
Anime Chat Group 101

Your go-to guide on how to survive in another world with a rag-tag group of anime characters.

Receptionist · Anime et bandes dessinées
Pas assez d’évaluations
5 Chs

Poll + Result

Happy New Year everyone!

Better late than never, yeah? Anyways, I want to know what you guys want for the first world before I proceed into writing. So, in a perfectly democratic fashion, I will allow you guys to vote for yourselves. Alternatively, you can also suggest one of your own, either way works fine.

1. Record of Ragnarok

2. Jenshin Impact

3. Your pick

NOTICE: THE POLL IS CLOSED and I have tallied the results, the winner was Record of Ragnarok.

NOTICE: In case anyone else gets severely misinformed, this isn't an actual "chapter" lmao. The mission notice you see below is just a tidbit.


『Mission Notice』

A thousand year has passed and its time to decide humanity's fate! As the gods were deciding on mankind's destruction, a certain Valkyrie invoked a super special clause: Valhalla Constitution, article No. 62, paragraph 15. Each side will have to pick thirteen participants who will fight in a series of one-on-ones to decide the ultimate fate of humanity!

World: Record of Ragnarok

Number of Participants: All chat group members

Preparation Time: 5 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes


● 2 chat group members are to participate in the first half of Ragnarok and claim the lead at the side of humanity

Failure Condition(s):

● Suffer 2 defeats in the first 7 rounds


● 1x Random SR ranked ability

● 4x Random R ranked item

Penalty upon failure:

● Eradication of humanity in the world of Record of Ragnarok


"I'll show you my true form as well."

"---One slash of petal."

"Eh? Me? I'm fighting too!?"

A/N: For some reason the Webnovel app wasn't showing the result I edited in. I tried republishing it to see if it gets fixed.