

25: A Malfoy Christmas (August 28, 2003 to September 1, 2003)

Things had to be explained, so Harry had no choice but to explain it to his friends. The problem was how much to actually tell them. He had no idea. Harry didn't know what to do and Dumbledore had always been his mentor. The problem was that the Headmaster wasn't readily available at Durmstrang. However, somehow Dumbledore realized that he needed him and had managed to come to Durmstrang to talk to Harry whenever he was in need.

Before he'd had his talk with Sirius, he'd definitely needed Dumbledore's advice. But it was especially after the second task he'd found himself relying more and more on Dumbledore and what help he could offer. It was such a relief not to be in it all alone. And as much as he'd wanted to tell Sirius who he really was, and where he really was from- he saw the logic in Dumbledore's caution. It wouldn't do any good for Sirius to know the truth considering the danger he was put in every time he had a meeting in Voldemort's presence.

It was simply too dangerous for Sirius to know the full truth. It was only because Harry had insisted that Sirius know who he was that Dumbledore had allowed him to tell his godfather that much. The Headmaster had said it was up to his discretion. He decided he had to let Sirius know, since he couldn't bear to not have a second chance with his godfather. Maybe Sirius wasn't the best of men, but he was still the only family that Harry had left. That counted for something.

The Sirius dilemma was solved, but there were other concerns that popped up after the second task- namely that he was a parselmouth. The ability in itself was severely restricted to the Salazar bloodline descent. There had really been no known parselmouth that hadn't come from that family. If he'd shocked the crowd, that was no great surprise- he'd managed to catch Dumbledore unawares. After all, it wasn't something that he liked to talk about.

With his similarity in looks with the Dark Lord, telling Dumbledore when he'd first arrived in this universe that he had acquired some of Voldemort's abilities wouldn't have helped the Headmaster to place his trust in him. It was unfortunate that his father looked quite a bit like Tom Riddle, and that he took so much after his father. However, if he hadn't looked like a younger version of his father then there would be the problem of proving parentage.

In the end, it had all worked out until now. Until he had to go and speak parseltongue. It wasn't like he could control it. When the young basilisk had spoken, he'd been compelled to speak back to Asta in the same tongue that she was speaking to him. The fact that the only known parselmouth in this world was Voldemort didn't astonish Harry, sadly he seemed cursed whichever dimension he was in to share similarities with a Dark Lord.

Similarities that he had no option but to explain to his friends, especially Draco and Hermione. Severus was important too, but he could receive a clarification from Dumbledore. Something Draco and Hermione could not receive. Luckily for him, Dumbledore had, following the second task, had whisked him away to discuss the important matters at hand.

Quite a few things had been decided then. One, no matter what no one could know he was not from this dimension. It simply wasn't safe, considering his part in that Voldemort's downfall. Two, it was better letting the Dark Lord think he was just Sebastian Biggerstaff- a relative unknown. Most of the speculation was that he was from a removed bastard bloodline that was indirectly related to Salazar. It was a plausible theory. It was a theory that Dumbledore would rather everyone think.

If everyone thought that way then it was possible for Harry to help the side of Light. It would make Voldemort interested in Sebastian and that interest could help them worm their way with another spy into the Death Eater fold. It would give them more security, and Harry was more than willing to do anything to help his mentor, even if it meant taking on the Dark Mark. While it did bother him, it didn't mean by taking upon that accursed mark he was losing himself.

Look at Sirius, look at Severus. They were still good people, and honorable men even if they did have Voldemort's brand on them. He preferred not to take up the mark though and he had made that clear to the Headmaster. But it did give them something to work with if it came down to that. Dumbledore had already warned him that his parseltongue ability was going to draw Voldemort's interest, and not joining the Dark Lord would look highly suspicious.

No one in Europe outright showed their opposition, not even Dumbledore anymore. It was all done covertly and with much stealth. They had no other option. Voldemort might like to think he was just, but he was still an absolute dictator. If there was someone against him, he would crush them. In a way, Harry thought it was preferable to the way Cornelius Fudge use to screw around, at least Voldemort wasn't an ignoramus.

Harry sighed and buried his head into the pillows as Draco's alarm started to chime out the Slytherin House song. Draco and Hermione had taken the news very well, though he could tell they were still dying to ask him more questions. It wasn't like he'd changed his story at all, and his disappearance at Christmas least year had provided some time for him to fall back on. Not that what he let them think, let them assume was anywhere close to what he'd actually done.

He couldn't tell them that. That was what had been agreed to between Dumbledore and himself. No one could know. It was better that way. Whatever Hermione and Draco assumed, it got them off his back. He was glad for it. It was enough having other people around Durmstrang look at him with undisguised awe. He didn't need that from his best friends.

Sadly any progress made with Ron Weasley had been abruptly cut off with his demonstration of parselmouth. The stalwart Gryffindor was avoiding him, which was rather irritating since Ron had approach him first. And as much as Draco and Hermione meant to him, Ron still had been his first real friend ever. He would have liked to be good friends with this Ron too.

