
Beauties On The Beach

"Morning, sleepyheads!"

"... Good morning," I groaned with a struggle. Glancing over at the two early birds whose eyes were glistening like the mist of dawn, I yawned.

It was currently nine in the morning, which wasn't too early of a timing for me usually. However, yesterday I had brought Althea out on a nice dinner date, and due to some 'circumstances,' we stayed out longer than usual.

Not to mention, after coming back, we weren't able to sleep properly once we were acutely aware of each other's presence. Thus, in the end, we didn't get the right amount of sleep needed for an early summer beach day.

Len and Sienna, on the other hand, likely had a comfortable evening. They ate dinner at Len's house, and the pair likely slept comfortably soon after. Compared to our lethargic selves, the senior couple was more energised than usual.

"Have you had your breakfast?" Seeing our tired selves, Sienna probed kindly. She was likely telling us they could accompany us for a quick bite before we started our beach activities if we wanted to.

"No, I don't eat breakfast." I shook my head and smiled.

"Is that so?" Sienna then turned her attention towards the sleepy Althea. "What about you?"

"I'm the same with Desir," Althea replied softly.


"Yeah, it somehow became a habit..."

I practised something called intermittent fasting, where I would fast for sixteen hours a day and only eat within an eight-hour window. I followed this system because I'd heard that it would be an excellent method of maintaining my weight and limiting the amount of food I take. And since I'd begun cooking for Althea and rubbing my health tips on her, the girl had also developed this habit.

A sixteen-hour fast might sound intimidating initially, but anyone could achieve it simply by skipping breakfast.

In more ways than one… Althea had already become my significant other even before we'd started dating.

"Well, aren't you a cute couple..." Sienna snorted before finally turning her attention to the vast ocean beyond our resort. "Alright, since you guys are ready, let's go before the sun gets too hot."

My hometown wasn't that populated, but that didn't mean that there wouldn't be congestion. Particularly since the pandemic began, beaches had started limiting the number of visitors that could enter at once.

So Len's strategy was for us to play at the beach early in the morning when the temperature was low, and the people were few. Other than the fact that we had to wake up earlier than usual, it was an excellent plan, to be fair.

And fortunately, the hotel that I'd booked literally had a beach at its exit.

It was one of the two decent beaches that our humble fishing town had. While it wasn't as grand as the other renowned beaches, it was a decent place for us to curb our summer enthusiasm.

"Okay, time to change!" Sienna slid her arm around Althea's and pulled her into the women's changing room. For a brief moment, I could see a dangerous glint appear in the Amazonian eyes as she dragged her prey into the secret chamber that no man dared to tread, but alas… I was helpless to stop her.

Sighing, I followed Len's lead and stepped foot into the adjacent changing room. All the while, I was concerned about Althea's well-being, that I'd forgotten that there was an imp by my side as well.

"Huehuehue! Desir, how was your first time back home? Given how sleepy you were, I'm certain that you've gotten plenty of 'rest,' am I right?"

"... Why does your mind always wander in that direction?"

"You don't have to be shy! Eventually, all couples will have their first time! So how was it? Were your twenty-six years of abstinence finally gratified?"

… Why am I friends with this pervert?

"We didn't do anything," I released an exasperated cry while pulling my shirt off. "I told you, it's far too early for Althea and me."

"Hmmm… Seeing how pristine your body is… I guess you're right."

Pristine? Ah, Len was probably looking for red marks or what the normies would call… Love bites. Since Althea and I didn't conduct any sexual endeavours, there wouldn't be a single hint of such a thing.

"Wow, I'm really surprised by your restraint! I guess you aren't a virgin monk for nothing!"

"Hah… Why am I even having this conversation with you?"

"Hehe, don't be so cold! I've even brought you a special summer's gift!"

Behaving all secretly, Len stuck his hand into his bag and pulled out a small plastic box. It looked like a packet of sweets from afar with its vibrant purple colour and plastic wrapper protecting it. However, as I got a closer look at the fine print, my jaw dropped, appalled at Len's 'hearty' gift.

"I-I don't need that!"

"Why not? It's proper manners for a gentleman to have protection for their first night."

"I told you! Althea and I won't be doing that anytime soon!"

"Really? How are you so sure?"


Althea and I weren't in that kind of relationship… yet.

