
Demon Army (VIII)

Another whole week had passed. The demon king's army would come in at different times of the day. They would at first trickle in, then come in large swarms. After Dairen had come back to full strength, the monster waves have become a bit more manageable to deal with.

Dairen's extra helping hand was able to keep most of the weaker monsters at bay, allowing them to refocus on the stronger monster.

Even Snow had personally gone in to assist in fighting against the heavier set monsters that could do more damage to the city wall.

Just like how Dairen stated, large Ogres the size of a five-story building came bumbling through the woods. Its heavy footsteps shook the very ground. Every inch of its body was covered with armor or animal pelts. Metal clubs with dangerous spikes were bloody and rusty. One swing of the club and one could die from it. They were six in total as they swung their club side to side, even hitting monsters from their own sides.

Snow, Mike, Levian, and Audrey would work together to bring down the ferocious Ogre. While the other stronger Players and Hunters grouped together to take down the Orges that attempted to get closer to the wall.

If Ogre was allowed to get close to the wall, everyone knew that it would be a disaster. They could scale the walls and hop over, causing chaos, creating another front of war that they couldn't afford to open.

It was mid-day, and the number of Ogres was quickly getting cut down. Snow and Audrey were working hand-in-hand in darting in and out in between the Ogres leg, cutting it down wherever it can.

Snow had swung her sword everywhere she could slip through the crack of the Ogre's armor. It wasn't easy as the Ogre skin was difficult to cut through as well.

Audrey had personally climbed the Ogre's body, stabbing, slicing, anywhere it can. Every time Audrey caused harm, the Ogre thrash around, trying to get Audrey off its body with its hand. A few times, it almost grabbed Audrey off its shoulder.

Snow summoned a swarm of swords of light, sending it at the Ogre to distract it. She was able to get through some of the crevices of the Ogre's body, giving Snow a chance to attack. The Ogre failed. Its club, smashing it into the ground to smash Snow into a pulp.

Snow dashed to the side, jumping out of harm's way. She then jumped onto the club, running up the Ogre's arm. With a powerful leap, Snow was able to jump onto the Ogre's shoulder. Her sword stabbed into the throat of the Ogre, whose bellow was cut short. It wobbled, unable to keep balance, reaching over to pry Snow off its shoulder. Snow pulled back, taking her sword with her.

Streams of green blood flowed out of the Ogre's neck. The Ogre missed, stumbling forward and falling onto the ground like a log.

When they are done with one, they quickly move onto another. The hellhounds darted toward them in groups.

Both Audrey and Snow sliced, cut, stabbed, kicked, and even threw a couple of hellhounds over their shoulder, clearing away as they made their way toward the next Ogre.

It took a bit of time, but they hooked up with Mike and Red, who were battling the Ogre together.

Red was throwing large amounts of fireballs that melted the Ogre's armor, burning into its skin. The smell of burnt bodies stank up the air, choking up Snow for a moment.

Snow had to take small quick breaths, not inhale in too deeply as the stench was horrendous.

Red shouted in a fury, "Firebolt! Firebolt! Firebolt!"

A continuous barrage of fire continues to pelt onto the Ogre.

It was a sight to see. Attracting multiple people around them briefly, Red raised her hand,

creating a giant fireball over her head. The intensity of the fireball was extreme. Everyone could feel the heat becoming more powerful as seconds went by.

"Fire Ball!" Red screamed. She threw the fireball over her head and straight at the Ogre.

The fireball smashed into the Ogre's body. Mike and Snow pulled back not to get caught up in the inferno.

Screams of pain erupted from the Ogre's lips. It became a giant bonfire being displayed in the middle of the demon army. Even the other demons panicked and ran away from the bumbling Ogre, trying not to get caught up in the fire.

The Ogre fell down with a horrible crash, catching a few plants on fire.

Red summoned up water magic, taking out the fire that could burn down the surroundings.

Snow was impressed at how easily Red could use her magic with such ferocity from the last time they had gone together on a dungeon dive.

"Nice job," said Mike. Giving her a thumbs up.

