
Angels and Demons Academy

Tidimalo_Masemola · Fantaisie
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13 Chs

Chapter 2

Three days later.

A black slick car was waiting for me outside. I would have been gone thirty minutes ago if it weren't for aunt jasmine wanting me to stay and smother me with hugs.

"Bye aunt Jasmine I'll see you in a few months I love you Okay."

"I love you too honey be good."

I left aunt jasmine and went into the car. When I got in there was a man inside wearing a black suite with an expensive watch.  He was good looking with black hair and green eyes. He seemed to be around his thirties.

"Hello Luna."

"Hello."I smiled at the man.

"I am your uncle john, jasmine must have told you so much about me I am a delight after all."

He said waving his hand in the air.

I laughed a little at his statement. "Thats a bit cocky and presumptive if I may add."

"Ohh please darling you talking about the diva of the family everything about me screams spectacular." Just than I realized my uncle was gay.

"You funny."

"You know I'm actually mean and people just assume I'm joking, I do not get it am I to good looking to be mean."


"Well honey what do you mean probably it's either a yes a yasssss or a duh."

"It is a yassssss." I laughed at what I had just said."

"Thank you Queen, I see you got the attitude from me your mother was too quite."


"Yes actually, she would not say anything that would hurt someone else's feelings even though it's true. But I on the other hand could not care less. I mean if your eyebrows look bad then I have to tell you, I can't be going out with some Tarzan looking ass. What does that say about my image."

"Let me guess you are the mean one of the family."

"I am guessing that you have not met Stella yet."


"Well good luck child, last time I saw her she had gotten into a fight with your mother."

"What happened?"

"Ohh look we are here." He looked out the window and i followed his gaze."

The driver was going through a thick forest. "Oh my god we are going to crash."

The driver was speeding towards a tree. "Oh don't worry it is just how we secure the castle from the prying eyes of humans."

I closed my eyes as the car came closer to the tree. To my surprise the car went through the tree. "Ohhh you cast a barrier spell."

"Yep." We drove through huge trees until a huge golden iron gate came in view.

It opened slowly and the car drove in slowly up the slope. There were gorgeous gardens with fountains. The school came into view. It was ginormous with arch windows and doors. It had plants growing on the side of the walls.

There were people sitting on benches others sitting under a tree with books in their hands. This place is lovely.

"It's gorgeous." I say.

"I know love now let's go get you ready."

We got out of the car and some people came to take our bags. He led me through the castle school and we took stairs to the top floor.

We took some turns until we reached a white oak door. We got in and I took a seat. 

"This is my office. You will start school tomorrow at eight. Your sleeping quarters are in the west wing. Here is your timetable."

"Thanks" I take the timetable and read through it.

"Monica will be here in a few minutes to give you a tour of the place. By the way be careful some of these kids are troubled and when they find out you are an aurorath they won't go easy on you. Just know that whenever you need me I'll be right here do not be afraid to come talk to me. We are family after all."

"Thanks uncle john."

He nodded and gave me a soft smile. A knock came from the door and a beautiful girl came in. She had black hair, grey eyes, pale skin and lush lips.

"Hi I'm Monica." She shook my hand and gave me a warm smile. "You must be Luna the aurorath."

I smiled back at her not sure what to say. "That's me."

"Okay you ready."

"Yeah but can we go to my room, I need a change of clothes."


We left uncle johns office and went to my room.

"By the way we are roommates and there is also Samantha so the three of us are going to be roommates."


"Quick warning though. Sam has a bit of a temper and sometimes gets temper tantrums."

"Okay I'll make sure to stay away." I smile at her.

"One more thing she..." I look at Monica as we stop at the door to our room. "She is a ware wolf."

My eyes bulge open. If you have been alive for the past decade you would know that it is not a good idea to be near a ware wolf when they are pissed they tend to be very violent and not think about the consequences of their actions.

"Ooo that's tough."

"Is she a hybrid."

"Nope just ware wolf."

"What about you?" I ask Monica

"Ohh I am a demon and angel hybrid."

"Ohh I thought those were banned."

"They were but the mythics council were getting tired of killing demons and angels for falling in love and having children to the point that it became a threat to its species so they just legalized it."

I nodded my head and we got in. My bags were at the door so I just took out what I was going to be wearing and put it on.

"I like your style." Monica says as I exit my room. The room was more of a house or apartment . There were three bedrooms each with its own bathrooms and closet. There was a living room and a kitchen.

"Thanks." I smiled at her. "It changes every day." Monica smiled back at me and started to walk out of the room signaling for me to follow.

The rest of the day went by fast as Monica showed me around the school which was huge probably bigger than the Buckingham-palace

I finally got to meet Samantha she was really nice and pretty. She has ginger hair, green eyes and beautiful freckles that cover most of her face.

"I should go to bed. I'm really tired and tomorrow is the big day."

"Okay." I started to walk of. "Hey wait."

"Huh." I turned around and looked at her. 

"Let's walk back together I have a lot to tell you about this school."


"So you need to be careful who you talk to and what you say. This school is big but there aren't many students so everyone knows everyone. Stay away from drama at all costs. You are new and everyone will want to know something about you. Most of the people here have been here since the eight grade."

"And I am in the eleventh grade."

"Yep So am I But I have been here since the eighth. Just be careful okay people here can be mean and very territorial."

"I will be... I promise. Now can we go eat something I'm starving."

"Sure then you can tell me about your powers."

I laughed a bit and followed her to the kitchen.