maid chambers.

"I'm am Elias Bailey I am in charge of the palace maid and I will brief you all on your job as a maid in the castle as you are to serve the royal family" Elias addressed the girls who were brought to the maid quaters.

"A Scroll will be given to with which the rules and regulations of this are written which must be strictly followed for there would be severe consequences if you all fail to abide by the rules" Addressed Elias.

A number slot was drawn which would assign the girls to their different jobs in the palace. Anna was posted towards the kitchen where she would assist the cook in preparation of meal and serving the royal family. The girls where taken to the bathouse where there would would wash and dressed up in uniform.

After the bathing the girls were given food to eat showed to their rooms where they would retire for the night" Is Alice okay? I wonder what work she was given to do.... I have to stop throwing tantrums and do my work properly to be able to leave this place someday with Alice" Anna pondered deep in thoughts as sleep eluded her at that time