
Angels and Demons Academy

Tidimalo_Masemola · Fantaisie
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13 Chs

Chapter 10

Luna's POV

In the past week I have been the talk of the school. Wherever I go people are looking at me with either fear or disgust. I walk down the hall to get to my locker my head down and yet I still can't focus on where I am going, all I hear are people gossiping about me.

"Do you think what she said is true?"

"Nuh she is just lying, Auroraths are ancient stories that the adults tell us to give us hope."

"Yeah and if she actually is an aurorath why does She not have all the powers."

"Exactly I mean she has more abilities then a usual supernatural but that does not make her an aurorath."

"She is just a girl with a dream." They both started laughing.

I picked up the pace and quickly went to my locker before I break someone's jaw.

I took out my history books and started walking towards history class. The second bell rang, signaling the starting of class.

I got to class and took a seat right at the back by the window.

The rest of the class started to fill in. Samantha got in and took her usual seat next to me.

"Hey, you good?"

"Yeah." I gave her a smile and continued to stare out the window.

The teacher came in and greeted the class.

I was not paying attention until he mentioned that today's topic is going to be about the kitsune.

"Okay so the kitsune is known as an ancient folklore. A story that was told by our grandparents and great grandparents. We are to believe that it does not exist but what if the story of the nine tale creature is true."

"Well apparently an aurorath is not a folklore so maybe the kitsune is real." A girl with black hair and red eyes said. The class laughed. "Ohhh But I thought a kitsune was part of an aurorath and from what I've heard your mother never turned into one... or did she die too soon."

At that point I was so angry. I stood up and rushed to her. The girl also stood up. "Ohh did I hit a nerve." She transformed into her demon from.

"Omnia impedimenta movent proelium.(move all obstacles and prepare for battle.)" I cast a spell and every thing and person in class moved away to make a circle. Me and the girl were in the middle of the circle and having a stand off.

She ran towards me and flew in the air to give me hard punch but I ducked to the ground and rolled away. The part she punched made a hole in the ground revealing the class below us.

I cast a spell on her. Her heart slows down, she runs out of breath, her blood starts racing, her ears start ringing, her head is spinning her vision started blurring and her eardrums pop. Blood oozes from her ears and nose. She collapses on the ground with a big thud. Blood pools around her head and her heart stops beating completely. She transforms back into her human self.

I take my bag, step over her body and walk out of class.

I hear footsteps come running after me.

"Hey." Samantha walks with me. "Are you alright?"

I stop and turn to face her. "I'm okay."

She giggled a bit. "You are going to be in so much trouble."

I sigh. "Yea But someone had to teach her a lesson, I'm just glad it was me."

"How about we skip the rest of school and go to a cafe. I know one in town"

"Sure, let me go and change first."

I rushed to our dorm room and quickly removed the clothes I was wearing.

I put on a green cottage cot dress with flowers all over. I took my purse and went out.

"Wow, i don't think I have ever seen you in a dress"

"Yeah I don't own a lot of dress."

"You have a great figure." She goes around me. "And a nice ass." I laugh at her comment. "We should go they probably already looking for you."

We run out and run to town since this place is in the middle of the Forrest.

We finally arrive to a small street side cafe. We enter and the aroma of coffee an cake hits me.

"This place is amazing Sam."

"Yeah me and my mom used to visit this place quite often."

"Used to?" I ask her.

"Yeah, I guess after finding her destiny she was too busy to take me anymore."

"Oh I'm sorry Sam."

"No it's okay, I'm just happy that I could come here again."

I smile at her and we order some coffee and cupcakes than take a seat by the window.


Andrei's POV

"Hey Andrei." Rachel came to me. This girl annoys me but she seems to not understand that I am not interested in her.

"What do you want Rachel?"

"Well the eves ball is Friday and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me."


"No to the ball or no to me."

"Both." I stand to leave.

"Just call me if you change your mind Okay."

"I won't."  I leave the library and head back to my room. I find Andrew and Anakin there already.

"Dude your girl is badass." Andrew says to me and slaps me on the back.

"What do you mean?"

"She gave some girl a smack down." Anakin reply's.

"Huh. Why?"

"Well the girl was talking trash about Luna's mom and she went off."

"And how do you two know about this." I raise my eyebrow and point between them.

"The walls have ears." Anakin says.

"That and we were in the class below. They broke the ceiling."

"Okay I think I am going to take a shower."

"Aren't you going to check on your girl."

"Nuh she can handle herself."

"Wait so she is your girl." Andrew says. And I had just realized that I have not been shutting them up for calling her my girl.

"No. Just... you know what goodbye."

"We still have three more periods before after school."

"Don't you think I know that. I am going into town."

"Great we will come with."

I don't bother arguing and I go take my shower.

"Hey what are you going to do in town anyways?" Anakin asks me.

"I am going to collect a few things."

"Like what?"

"Well I ordered some clothes and a few other necessities."

"Fine don't tell us, we going to be following your every move."


"Because lil bro." Anakin hit my back. "You might be inlove and we cannot take any chances. Especially with father keeping an eye on us."

"I'm not your lil bro, you only older than me by 3 minutes." I shrug his hand off my back. "And what do you mean father has been keeping an eye on us?"

Andrew steps closer to me and Anakin. "Well I have been spotting a few of his demon slaves shadowing us."

"Wait here in the academy?" I ask and point downwards.

"Yes and no. I have been seeing them along the borderline of the academy. It seems like they cannot get in but I don't think that will be for long. Father always has a plan B"

I stare at them profoundly. "We have to be careful."

"Yes we do. Meaning you have to stay away from that Cohen girl."

I just look at them blankly. I don't think I can stay away from Luna for too long but if it means making sure that her safety is ensured than I will go to all lengths to protect her because she is mine.