
Unexpected meet and greet

A few days had passed and nothing else had happened so Anna relaxed a bit and decided to take a stroll through the park as it was a beautiful evening and it was only 10 minutes away. Even with the busy streets absolutly nothing could beat this amazing atmosphere, indulging in it she was already by the park so she took a little walk towards the fountain at the far end took a seat there and simply enjoyed the quiet until a tall slim figure was approaching her but she didn't paid heed to it at first because well it's a park but as the person draw nearer she began to tense a little until she heard a familiar sweet voice saying "mind if I joined you?"

It was her mystery guy Caleb she smiled ever so sweetly and replied it wouldn't be the same without you which earned a chuckle from him as he sat down.

Caleb: what's a beautiful woman like you doing here all alone in the night?

Anna: I've been captivated by this amazing night view and decided to soak it in a little.

Caleb: but aren't you scared of I don't know getting kidnapped?

Anna: really? who would wanna kidnap an old woman as myself I don't even think anyone would pay a ransom for me (chuckles)

Caleb:(draws closer and places a gentle hand on her right cheek) sweetheart I'd give all my life's savings if that ever happened to you and might I add you don't look a day over 20.

Anna:flattery will get you nowhere boo but thanks for the compliment.

Caleb:well it's not flattery if its the truth my dear.

Anna: ok well what brings you here at this hour? sightseeing?

Caleb: no actually I was heading home from work and saw you sitting here alone so I decided I'd join you and maybe later we could have dinner together if you're free of course?

Anna: well I'd love to have dinner with you it's been a while since we met so yeah

Caleb: great my car's right over there let's go.

As they reached his car he opened the door for her and just as he closed it his phone rang "hello?"

"boss the meeting you were heading to um are you still going?"

"cancel it I'll be busy tonight and head home without me ok"

"ok have a good night boss"

Anna: who was that I hope not your girlfriend :)

Caleb: no just a colleague but never mind that tell me what would you like for dinner?

Anna: anything is fine with me really.

And off they went to dinner happily chatting.
