
Levi One-Shot 2

It was a warm summer afternoon. You and Levi were having a walk on the hill beside Trost District. It has been a week since the Titans stopped appearing and the Scouts were free to take a break. You however, wanted to keep investigating on the pieces of skin to find out how to unleash their ability to harden and have armours. The captain told you to come with him, so this is how you got here.

         He seemed calmer ,his dark circles being gone and his wrinkles reduced. His skin was smoother, and his hair was freshly cut. He had an innocent look on his face as he was walking next to you. He wasn't talking, just walking. He wasn't looking, just walking. You keep your glance forward for the next couple of minutes, frowning at the awkward silence. Levi slowly takes your hand in his, fingers intertwined. It was such a fuzzy and soft feeling you were experiencing. You face starts heating up to the gesture and you struggle not to look flustered but fail, and the captain chuckles. It was the first time you heard his small and genuine laugh. Something inside you sparked and your heart starts beating fast.

         You continue the walk for about 45 minutes in a *now* comfortable silence. You didn't feel the need to talk since there weren't any important stuff to be discussed. As the sun goes down, Levi sits on the grass and tells you to place yourself near him. He watches the star go down mesmerised as you admire his facial features. His silver dull eyes were now filled with red fierce tones. His lips were apart, mouth slightly open. His hair was being blown by the breeze ,as his undercut was showing.

          You lay on your back and watch the multicoloured sky get darker with every minute. Suddenly, you feel Levi's head drop on your chest, facing the same beautiful picture as you. He starts humming a song and his voice gives you shivers. Such a light, warm tone made the music sound completely new and different. You start mouthing the words of the song in a whisper voice, for him not to be bothered. As you finish, he starts humming something you have never heard before. His lips dancing in such way, that you find yourself leaning in for a kiss. The two pairs touch together moving in sync. Levi didn't feel surprised or phased by this sudden action. He just went along with it. You needed to take some air but he wouldn't stop kissing. His mouth was now moving faster, as if he needed that physical contact to survive tomorrow. His palm cupped your cheeks, the thumb rubbing against your jaw. The other hand went through your hair, caressing it. After a few seconds he pulled away, gasping for air. You sat on your back trying to recover from that hell of an experience.

       He placed his ear on your chest ,his hands on each side of your body. Your legs tied up like a lace in the most comfortable position.

"Not a single word from you, Cadet." He said in a tired whiny voice. He stood up slightly to kiss your neck and your breath hitched. You blush uncontrollably and Levi smiles . His hair brushed on your neck as his head settled on your tummy. You start playing with his strands and drawing shapes with your fingers on his back. He starts breathing heavier as he grabs your arm tight. You go with your hand under his shirt, feeling his skin burning.  

         After finishing to rub his back, you cuddle with Levi for the rest of the night, listening to his soft snores and feeling his heartbeat. You eventually fall asleep in piece, feeling accomplished with your life up to the moment.