

What if the God gave you a second chance because you traded your life in exchange for covid to disappear. Warning:My grammar is not good

Baya_baya · Anime et bandes dessinées
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45 Chs


It's morning and you can see Zet sitting on his bed while he's talking to someone on his cellphone.

"All right, I have a lot to do today, bye" Zet said to the person he was talking to.

He immediately went to his bathroom to brush his teeth and take a bath. After that, he went straight to the dining area for breakfast.

"Morning" Zet said as he saw his family.

"What do you want to eat for today, Young master?" Alice asked Zet when she saw him.

"Just salad" Zet said as he grab the remote of the t.v the opened it.

After opening the t.v Zet was surprised because the vendor las night was on the news.

"So what do you think of Zet" The reporter said to the vendor.

"He is very kind to me, he just buy 10 tokneneng ng 2 balut from me, then he handed 1k to me, I was shock when he handed a 1k to me and I said that I didn't have enough change for that kind of money. He said that I can keep the change but in return, if I saw someone needed some help, I should help him/her" The vendor tell his experience last big to the reporter.

"That's quite an experience you got there, then this is Mel Tiangco, see you again" The reporter said.

"Hoo, It's young master again" Sabo said.

"Of course, As expected of young master" Demiurge said.

"Ufufufufu young master reputation will rose up again because of this" Doflamingo said.

(8 days later)

In this 8 days, Zet successfully got a qualifications to graduate early so now he is finally graduate from highschool but he doesn't have a plan on going to college because he thinks that college will be a waste of time.

He just attended highschool to enjoy his teenager life but now, he is done with it so it's time to enjoy the real world.

"I should get some private plane for me" Zet said as they leave the airport.

They we're currently in the Florida righr now because Larry page and Surgey bin just called for a meeting.

If you are curious who the fuck are Larry and Surgey, they are the creator of google and because Zet is one of thd major stock holder of google so he needed to attend the meeting with Sebas of course.

Zet suddenly grab his phon amd texted Ari, "Hey where are you? I am currently in Florida right now"

"WHAT!? for rea!?"

"Yeahh, why would I lie to you?"

"Fuck, I am in New York, right now"

"Ohh what are you doing there?"

"Shooting for Victorious :)"

"Ohh when are you going back here?"

"Maybe next week"

"Alright then, I'm gonna wait for you here ;)"

"Really that's good, I can't wait to mert you again, it's been 10 years isn't?"



Sorry for the bad grammar.