
Anime verse: Multi-verse travel

A guy reincarnated as Yuu Izumi's Brother in Shikimori San is not just Cute. Let's follow Itsuki Yuu on his travel to the multiveres and beyond.

Meowske_kun · Anime et bandes dessinées
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19 Chs

Chapter 11: Meeting a Rabbit Girl

Feeling their shoes meeting the hard ground, all of them opened their eyes and scanned where they were.

Even though it was written that the teleportation circle was connected on the surface, they were still wary of the danger it may befall them if they went on with it without precautions.

However, seeing that they successfully arrived on the surface. They beamed in happiness.

" Yooshhaaa!! Teleportation success!!" Shiro exclaimed in his feline form.

" Yeah!! We're finally back to the surface!!" Hajime said clenching his fist with an excited expression plastered on his face.

" Hn!!" Yue nodded with a smile.

The three were ecstatic, it's been a while since they saw the surface especially with Yue, who was sealed for more than Five-hundred years.

Scàthach on the other hand, was just amused seeing the three with their small celebration.

Hajime and Yue smiled at each other, and somehow the atmosphere around them changed into something very sweet.

" Hajime..."

" Yue....."

They walked to each other and held each other's hand. It was obvious what they are going to do next but as if something like that is going to happen when a certain cat is near them.

" Ugh! Do these two know the word TPO?"

Shiro who saw their actions felt sour at the same time cringed at the sweet atmosphere between the two lovers, and somehow he felt an urge to bash his face on the rock seeing his 'sweet' smile.

" Okay, That's enough sweetness!! I felt a sudden urge to throw up seeing you two!" Shiro said, destroying the sweet atmosphere between the two couples.

" Bastard!" Numerous numbers of vein bulge out of Hajime's forehead, it was about to be good but he suddenly interrupted them destroying the mood.

However, before could Hajime even lash out, Shiro spoke. " Someone is coming towards us, and it seemed to bring a huge monster behind its back."

Because Shiro was in his feline form, his senses were enhanced like a cat, albeit much more keener, because he could detect or hear anything within a hundred meters distance.

Shiro had already known, who was this 'someone' running towards them as he clearly heard her voice and saw her face.

" Is it a threat?" Scàthach asked as her eyes narrowed dangerously.

" No, but she brought a pest alongside her." Shiro said earning a nod from all of them.

It didn't take long before they saw the person Shiro was talking about. The person was a beautiful girl and was currently running towards them with a rather desperate expression mixed with excitement and happiness.

And behind the girl was a hungry looking dinosaur monster that had two heads.

" I've been waiting for you!!"

The bunny girl shouted as she kept running towards them. The girl was wearing a rather skimpy clothes that only covers her chest and her lower body, as she keeps moving, the lump that was growing by her chest kept swaying like a fruit in danger of getting spilled.

But the most important distinct feature about this girl was, the bunny like-ears that protrude on her head.

' Kekeke! As expected it's Shia! ' Shiro's eyes had a glint as he stared at Hajime's back. " Oh my, Hajime! I didn't know you knew such beautiful FEMALE on the surface? And it seems like she had been looking for you? Is she your LOVER or something?~" Shiro purposely spoke the words aloud so that Yue could hear it.

And seeing the frowning face of Yue, it seems like his bait worked. Now he only needs to sit back and relax to enjoy the show that he expects to unfold.

Scàthach who saw right through his plan, shook her head. It was quite simple to uncover Shiro's plan, They had been with each other for a few months but it was enough for her to assess and to know what kind of person her Master was.

" Hajime. That. Woman. Who?" Hajime turned his head in Yue and saw her cold gaze. A shudder creeped throughout his body seeing her, though inside his mind he was cursing Shiro over a million times.

" W-wait! Yue! I don't know that person! I never met her! That's why please believe in me!" Hajime said hoping that Yue would believe.

" Is it True?" Yue asked, her eyes were still cold but slightly dimmed.

Seizing this chance, Hajime hugged Yue then said. " I love you more than anyone in this world you know, That's why please believe me when I said, I don't know that person, You're my only one."

Shiro clicked his tongue seeing how Hajime resolved the problem quickly, he thought he would see something good but it seems like, it will not come true.

Scàthach who saw everything sighed and picked her Master up, she knew that she had to stop this before everything escalated.