"Get up, you sleepyhead," Draco shouted cheerfully as he threw a pillow at his best friend. "You've got to check on that egg of yours and we need to get down to the grand hall to eat breakfast and then we're leaving for the holidays."

Yes, he was spending Christmas with Draco's family. The Malfoys had insisted. It wasn't like he had any place else to go. Sirius had been called away immediately following the second task on whatever duties that the Dark Lord wanted him to do. It made Harry's stomach feel slightly sick to think of what Sirius had to do to be Dumbledore's spy. Even though it was a very mild suggestion for him to do what Sirius did, he didn't know if he ever could handle that kind of spiritual turmoil inside.

While he was sad to see Sirius go, he still very excited about Christmas with the Malfoys. Severus was coming with them. As bad as it seemed, Harry was much more interested in spending alone time with the Potions Master. It wasn't going to be hard. Draco was hinting quite hard that he was going to arrange something for them. Arrange what exactly? He wanted to know and yet he wanted it to be a surprise at the same time.

"Bast," Draco snapped as his patience wore out at Sebastian's refusal to budge, "you need to get up now. If you don't, you know Hermione will be upset if you miss the train. It is the only way to get back to Hogwarts. Unless you'd rather to stay here in gloomy Durmstrang."

Harry's mind wasn't groggy, just absorbed in what he had been thinking. The mention, however, of Hermione being upset made a sharp entrance into his thoughts. Merlin, did he hate it when Hermione was displeased. It was Hermione's displeasure more than Draco's impatience that got him up and out of bed. While he'd been getting ready, Draco had sat on his bed staring at him with amusement glittering in his eyes. The Hermione threat worked wonders in getting him to move, it also worked on Draco.

A huge grin appeared on Harry's face at that particular thought, "You know you need to start getting ready too Draco instead of just sitting there. We know how long it takes you to get ready, and Hermione's just as nagging with you."

If anything, Harry's grin widened as Draco frantically started getting ready. Touché. He enjoyed doing that to Draco. While Draco normally got up earlier than he did, Draco tended to forget that he needed to get up earlier to get ready since he took longer than Harry did. Draco enjoyed watching him dress up entirely too much, Harry wondered if Draco had really gotten over him. Then again, Draco wouldn't be in this much of a tizzy if Hermione didn't matter a lot to him. She did to both of them.

"Remember to take care of your egg!" Hermione exclaimed at him fiercely. "You need to keep it warm or else it won't ever hatch! You have no idea how valuable it is. I don't think there's a price you can place on a basilisk egg! They're just too rare. And here's your Christmas present." She handed a huge brown tome to him. "I didn't bother wrapping it since I think you'll need it. This is what I've been referring in giving you advice about taking care of your basilisk egg. It's the Most Complete Guide to Basilisks."

Hermione was definitely stronger than she looked, Harry surmised when he felt the heavy pressure of the huge book in his hands. Must be all the books she was forever toting to the library and back to the commons. He smiled gratefully at Hermione who was like a sister to him. It was too like her to give him a book for a present. She'd done so every year that he had known either one of them without fail on his birthdays and Christmas. "Thank you. I'll be sure to read it."

"And this is for you," Hermione remarked, handing over to Draco a delicately wrapped silver present with forest green trim. It was obvious she'd taken the time to wrap it in Slytherin colors, Draco's favorite colors. Harry sighed. When would Draco act on his feelings when it was clear he liked Hermione too? It was about time they did something, all this hesitation between them was making Harry anxious.

When Draco attempted to open it, Hermione snatched the present from his hands. "Don't open it yet!" she cried out, her brown eyes flashing at him avidly. "You still have a week 'til Christmas! You can't open it until then!"

"Then why did he get his earlier?" Draco asked with a teasing pout.

"Because," Hermione replied exasperatedly, "he needs his gift and you don't!"

"Well, I think I need it."

"You don't," Hermione stated firmly, her eyes having that look in them that said there would be no arguing from Draco. Draco knew it. He couldn't beat her, not when she was like this. "Promise me you won't open it until Christmas."

"Fine," Draco grumbled, holding out his hands, "I won't open it until Christmas." Hermione smiled, if she got him to say it out loud she knew he'd do it. Malfoys didn't break their word. She placed the gift back into his hands. He glanced down at the very boxlike present and tilted his head as he examined it carefully. "This can't be a book."

"It isn't," Hermione agreed with a twinkle in her eyes. "I know your curiosity will drive you nuts, but remember you can't open it until Christmas." She turned her eyes to pin Sebastian down with them as well. "I expect you to hold him to his promise and remind him in case he tries to conveniently forget."

Harry chuckled while Draco complained in the background. "Yes, Hermione."

Christmas with the Malfoys had been amazing. There was an endless round of activities, and if anything Harry felt even closer to the Malfoys than he did before. It didn't hurt that they didn't badger him about being a parselmouth like the Weasleys would have done. And the fact was, he was glad for it. While being an unknown parselmouth wasn't as bad as being the Boy Who Lived with it as well, it still frazzled his already worn out nerves.