I had been careful not to hurt Althea, especially after she was almost sexually assaulted by a man she trusted. That's why I had been cautious not to cross any line with her, even if it meant suppressing my own personal desires.

However, as time went by, I could see the changes in Althea's behaviour. Only a fool would believe that Althea wasn't being forward with her advances. She would often tempt me when we cuddled. Every so often, she would drop a hint or a joke saying that she wanted something more. Even last night…

I've seen Althea in her pyjamas before, and none of them were anywhere near as seductive as the nightgown she wore last night.

Though I prided myself with self-control…

Even I had my limits.

Sensing my hesitance, Len placed the purple box in my hands and pushed it into my chest.

"Just take it, Desir. Sooner or later, you'll need it."

With a naughty wink, Len turned around and moved to his locker so that he could finally change. Meanwhile, all I could do was stare blankly at the generous gift that laid before my arms, gulping in anticipation of what's to come...


Being guys, Len and I changed into our swimsuits rather quickly. Honestly, before we'd even left the hotel, I had been wearing my trunks under my pants. So, all I needed to do was disrobe, and I would be ready to go.

The girls, however, took a much longer time. I don't know whether it was Sienna purposefully dragging it out by chattering with Althea or if they genuinely needed that much time to change. But it had been more than fifteen minutes since the pair disappeared into the female restrooms, and there was no sign of them coming out anytime soon.

In fact, Len even got bored and decided to set up our beach mats rather than waiting for his girlfriend to emerge. It was only after twenty full minutes that two sexy silhouettes emerged from the women's changing room.

The first person that caught my eye wasn't my girlfriend, the woman I loved more than any other, but the tall woman standing right next to her. In contrast to her stunning red hair, Sienna put on a sultry black and white polka dot bikini, with nothing more than strings supporting her womanly body.

Sienna had always had a supermodel's physique, and it was all the more apparent when she wore a tight-fitting swimsuit. Tying her bright hair into a ponytail, her face somehow seemed smaller and her body more proportionate.

A distinct V-shape came out from her waist, outlining the sporty abs that all women desired. And like any supermodel, Sienna poised herself with supreme confidence, even when thousands of thirsty eyes were locked onto her.

On the other hand…

"D-Desir? W-What do you think?"

Althea didn't have the same confidence and openness that her friend had. Holding her right elbow with her left hand, the girl slouched slightly, seemingly worried that she might look strange.

But truth be told…

"Very charming," I said without hesitation. "Probably the most beautiful creature that had ever lived."

"D-Desir! W-What are you saying in front of Sienna?!"

Althea probably felt the need to compare herself to Sienna, the woman that had inherited the genes of the Amazons themselves. And while Althea's bosom wasn't as ample as the red-haired beauty and neither was her body as defined… Althea won hands down in my heart.

There was nothing wrong with her choice of swimwear. It was the same flounce purple bikini and the swim skirt that I'd bought for her yesterday. But it was the person herself that made it look supremely good.

If Sienna was born from the Amazonians, Althea was probably a descendant of the Angels themselves. Her holier than thou look was highlighted by her purple bikini, making her seem like a high-class lady. There wasn't a single point of excess fat on her body, and while she didn't have Sienna's abs, Althea did possess a charm that would drop anyone's jaw in a heartbeat.

Her jet black hair was tied up into a messy bun which allowed some of the ebony goodness to fall haphazardly onto her spotless face. The tinge of red on Althea's cheeks only served to make her look far more charming than anyone else in existence, even though the girl was only twenty-two this year.

No, in my eyes, it wasn't an exaggeration to say that she was the most beautiful human being to ever live.

"Tsk, okay, stop flirting in front of me." Sienna clicked her tongue in annoyance. "Now, where's my boyfriend when you need him?"

"He's setting up our spot," I laughed at Sienna's obvious need to have someone compliment her. "Hehe, don't worry. You're plenty beautiful as well."

"It doesn't make me happy hearing that from you!"

Although Sienna said that, her peeved off face slightly improved. She looked towards the vast beach and quickly found the only person that could satisfy her desires. Like a girl who wanted to show off to her parents, Sienna skipped her way towards the lone blonde man on the beach. Before he could do anything, the red-haired girl leapt into his arms, and they both fell onto the sandy floor.

Watching that scene, Althea and I exchanged glances before breaking into laughter.

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