" That's enough!" She said looked at everyone. " We still have plans ahead of us, so stop fooling around! "

Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned their heads towards Scàthach then nodded.

No one complained or made a sound, All of them were afraid of her. Even Shiro and Hajime were afraid of her, because they knew that complaining would only lead them to 'hell' so they did not say anything and just nod.

Scàthach nodded her head " Good! For now, we should do something about that!" She pointed towards the Rabbit girl that was running towards them.

" I finally got to meet you!!"

Hajime stared at the Rabbit girl deadpanned. " What's that thing?"

" A Rabbit People" Yue said.

" Is this place home of Rabbit people?" Scàthach asked.

Yue shook her head then said. " No, Rabbit people were known for their kindness and naivety, they can't even kill a single flower or ant because of their kindness."

" Then What are Rabbit people doing here, in the middle of nowhere?" Shiro asked.

He doesn't really remember much about the Arifureta anime, and mostly forgot about the scenes and episodes so he was not sure.

" Maybe she was sacrificed or something?" Scàthach added.

" Are you sure you don't know her Hajime? She was spouting " I've been waiting for you" or " I finally got to meet you!" you know?" Shiro asked, this time he was not joking but genuinely asking a question.

" No, I have never even met any of her kind." Hajime denied the claims.

" What a pain, Let's go.." Yue said as they started walking away.

" Wait! Wait for me!" The Rabbit girl screamed and leaped into the air hoping to catch the White-haired man.

However, reality was far from it, Hajime dodged the Rabbit girl. She fell on the ground with her head first.

" Ow! That gotta hurt..." Shiro commented.

" What a worthless Rabbit." Yue commented before turning away following Hajime.

' Let's go Scà-chan! ' Shiro said using their telepathic connection.

' Are you sure you want to leave the girl?' Scàthach had no intention of also helping the girl but she felt a little pity for her.

' There's no need for that, I mean her savior is here.' Shiro said and nudged Scàthach to walk too.

Although she was curious about who this savior shiro was talking about, she did not question him any longer and started to walk away.

The Rabbit girl stood up from her position and ignored the pain of her body, she leaped again towards Hajime and this time she got a hold of his leg.

" Please! Save my family!"

Hajime stopped from his tracks " Your Family?" He asked then turned his head towards her.

Yue grabbed the Rabbit girl's ears and began pulling it. " Get off him " she said.

" I don't want to!" The Rabbit girl said not planning to let go of Hajime. " I'm sure that if I let go of him, you will all leave!"

" Of course we would leave." Hajime stared at the rabbit girl. " Why would I help some Rabbit, I just met?"

The Rabbit girl dropped down, not expecting such refusal. " So direct!"

But then she suddenly stood up and acted cutely by putting her hands on her mouth while her eyes watered a bit, " Would you be so harsh to abandon a beautiful maiden?" She said fluttering her eyes in an obvious appeal.

' uwaa, you can clearly see the desperation inside her eyes...' Shiro commented.

The Rabbit girl thought it would work but, she just saw them walking away completely abandoning her.

" Don't call yourself a Beautiful maiden." Hajime said

" How shameless. " Yue said

" Somehow, just seeing her made me think how pitiful she was. " Shiro said not willing to look at the pitiful Rabbit girl anymore.


Suddenly a huge two-headed monster stood in front of them, it stomped at the ground so hard that it cracked and at the same time scaring the Rabbit girl.


The monster roared in front of them, Shiro just yawned seemingly unaffected by this giant creature. He pointed his paw forwards then a small amount of energy dispelled from the tip of his paws in two consecutive seconds.

" Shut up, you're too loud."

Like a wind bullet but much sharper and faster. it penetrated and left a hole on both of its heads.

With a sound of corpse dropping on the ground lifelessly, Shiro dropped his paws and gazed at the lifelessly two headed monster with annoyance.

" Eh? That Diheador is down?... Eh? did that little creature just take down that monster-eh? Did that little Monster just speak?" The Rabbit girl seemed to be in a state of shock at what she just saw.

Shiro turned his head towards the rabbit girl and said. " What are you shocked about? Is it wrong for a small cat to kill this monster?"

' Nope its not normal at all.' Hajime, Yue, Scàthach and the Rabbit girl retorted inside their minds.


Sorry for the wait!

Please don't forget to drop some Power stones!

Happy Reading!!!!!