
Anime: The Next Strongest

A young man gets reincarnated by GOD in a anime world. tags: multiverse travel, bloodlines, godlike mc

Timoteo_Cubero · Anime et bandes dessinées
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7 Chs

Uchiha bloodline, Meeting Naruto

* A few months later *

We can see Koji walking down a river while looking around.

'Today is supposed to be the day shisui jump from a cliff and died in the river' Koji thought.

(Shisui is 12-13 if there are any confusions)

After a while Koji saw a body resembling a human.

When Koji saw the body he stealthy walked to see if the body is shisui or not.

When Koji got closer he saw that it was shisui's body with blood oozing from his eyes and cuts all over.

After seeing that Koji vomited and had tears coming from his eyes.

[Congratulations you gained vomiting resistance]

'Shisui I will inact your revenge in your behalf' Koji thought while using Predator.

[Congratulations you gained

1000 Str

500 End

1000 Dex

200 Int

300 Wis

1000 Cha

Bloodline: Uchiha

Active skill: Sharingan (3 tomoe)

Shuriken throwing lv:50

Kunai mastery lv:50

Body flicker lv:69


After absorbing shisui's body Koji suddenly collapsed while convulsing.

* 1 hour later *

'Ah fuck' Koji thought while clenching his teeth.

'You could have said something before I absorbed shisui' Koji said.

[You did not ask host] the system said.

'Nevermind' Koji thought.

'Status' Koji said.

[Name: Koji Nara

Bloodline: Nara, Uchiha

Level: 0

Str: 1020

End: 520

Dex: 1020

Int: 300

Wis: 340

Cha: 1000


Genius strategist, Genius

Passive Skills:

Immeasurable luck

Active Skills:

Predator lv:Max, Sharingan (3 tomoe),Body flicker lv:69, Shuriken throwing lv:50,

Kunai mastery lv:50]

'At least it was worth it and I got to unlock my chakra' Koji thought.

'I think it's time to return to my apartment' Koji thought.

* 2.5 years later *

"Good morning class" the teacher said.

"Good morning Iruka sensei" all the students said.

"Today we have a new student coming to our class" Iruka said.

"Is he a guy?" A girl asked.

"I hope he's hot" Another girl said. (Yeah there only eight years old. what a world Koji is living in. Koji better be careful or else the multiverse FBI is gonna hunt Koji down)

"I hope she's a cute girl" A boy said.

"Yeah right" Another boy said.

'It should be Naruto if I'm not mistaken' Koji thought.

"Come in" Iruka said.

'Ah damn it it's not a girl' A boy thought.

"Introduce yourself to everyone" Iruka said.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki the next hokage dattebayo!" Naruto said.

"Hahaha" every student except Koji, shikamaru, and choji laughed.

"What are you laughing at I promise you I will make it" Naruto said.

"Naruto go and sit with your classmates" Iruka said.

"Naruto come sit with me" Koji said.

"My name is Koji nice to meet you" Koji said.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki nice to meet you" Naruto said.

"But you just said your name a minute ago" Koji said.

"Oh did I" Naruto said while scratching his head.

'Somethings never change huh' Koji thought.


* A few hours later *


"It's time for a lunch break go out and play. and return 20 minutes later ok" Iruka said.

"Hai" Every student said.

*In the playground*

After arriving at the playground he saw Naruto sitting on a swing all by himself.

"Naruto" Koji said.

"Ahh! Koji don't scare me like that" Naruto said.

"Anyway do you have any food to eat?" Koji asked.

"No..." Naruto said while looking at the ground.

"Here let's share" Koji said while handing him his other bento.

"Thank you" Naruto said.

"No problem" Koji said.

"You know your the only person who is kind to me other than teuchi-san" Naruto said.

"And why is that?" Koji asked.

"Because everybody keeps saying I'm a demon and I should have died" Naruto said while crying.

"Why would you care about there opinion. just be yourself don't let there opinions hurt you they must fuel you to prove them wrong" Koji said.

"Do you think so?" Naruto said while wiping his tears.

"Yeah prove them wrong so they can shut up and accept it" Koji said.

"Thank you" Naruto said.

"What for?" Koji said.

"For encouraging me" Naruto said.

"I'm just giving advice what matters is the execution" Koji said.

*Trrrr* The bell rang indicating that lunch was over.


* A few hours later *

After the class was finished Koji walked to his apartment but before he could leave the academy he was draged to teuchi's ramen shop.

'Now that I think about it did not visited teuchi's ramen shop yet. all I've done was training' Koji thought.

"Teuchi-san one bowl of the usual please" Naruto said.

"Coming right up" teuchi said.

"Ohh you got a new friend" teuchi said.

"Hello teuchi-san my name is Koji Naruto's classmate and friend" Koji said.

'It's good that he made friends I didn't want to see Naruto's sad face' teuchi thought.

"What ramen would you like to eat?" teuchi asked.

"I would like to get what Naruto got" Koji said.

"Coming right up" teuchi said.

After a few minutes the ramen was ready.


'ohh great heavens' Koji thought.

"That was the best food I ever had" Koji said.

"I told you" Naruto said.

"Thanks for the compliment" teuchi said.

After a few minutes Koji left and walked to his apartment.

'The main plot is gonna start 4 years later I just hope nothing goes wrong' Koji thought. (Don't worry it's not foreshadowing he is just worried that he is not strong enough)

After taking a bath Koji then went to bed.

'Status' Koji said.

[Name: Koji Nara

Bloodline: Nara, Uchiha

Level: 0

Str: 2020

End: 2520

Dex: 2020

Int: 700

Wis: 540

Cha: 2000


Genius strategist, Genius

Passive Skills:

Immeasurable luck

Active Skills:

Predator lv:Max, Sharingan (Shisui's mangekyou), Body flicker lv:Max Stealth lv:20, Taijutsu lv:10, Shuriken throwing lv:Max, kunai mastery lv:Max]

'I luckily unlocked shisui's mangekyou Sharingan before the start of the story' Koji thought.


'System how could I evolve my Sharingan to mangekyou without experiencing a traumatizing incident?' Koji asked.

[You could relive the pain you experienced from the truck crash] the system said.

'How could I do that?' Koji asked.

[By putting an illusion on yourself on a mirror using your Sharingan] the system said.

'That's a great idea if you count out the pain part' Koji thought.

Koji then went to his mirror and looked into his eyes using Sharingan which he then did the illusion.

After a few seconds Koji's eyes we're bleeding and his body convulsing. After a few more seconds Koji finally regained consciousness.

"Hah..hah..That was fucking painful' Koji said while constantly breathing in and out.

[Congratulations you evolved you Sharingan (3 tomoe) to Sharingan (Shisui's mangekyou)] the system announced.

'At least It was worth it' Koji thought before taking a bath and then going to bed.

*Flashback ended*

'I should not worry about the future instead I should prepare for it' Koji thought before sleeping.


Thanks for reading and comment anything you would like to add to the story.