
Angeli Caeci

- Written by Rowben. A life gives off many feelings. They give off warmth, a presence sensed. When a life is lost, these feelings go away. Within a subway, just arriving at it's stop, rested one without these feelings. They were cold, as it felt as if they weren't even there, but regardless, a life still remained. Upsat the being, a confused expression on their face, as they look towards their surroundings. It's dark, the lights broken as all that can be heard is the feint dripping of distant water. They stood theirself up, but something was off to them, they couldn't feel their palms pressed against the floor to push themselves up, they couldn't feel the warmth, nor coldness of their own body, they felt nothing. Angeli Caeci is a dystopian isekai with a darker atmosphere added. Morell, a quiet soul awakens in the body of the doll, now in a horrific city, consisting of mutations and supermatural beings. Morell learns of the city’s terrible Ruler, turning the place int a ghost town, in lack of proper living, a world of despair. Learning of her past family Morell is chosen to be the next ruler, planning to revolutionize thr current leader to return the city to it’s further glory. Throughout Morell’s journey dhe phases regret, betrayal, and a ride through her forgotten memories as she discovers what her purpose truly is, what’s more to her then being Ruler. she embarks on newfound abilities as well as many threats along her way, though she’d learned earlier on to treat these threats seriously, a loss not being a new feeling to her.

Rowbenverse · Fantaisie
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25 Chs


The citizens all split up into groups, travelling throughout the city for a hint to where the Ruler, Uvie may be, considering the castle was fake all along.

Reece stayed behind, along with Evan, Bennett, Saturn, and Kafka, as they all looked towards Reece, her arms crossed as she paced and forth.

"So, where are we gonna search..? I kinda doubt Uvie would be laying around in the city…"

Bennett proclaimed, looking through his bag for any information he may have, though he stopped as Reece pointed forth, past the group as they all turned around.

"We'll search outside the city."

They all looked surprised, as immediately outside the border of the city was a harsh landscape, what resided out there was a mystery to all, as Bennett began backing away, though Reece quickly grabbed him by the ear, walking forth.

"Reece.. Nobody has ever gone out there, to our knowledge, at least… How do we even know if it's survivable..?"

Saturn questioned, the group following behind Reece, as Bennett struggled, attempting to release his ear from her grip.

"That doesn't matter. Morell's been beaten, sliced, shattered into a million pieces for us, she never valued herself over others."

She turned to them, her hand over her heart as she released Bennett, her face written in determination as she shouted out.

"And you guys aren't willing to risk your life for her one time..? I don't care if you guys go with me, but if don't then your better off killing yourself! You'd be dead without Morell at this point anyways."

She crossed her arms, turning around as she walked off, the others looking down in guilt, eating Reece's words.

Evan followed Reece without much of a second thought, looking back at them as he shrugged, catching up to beside Reece as he walked along with her.

"Damn it.. I can't be a stupid coward anymore..! C'mon guys, we gotta do this..!"

Bennett muttered, stnading back up as he faced the others well walking backwards towards Reece and Evan, awaiting for others to join them.

Kafka nodded in agreement, Bennett quickly coming back to lead her wheelchair for her, as the 4 walked together, looking back at Saturn as they reached the border of the city.

"You gonna come..?"

Saturn looked to them, still and wordless, his arms crossed as he kept a stoic expression on his face, Reece frowning at his display.

"You're a coward, Saturn. Your teacher wouldn't respect you now."

The four walked off, Saturn watching as they faded away into the fog, looking down at his feet as he let out a deep sigh, his arms lowering to his sides.

"Deep down I know I'll only be a hassle. Farewell, friends. You'll understand eventually."

The four traveled through the deep fog of the city's outsides, the place damp, full of plants and trees, possibly a swamp as Reece lead the way, her monstrous mass formed into a blade to slice the plants in their way.

"Oh hey, I got something."

Bennett reached into his backpack, taking out a flare as he lit it, tossing it to Reece as it made their sight through the fog much more clear.

"Try not to get bitten by anything, since we don't have a cure, so you'll probably have to lose a limb.."

Kafka proclaimed, the group all looking at her and why the hell she'd put that thought on their minds, Kafka covering her mouth on realization on what she said as the others sighed and continued on.

They made their way to all the trees and plants, a swampy river amongst them, Reece picking up a stick as she poked st the water, eyes seen within it as she dropped the stick from being startled.

"How will we cross..?"

Through the fog, a feint light could be seen in the distance Evan pointing to it as he took out a pair of binoculars to get a closer look on what it was, the light seemingly getting closer.

As it got closer, Evan could finally see what it was, a small boat with a lamp on it, as he wiped the fog of the glass, looking back in yo a sudden surprise, a cloaked skeleton sat on the boat staring directly at him.

Evan dropped the binoculard in the water out of shock, crouching down as the others followed, Reece placing her hand on his shoulder.

"What is it..!?"

Reece loudly whispered, as before Evan could calm down and respond, the boat had arrived, everyone looking towards it before jumping back in freight, the skeleton, large in stature and cloaked in black as it stated at them.

"Ah.. Is it friendly..?"

Bennett asked, chuckling nervously as he slowly reached to his bag for a weapon. The skeleton lent it's hand out towards them, Kafka tilting her head as she wheeled herself towards the skeleton, a small smile on her face as she accepted it's hand.

The skeleton pulled her into the boat, putting thr wheelchair on as well, the skeleton. Then signalling them to hurry up and get on.

Though with hesitation, the three joined the skeleton on the boat, all sitting down in the back, the skeleton returning his oar in the water as the boat began strolling forth.

"Where to, strangers..?"

The skeleton spoke in a deep, almost demonic voice, the others gaining chills down their spines, though Kafka stayed quite calm.

"Ah.. We're searching for Uvie, the Ruler.. Might you know where she id..?"

Kafka asked politely, the skeleton stopping for a moment, an awkward silence forming before he gave a small nod, continuing to sail the boat.

"You wish to see the Ruler, huh..? That Uvie is a real character.. It's a shame that she kept herself hidden, she truly could've been quite the fun Queen.."

Reece raised her eyebrow to his claim, not believing him a single bit, though the others seem to totally buy it. Reece sighed to how oblivious they were, laying back and crossing her arms as she dozed off.

Long later Reece woke up, the skeleton and the others all chatting it up, talking about completely unrelated topics as Reece glared around at them all, muttering tiredly.

"Damn, are we there yet..?"

The skeleton seemed to be startled at realization, turning back forth as he looked around, ohewing as he didn't miss their location, docking at it.

The skeleton gave them a thumbs up as they all got off, an empty field of grey grass, nothing too interesting at sight, only a rusty phonebooth that remained as the group approached it, Reece slowly reaching the doorknob carefully, opening it as there was nothing within, them all looking in confusion before a sudden bell sound was rung.

"Oh..? New arrivals.."