
A New Beginning

A week has passed since she last saw him and she was happy that he didn't appear in her life again. She had composed herself for so long and she wasn't going to be broken down by one meeting no this was the man who'd broken her heart and trust.

She got ready for the day ahead grabbing her purse and keys heading to work once there she was greeted by a very familiar voice "good morning Ms Anna can I see you in my office in five minutes? " Jacob her boss said leaving her in thoughts which she was shortly pulled out of by the buzzing of her phone reminding her of the meeting today ...she put her stuff on her desk grabbed the file containing the presentation for today and headed to his office. She knocked on the wooden door and heard his deep voice "come in" as she entered she was met with his back he was a tall man around his late 20's with dark hair, slender neck, broad shoulders, muscular back and long legs he was wearing a dark blue suit which complimented his lightly tanned skin "sir you wanted to see me?"

"yes, actually I wanted to talk to you about the meeting today and I would like if you could lead it"

Anna "...what? "

Jacob "I've been thinking and after careful consideration I don't have any doubts that you are the only one who is the best choice for this and I hope you won't disappoint me"

Anna "no of course not umm thank you sir"

Anna lead the meeting without missing a single detail and in the end got the contact of 500 million and to celebrate her boss organized dinner for all. She was overwhelmed and at the dinner she couldn't wipe the smile off her face and that was when she told herself that this was her new beginning.