
Anime: The Next Strongest

A young man gets reincarnated by GOD in a anime world. tags: multiverse travel, bloodlines, godlike mc

Timoteo_Cubero · Anime et bandes dessinées
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7 Chs

Naruto learning the truth

After Naruto left Koji then followed Naruto until they arrived at the hokage tower which Koji then covered himself in a genjutsu where if you look at his direction you will unconsciously wall the opposite path.

After covering himself in a genjutsu Koji then continued to follow Naruto from the rooftops.

Naruto then started to climb the tower without being cought which Koji still didn't believe that a trained anbu could not spot a child climbing the tower.

After a while Naruto then entered through a window and entered a room where a scroll was placed.

Koji stayed where he was because he has the possibility that he would be spotted where as Naruto has plot armor.

After seeing the scroll Naruto then took it with the alarm going of and then jumped from the window.

After landing Naruto then ran to the forest before he sat down and opened the scroll.

After seeing Naruto carrying a scroll Koji then followed him to the forest before he stopped when Naruto opened the scroll.

Koji then activated his mangekyou sharingan to copy the contents of the scroll in his mind.

[Congratulations you learned

Kage bushin no jutsu (Shadow clone jutsu) lv:Max

Tajuu Kage Bunshin (Mass Shadow Clone) lv:Max

Eight inner gates lv:Max

Hiraishin (Lightning rod) lv:Max

Edo tensei (Impure world reincarnation) lv:Max

Uzumaki sealing jutsus

Shiki Fuujin (Dead Demon Consuming Seal) lv:Max

Bringer of Darkness Genjutsu lv:Max

Wood style jutsus


After seeing what he recieved Koji then smirked before checking on his status.

[Name: Koji Nara

Bloodline: Nara, Uchiha

Level: 0

Str: 10020

End: 10520

Dex: 10020

Int: 1700

Wis: 1540

Cha: 2000

Strength based on stats: high-rank jonin


Genius strategist, Genius, handsome

Passive Skills:

Immeasurable luck

Active Skills:

Predator lv:Max, Sharingan (Shisui's mangekyou), Body flicker lv:Max Stealth lv:Max, Taijutsu lv:Max, Shuriken throwing lv:Max, kunai mastery lv:Max, Kage bushin no jutsu (Shadow clone jutsu) lv:Max, Tajuu Kage Bunshin (Mass Shadow Clone) lv:Max, Eight inner gates lv:Max, Hiraishin (Lightning rod) lv:Max, Edo tensei (Impure world reincarnation) lv:Max, Uzumaki sealing jutsus, Shiki Fuujin (Dead Demon Consuming Seal) lv:Max, Bringer of Darkness Genjutsu lv:Max, Wood style jutsus


While that was happening Hiruzen was reported about the situation.

"What the scroll has been stolen!?" Hiruzen asked.

"Yes Hiruzen-sama the alarm gone off and when we went to check on it the scroll was gone" The person said.

"Do we have any clue on where the person who stole it went?" Hiruzen said after calming down.

"We have got a clue we checked outside the window and saw footprints going to the forest of death" The person said.

"What are you waiting for follow the footprints" Hiruzen ordered.

"On it Hiruzen-sama" The person said.

Back to Koji.

'Hahahaha finally I got what I have been waiting for' Koji thought.

'Anyway I should focus on the task at hand before Naruto gets attacked' Koji thought.

After thinking of that Koji then saw Shurikens and kunais going towards Naruto but before the kunais and shurikens could hit Naruto Iruka jumped In front of the attack.

'A speak of the devil' Koji thought.

"Naruto are you ok?" Iruka asked.

"What is happening?" Naruto asked while feeling terrified.

"Naruto give me the scroll" Mizuki said appearing behind a tree.

"Naruto don't give it to him" Iruka said.

Naruto could not think for a moment.

"Naruto give me the scroll and I will tell you the truth on why you are hated by the village" Mizuki said.

"Naruto don't listen to him" Iruka said.

Naruto was overwhelmed by the pressure thus he could not speak.

"If you won't give it I will tell you anyways" Mizuki said.

"Mizuki don't you dare tell him" Iruka said.

"Naruto the reason you are hated by the village is because you have the nine tailed fox sealed inside you" Mizuki said.

"No Mizuki don't tell him" Iruka said.

"You are the reason for the destruction of the village you killed families and children alike you even killed iruka's parents" Mizuki said.

"Naruto that's a lie don't listen to him" Iruka said.

"Stop lying Iruka you know the truth" Mizuki said.

'Am I really the reason why the village hated me' Naruto thought.

'Im the villain I killed families and destroyed the village I'm the reason why the village hates me' Naruto thought.

"Naruto your not the demon fox you are Naruto nothing else, Naruto even though the demon killed my parents I know it's not your fault and the demon's either the fox was controlled I saw it in it's eyes he did not want to do it but he was forced to" Iruka said.

"Sensei..." Naruto said.

Koji didn't take action because he wants Naruto to learn of why he is hated by the village.

Koji didn't Naruto because that would mess with the timeline a little to much but the same could be said for Koji.

Koji want Naruto's character to progress that's why he did not interfere when he will receive a character progression.

Naruto was then covered by a orange hue just like in the tournament.

"Kage bushin no jutsu" Naruto said while doing the hand signs.

Almost a thousand Naruto's then appeared out of thin air.

"Uzumaki barrage" Naruto said before all his shadow clones pummeled Mizuki until he was not recognizable.

After a few seconds Naruto then approached Iruka.

"Iruka-sensei are you ok?" Naruto asked.

"I'm fine just a little scratch" Iruka said.

"Naruto let's go to Hiruzen-sama and report about the situation" Iruka said.

"Hai" Naruto said.

After the two left Koji then jumped from the tree's and landed on the ground where a unrecognizable Mizuki was there.

When Koji landed he then absorbed Mizuki before he left.

[Congratulations you gained

1000 str

500 end

1000 dex

1 int

0 cha

Cursed seal lv:50


'No wonder why he was so dumb' Koji thought.


Thanks for reading.