
Angels and Demons Academy

Tidimalo_Masemola · Fantaisie
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13 Chs

Chapter 8

Andrei's POV

I got changed and decide to go out for a run in the forest. I was running for over twenty minutes now and decided to take a break I ran over to the lake I usually sit by when I am on a run or need space.

Not a lot of people know about this side of the lake. It's a bit hidden and can barely be seen on the other side of the lake.

I found someone sitting and decided to turn back when I heard someone call my name.

"Andrei." That voice sounds highly familiar.

I turned around to come face to face with Luna. "Ummm I was just leaving I pointed behind me."

"No don't leave."

I raised my eyebrow. "I... I mean you don't have to leave on my account."

"No, it's okay."

"Wait." She reached for my shoulder and turned me around a bit too harshly. "Sorry...it's just that I wanted to apologize for what happened earlier in uncle...Mr. Cohen's office."

"Okay." I nodded and pressed my lips together then motioned to turn around.

"Wait..." I sighed and looked at her again. "Please don't leave me, I don't know this place and I think I might be lost. Do you mind staying with me for a while and maybe showing me around?"

I knew she was lying and as the part of the werewolf she could sniff her way back, but to be honest I wanted to stay with her. "Fine." I sighed and walked past her then sat on the ground by the lake.

She came forward a few moments later and took a seat a few inches away from me so we were still pretty close.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" She looked at the night sky that was filled with a million stars and a semi-full moon that lay neatly above the sky.

I looked at her as if making eye contact. "Yes, it is." I smiled then quickly wiped it off when I realized what I was doing.

"What are you doing here?" She looked at me.

"Umm to learn." I knew what she meant but I was just trying to avoid the question.

"You know what I mean." She nudged me with her shoulder.

I sighed releasing a cloud of cold fog from my mouth. "I come here to clear my head and when I need an escape from everyone and everything."

She nodded as if understanding my situation. "Why are you here?" I asked her.

"I needed some time alone and to think. That and I am feeling kinda homesick. I don't want to be here anymore."

We continued speaking for about half an hour. It was getting late and we had already missed curfew meaning we are going to get in trouble considering it's difficult to enter school after curfew, believe me, I have tried.


Luna's POV.

I was enjoying my time with Andrei. We watched the stars and talked about school and ourselves. I now know that his favorite color is black he still won't tell me his middle name but that's okay cause I'll find out sooner or later.

Sometime while we were talking I was now laying on his shoulder. He didn't mind and it gave me butterflies.

He shrugged me off and I got sad thinking he did not want me to lean on him. He ended up taking off his zip-up hoodie and laid it down on my shoulders. I smiled and looked up at him. "Thanks." I did not want to tell him that I don't need the hoodie even though it was below 3°f. Being a supernatural, as a werewolf I can radiate heat throughout my body and as a vampire and demon, we are practically dead so we don't feel the cold nor the heat.

"Is that better?" He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and quickly removed it as if realizing what he had just done.

"Yes, it is better." I smiled at him then I took his arm and laid It around my shoulders then I snuggled in deeper into his chest. He stiffened for a minute but then relaxed into the cuddle.

I sniffed in his aroma. For some reason, I cannot get enough of his scent. It gives me butterflies, it makes me feel welcome and safe. I feel at home with him. His embrace is warm and comfortable.

"I think we should go back." His voice vibrated from his chest.

"Yeah sure."

He stood up then he helped me up. We walked side by side and sneaked through the school grounds. We were so close to getting to our dorms when the light switched on as if a helicopter was flashing it's light on us. Dorm windows opened and people looked at us in shock. I grabbed his hand and headed inside.

I thought we were safe from prying eyes but when we got in we were welcomed by a disappointed and angry uncle john. He pulled us both into his office by our elbows.

He sat us down on the chairs in his office facing his desk.

"Do you two mind explaining why you were out after curfew?" Uncle John asked trying to stay calm as possible. I looked down at my lap and started fiddling with my fingers. Andrei had an I don't give a fuck look, he looked calm and collected, did I mention hot.

"I am not going to do anything to you just tell me why you were out during curfew."

I looked up at uncle john and calmed myself down. He wouldn't hurt me of course. "I did not know that we had a curfew and besides that, I was feeling a bit homesick so I went for a run and came across the lake, I sat down and started to soak in the beauty of nature when I heard leaves crumple behind me. That's when I saw Andrei. He comforted me and made me feel safe and not miss home anymore."

I bit my lip and felt a stare at the side of my face. I turned around to see him looking at me with deep emotion. I decided to ignore it and wait for uncle John to respond.

He sighed. "I get that you miss home and this is a whole new environment for you but you have to abide by my rules. I can't have people think that I am favoring you because you are my niece. Next time there will be consequences to your actions."

I nod and I and Andrei get up to go out. "Go to your rooms."

We start to walk out. "Your separate rooms."

"Ohh my god no, why would you think that?"

"Oh please don't play that game with me. It's okay to have sex... when you are 30 or 300 years old or maybe when I'm dead."

"Uncle john no stop!" I put my hands on my cheeks. I hear a chuckle beside me.

"What are you laughing at?" I ask Andrei.

"Ohh I wasn't laughing...I was...uh...just clearing my throat."

"Aha," I say not buying any of it. "I am tired and I am going to bed."

I give them both a look. "Ignis." Every candle in the room lights up and uncle john gets startled a bit but Andrei stays calm, maybe I should test that. "Più alto." The flames burn higher.

"Luna, stop, or else this will get out of hand." As he says that something sparks in me, dark sparks. "Più alto." The fire went higher and one of the curtains fired.

I panicked and froze in my spot, I saw the flame heighten. I stumbled back a bit and blinked a few times it was like my body was mine again. "Lascia che Questo Fuoco si spenga."

And like that the fire died down and everything looked burned. "Riparare Tutto ciò che è stato danneggiato alla sua Gloria originale." (Repair all that was damaged to its original glory.) everything went back to how it was before the fire started.

"I'm sorry, I... I don't know what got over me." They were all looking at me like I was crazy.

"I'm gonna leave." Like that, I rushed out of the room and ran back to my bedroom.