
The New Arrangement

The next day...

Warm rays of the morning sun shone through my glass windows, gently heating up my cold and tired face. My eyes were heavy and my consciousness, wavering. As my mind slowly gained back its lucidity, I started to understand everything that was around me.

A heavy blanket… A fluffy pillow… A naked bolster…

No, what am I talking about? I don't have a bolster on my bed. I turned towards the creature who was attached to my hip. Her hands were crossed against my chest while her head rested firmly on my outstretched arm, binding me in place.

Last time, I was the one that woke up first and greeted the goddess that slept beside me. This time, however, I saw two gorgeous emerald eyes staring right at my cheeks.

"Good morning," Althea woke me up with the brightest smile I could ever hope for.

"... What time did you wake up?"

"A little earlier than you."

"Were we hugging all night?"

"It's the opposite," Althea shook her head without a trace of embarrassment. "We were separated when I woke up. I just took the liberty of attaching ourselves again."

"... You little imp."

Last night, I gave in to Althea's wish and joined as man and woman. It was our second time, so we were far less awkward in our desires. Althea, in particular, became a full-on succubus with her bold actions and endless rain of kisses. She was even careful with how many love bites she left on my body. Though, Althea did make sure that there was one or two on my neck, just to let the world know that she was the rightful owner of my body.

While I didn't know how long we did it for, it was late enough that we simply passed out by the time we finished. Even now, there wasn't a hint of shyness on Althea's face. In fact, I was willing to bet that if I asked for a second round, she would agree to it in a heartbeat.

I guess this was my girlfriend's growth as a woman?

Ignoring the temptation to start yet another lover's tryst, I broke into a yawn. At the same time, my hands slipped down from Althea's pillow and onto her bare shoulders. We were under the duvet, so neither of us could see each other's naked bodies. But that didn't mean that I couldn't touch Althea all over.

Technically speaking, Althea was the one that started touching. I was just returning the favour.

My left arm stroked Althea's shoulders before slipping down her smooth, milky back. It didn't take long for my lustful fingers to find her perfect waist, giving me a chance to pinch her perky butt.

"Ouch!" Althea cried softly. "What was that for?"

"It's your fault," I inhaled a deep whiff of Althea's morning, womanly aroma. "Your body is too seductive. I just want to pinch it all over."

"That's not a reason!" Althea retorted. "Besides, if we're comparing bodies… Yours is far more tempting than mine."

"Oh? So was that the reason why you were molesting me in my sleep?"

"M-Molest?! Don't make it sound like I'm a sexual predator!"

"So are you denying that you touched me while I was asleep, therefore unable to consent?"


Althea's face instantly turned into that of a convicted felon. She blinked rapidly while her pinkish hue turned a little ashen. Hey, what's with that reaction? What kind of unspeakable things did you do to me when I was sleeping?!

At this point, I was afraid to know the answer. Sighing, I threw Althea a lifeline: "Haha, I'm just joking." I turned my body to face hers and brought her into my embrace. "I don't mind you touching me, just do it in moderation… Okay?"

"... Understood!"

Finally, both of us calmed down from our morning shock. Althea buried her body deeper into mine as if she was trying to completely melt herself into me. As for me, I was just enjoying the feeling of Althea's bare body. The tender softness… The silky touch… Her womanly fragrance…

I think I'll never get enough of it.

"How was yesterday?"

"You were amazing. I'd never thought pleasure like that existed-..."

"A-Ah, I meant your birthday! N-Not that!"

"... Be more specific next time!!!"

Althea blushed as she accidentally revealed her innermost thoughts. Her fists collided with my burly chest, but they barely did any damage. Well… At least I now know that she liked our little adventures on the bed.

The embarrassed girl's fists slowly ground to a halt before she rested her face against my neck. Then, a small whisper echoed in my ears: "It was the best birthday I'd ever had."

"Haha, good to know."

That was what I was going for. I wanted Althea's twenty-second birthday to be the best one in her life. I was glad to deliver on that vision.

"But if I were to be completely frank," Althea interrupted with a smile. "I would be satisfied even if you gave me a simple present."

"Oh? For reference, what kind of present would you like?"

"Hmmm… Maybe this blanket that we're under?"

"This blanket?"

I frowned and lifted the heavy duvet that we were under. It was wrinkled, and the colour was beginning to wane. After years of washing, the only redeeming quality was that the fabric had softened enough to be considered comfy.

"Why?" I asked plainly. "I've been using this for four years, and it smells."

"That's precisely why!" Althea declared with a shout. "This blanket… It smells just like you, Desir. I feel like I'm wrapped in your essence, and it brings me great comfort."

"Althea, you… Do you have a scent fetish?"

"F-Fetish?!" Althea choked. She fell into thought only to deny my claim. "No… I don't think that it's a fetish. No one else's smell has ever turned me on. It's just yours, Desir…"

With glistening eyes, Althea looked up at me while holding my chest. "It's weird… Everything about you, Desir, makes me safe. Your embrace, your smile and… your scent. Every time I'm given something of yours, I feel my mood improve tenfold. It's like a drug, only more potent."


Goodness... How much does she love me?

Devoid of any bashfulness, Althea confessed her heart's desire right to my face. She was willing to share her deepest thoughts with me and even her obsession with my smell. I've always been hearing how much I meant to her, but this was probably the first time Althea had proven it with actions rather than words.

And thus, as a man, I shall respond in kind.

"If that's the case, you're welcome to sleep in my bed anytime you want."


"Yes," I nodded while my hands naturally stroked her hair. "Anytime you feel lonely… No, even if you want to sleepover every day for the rest of your life. I'll welcome it."

"T-Then, can I stay over again tonight?"

"... You want to do it again?"

Once again, I was taken aback by Althea's forwardness. However, this time I was the one with the dirty mind. Blushing, my girlfriend replied: "I-I didn't mean it that way! Couples sleep together all the time without having sex!"

"Ah, if that's the case… Yeah, come over tonight."

"Thank you, Desir!"

Althea immediately jumped deeper into my arms. This time, she was mounting me with her arms entangled around my neck. Her velvety black hair covered my face like a waterfall, and her lips found their way to my own.

Wow, Althea and I had just started dating and yet… This feels so right.

It feels like we have been together for years, nay decades. As our tongues coiled around each other, our fiery emotions were transmitted in full. There was now a connection, a connection that none could break, binding the two of us together.

But the connection wasn't suffocating in any meaningful way. Instead, it felt like a synchronised ballet that supplemented both of our desires by merging them as one.

Ah… Is this what you call a heart-to-heart connection?

I belonged in Althea's arms.

And she belonged in mine.


"I know..."

There was no need for words. At that moment, we both knew what we wanted. And as a consequence…

Our morning exercises were conducted on the bed rather than the gym.

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