
Anime: The Next Strongest

A young man gets reincarnated by GOD in a anime world. tags: multiverse travel, bloodlines, godlike mc

Timoteo_Cubero · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Genin exam

* Time skip 4 years *

The morning sun rays woke up Koji who was sleeping on his bed.

"Haah" Koji said while stretching.

As Koji was stretching his arms he felt something moving in his bed.

When Koji pulled up the blanket he saw Katana sleeping soundly.

"Katana why are you in my bed?" Koji asked while pinching katana in the face.

"Ouch it hurts" Katana said after feeling her cheeks being pinched.

"What?" katana said while rubbing her cheeks.

"Aren't you supposed to sleep in your home?" Koji asked.

"What is it not allowed to sleep in your bed?" Katana asked.

"Yes of course it's my bed" Koji said.

"Why did I even let you have a spare key" Koji said while facepalming.


After meeting katana she always came to his apartment every week for 4 years. in the span of 4 years they did so many things from walking around the village to Koji training her in fighting. Koji learned a lot about katana like her personality and preferences. katana is shy around people she doesn't know and usually has a cheerful personality but sometimes a brat but not annoying.

Last year Koji gave katana a spare key because of the constant pestering of katana.

*Flashback end*

"I'm gonna get bath or I'm gonna be late for school" Koji said.

"While your taking a bath I'm gonna cook us some food" katana said.

"At least your a great cook" Koji said.

After a few minutes Koji finished taking a bath and put on some clothes before going to the kitchen.

"What are you cooking?" Koji asked.

"I'm cooking curry rice" Katana said.

"When will it be done?" Koji asked.

"In 5 minutes" Katana said.

After five minutes the curry rice finally finished cooking.

"There you go curry rice" Katana said.

*Chomp* " honestly you make the best food" Koji said.

"Thanks" Katana said while smiling.

"Now hurry up your gonna be late for class" Katana said.

After a few minutes Koji finished eating and left for class.

"Bye" Koji said.

"Bye and good luck on the genin exams" katana said.

After saying goodbye Koji then jumped to the roofs before doing parkour.

After a few minutes Koji arrived at class before Iruka started the lesson.

"Good morning Naruto" Koji said.

"Morning Koji" Naruto said.

"Today is the genin exam and you all have the opportunity to be a genin of the leaf and be a true Shinobi of the leaf" Iruka said.

"The exam consists of shadow clone, body flicker, and substitution jutsu's" Iruka said.

"I have my friend here Mizuki to assess your capabilities" Iruka said.

"So who wants to go first?" Iruka asked.

After Iruka said that all the students raised there hands.

"Sasuke you go first" Iruka said.

Sasuke then walked to the podium and performed all the jutsu's Iruka said.

"Shadow clone jutsu" Sasuke said while performing the hand signs.

Sasuke's clones then appeared with a cloud of smoke.

"80/100 if you can remove the smoke when you do the jutsu you would get a perfect score" Iruka said.

"Now do the substitution jutsu" Iruka said.

"Substitution jutsu" Sasuke said.

Sasuke then switched places with a log.

"80/100 still the smoke" Iruka said.

"Now for the final jutsu" Iruka said.

"Body flicker jutsu" Sasuke said before teleporting.

"90/100 the sparks of the jutsu can still be seen but it's hard to see it" Iruka said.

"With a final score of 250/300 you pass" Iruka said while handing Sasuke a genin head band.

After Sasuke left the podium he glared at Koji before returning to his seat.

'He is still probably mad on I've done to him 4 years ago' Koji thought while remembering the time he utterly destroyed Sasuke.

"Next is Koji" Iruka said.

"Hai" Koji said before walking to the podium.

"Show us your shadow clone jutsu" Iruka said.

"Shadow clone jutsu" Koji said while using only his right hand.

After Koji performed the jutsu the whole classroom was then covered by a hundred koji's without smoke.

'What the?' Mizuki thought.

"Perfect 100/100 no smoke and you did it in a faster speed than most trained chunin like my self" Iruka said.

"Now substitution jutsu" Iruka said.

"Substitution jutsu" Koji said before he disappeared from sight and left a log.

"Once again perfect" Iruka said.

"Now the final jutsu" Iruka said.

"Body flicker" Koji said before disappearing and reappearing.

"Koji you are a genius among geniuses" Iruka said.

"Thanks Iruka sensei" Koji said.

'What how is he better than me if I could not even defeat Koji how am I going to defeat itachi' Sasuke thought.

After praising Koji Iruka gave him a leaf genin headband.

"Next is Naruto" Iruka said.

"Good luck" Koji said to Naruto.

"Thanks" Naruto said before walking to the podium.

"Do the first jutsu" Iruka said.

"Shadow clone jutsu" Naruto said.

Naruto's shadow clone was like a slime and after a few seconds it disappeared.

"Hah" Naruto said while scratching his head.

"Hah" Iruka said while facepalming.

'Just what I expected' Koji thought.

"How about substitution jutsu" Iruka said.

"Substitution jutsu" Naruto said.

What appeared was a twig which then broke.

"What about body flicker" Iruka said.

"Body flicker" Naruto said.

Naruto surprisingly did it.

"I'm sorry Naruto but you failed" Iruka said.

'I won't give up I will be a Shinobi of the leaf' Naruto thought.

"Don't worry you're gonna be a Shinobi one day" Koji said trying to encourage Naruto.

After the three of them finished the tests then continued until all of the students were done being tested.

After the tests Iruka finished the class for today.

While Naruto was leaving the class he got called over by Mizuki.

"What are you calling me for sensei?" Naruto asked.

"There's something you could do that would get you the rank of genin" Mizuki said.

"Really what is it?" Naruto asked.

"It's a secret mission that nobody but me knows" Mizuki said.

"Are you willing to do it?" Mizuki asked.

"If it could make me a Shinobi then yes" Naruto said.

"Perfect the mission is to steal the scroll of seals from the hokage's office" Mizuki said.

"Ok" Naruto said.

"After you steal the scroll come to the forest of death and wait for me their" Mizuki said.

"And also keep all of this a secret" Mizuki said.

"Ok sensei" Naruto said.

Little did they know someone was watching them from the rooftops.


Thanks for reading.