"No time for compliments. We need to get to the next one." Red was already onto her next prey. Firebolts were forming in her hand as she chucked it at the next Ogre a good distance away. Her Firebolt hit straight into the Ogre's head, causing it to stumble from impact.

"On it!" Mike ran off, heading to the next Ogre.

Snow didn't dally any longer, splitting ways and moving onto the next target. Anytime she saw someone in trouble when she wasn't fighting the Ogre, she would momentarily assist, allowing the others to bring down the monsters that swarmed them.

The battle continued through the afternoon and into the evening. Sunset, bringing with it an orange glow, the last of the monsters fell by Snow's hand, ending the battle for tonight.

Snow wiped off her sweat. She didn't want to stay behind to clear up the dead body or check for any possible loot. She was tired and wanted to take a quick bath.

Taking her tired bones, she went back into the city and headed straight to her room. There she unwinded, and not a moment later, Dairen had arrived.

For the next three days, the battle continued as if it was on a timely schedule. The monsters came on the brink of the morning when the first light touched the ground. They fought past the afternoon and into the setting sun. No monsters stay behind, leaving as they disappeared without a trace.

Through those days, Dairen and Snow would take naps as they would cuddle up and sleep until the next day.

The change in the pace of time was draining for most people as being constantly barraged by the monster waves brought mental stress and tiredness.

The regular repetition of monster waves becomes a routine task.

It wasn't until the seventh day.

A blaring sound of a bell would ring loudly in the city.

Snow squinted, looking off into the distance as she saw the tree shook.

Six large rhinoceros creatures fully plated, strapped to a contraption that Snow had never seen before.

"What is that?" Dairen pointed at the large rhinos. "Is that what I think it is?"

"Yes." Snow frowned. "We need to go and destroy that."

Dairen raised his hand. He summoned his four most powerful undead monsters next to him. They were humanoid undead, different from the other undead monsters that he had summoned.

The four had their own personalities. One of them was a dragon in a humanoid form. Long elegant horns protrude on her head, sharp claws and heavy brows and red glowing eyes, waiting on Dairen's command.

The second one was an undead phoenix wearing a black suit. Its red eyes glared as he snorted out a stream of black flames. Its sharp beak closed and opened as if it was yawning.

The third was a bulky tiger with bits and pieces of bones showing through. The muscles were taut and bulging with power. It growled under its breath and snarled a few times at the other three standing next to him.

Finally, the fourth one was a tortoise, standing on its two legs. It shifted side to side, opening and closing its mouth a few times.

"The four generals?"

"Yes. It took a while to collect them."

"Collect them?" Snow asked quizzically, "never mind." She raised her hand.

Snow watched the rhinoceros marching forward. There wasn't much time before they would arrive. Her mind raced.

"Let's go." Snow jumped off the side. Magically Golden wings appeared from behind her, allowing her to temporarily float for a moment, allowing her to cushion her landing before it disappeared.

"When was she able to do that?" Dairen gaped. "Never mind, you guys go and follow." He pointed to Snow.

The four generals nodded, jumping after Snow. Each one of them made their way down quickly without harming themselves. Black smoke followed them behind like a trail of fire.

Dairen ran down the stairs quickly to catch up.

Snow didn't look back. She summoned her black sword box, grabbing White Gryphon out of the box. The black box disappeared like smoke.

The four generals broke apart, each taking on dinosaurs by themselves.

Snow took the lead, rushing forward.

The rhino bellowed, lowering its head to take her out.

A whiz of black arrow passed her and landed squarely into the rhino's eyes. It buckled in pain, falling to the side.

Snow leaped into the air, landing on the first Rhinoceros head. She swished her sword, breaking the first straps on the rhinoceros' side, causing the rhinoceros onto the ground.

She jumped onto the next, heading straight for the next rhinoceros to get to the next strap.

The tiger swiped the one next to the right that fell onto the ground, taking out its knees. It fell and tumbled as the rest couldn't go further.

With a powerful blow of black fire, the dragon completely burns the rest of the dinosaurs on the ground.

Suddenly, a hell demon general blasted a powerful surge of magic right at them to the left. The tortoise appeared in front of them, blocking the magic in front of them.