Having Draco there with him helped; Draco was doing everything possible to make him forget about the second task. Some of it was deliciously tempting as Draco had someone managed to arrange for him to pop in on Severus one morning in the showers. Just thinking about the contours of Severus' lean body got him achingly hard in no time at all. He didn't know how much longer he could stand the unresolved sexual tension between them.

Neither of them were getting any release with each other, it was all they could do to quench the smoldering looks they exchanged when they dared to sneak the opportunity. Opportunities that Draco seemed to be springing on them whenever he could. Harry still found it unbelievable that Draco's parents hadn't noticed anything yet. Then again, it would be just like the Malfoys to turn a blind eye to something like this. Very Slytherin of them to know exactly what was going on and let their guests think that they didn't know.

Being alone with Severus was hard, but it was tolerable as long as it wasn't for extended periods at a time. It certainly helped that during the times that Draco had managed to get them alone together they had more important things to talk about than to physically act out their unsatisfied lust. Like Harry's parseltongue, like Sirius, like the Order. It was a relief for Harry to discover that while Severus wasn't a spy, he was the one that covered Sirius' spy activities from being discovered by Voldemort.

It was enough even if Dumbledore didn't think it was enough. Harry knew Severus was trying to warn him about the danger that helping Dumbledore would entail, but he knew what he was doing was for the good of all. He was aware of the consequences, and he had bore such burdens on his shoulders for years now. It was nothing new, not that Severus knew that. He couldn't avoid his destiny, even if it did mean bringing down the Dark Lord of Europe in any manner that could be arranged.

"Daydreaming again, Bast?" Draco commented teasingly as he swung his arm lightly over Sebastian's slender shoulders. "I imagine I know who it is of. But I would think you'd rather go downstairs and unwrap the gifts you've got downstairs. Besides you need to greet the rest of the guests that arrived last night. After all, you're going to be playing polo with them."

"You mean getting my ass beaten to the ground by your over talented relatives," Harry remarked sharply, but his eyes were shining brightly with excitement. He'd been looking forward to the arrival of the rest of Draco's family since it meant that there would be enough people to play a full polo match. It also meant that Sirius would be there. At least that's what Harry hoped.

"Language," Draco reprimanded him. "What would Hermione say?"

Harry chuckled. "You're the one that she often scolds on language."

Draco scowled. "You don't need to remind me. I'm glad she isn't here to badger me."

"You know you miss her."

Draco shrugged his shoulders in a careless manner even though secretively in his heart he did miss Hermione's clever retorts and commentary. "You've been daydreaming too long, it's addled your brains."

Whatever response Harry had been about to make was cut off when he saw who was gathered in the elegant family room. Bellatrix and Sahar Lestrange. He nodded to them respectfully and greeted them politely. But the one who really caught his attention was Sirius Black. He hadn't seen his godfather in weeks, and he didn't look any worse for the wear. He'd never been so thankful to Severus in all his life, Severus might not be doing as much as Dumbledore wanted but he was doing what he could very well- keeping Sirius covered.

"Merry Christmas," Harry chirped out cheerfully.

"Merry Christmas," came from everyone in the room, but the voice that stood out was Sirius' as those dark orbs stared at him intently as he said the holiday greeting.

"The youngest goes first?" Draco queried. Everyone in the room nodded, including Severus who had been the last to arrive. Draco grinned and handed a delicately wrapped present to Sahar, the youngest person in the room. "Merry Christmas, 'coz."

Sahar smiled at him, it had been tradition for her to always open Draco's gift first. She opened the gift gently at first, but when Draco started teasing her that presents were made to be open- she ripped open the gift. Inside she found a plush miniature dragon. This time it was a dark crimson color. Every year it was same, another stuffed dragon to add to her collection. "Thank you," she whispered softly to Draco, kissing him on the cheek. "But," she added jokingly, "are you ever going to give me something other than stuffed toys?"

"That's blasphemy!" Draco exclaimed, promptly tossing another present to her to open. This one happened to be from her mother, and it was a richly embroidered cloak warded against most high level curses. Extremely valuable. The gift opening continued for Sahar, the last present she opened was from Sirius which she opened last every year. And like every year, he always got her something unusual but she always ended up loving it. This year it was a serpent bracelet that would wind around her wrist like a real snake.

"I love it!" she cried out, running over to Sirius and leaping into his arms. "Thank you so much! It's beautiful, truly."

That wasn't the only gift that had provoke a response like that. Lucius had given an extravagant sapphire pendent to his wife, which had led to a passionately intense kiss. What Harry notice was that Draco hadn't opened Hermione's gift. It was probably in Draco's room, and most likely Draco had opened it up first thing when he'd woken up. But Harry was curious as to what Hermione had given Draco. That was the real mystery present.

"I have something for you up in my room, Sebastian," Sirius declared in the midst of cleaning spells that were getting rid of the torn wrappings decorating the marbled floor. "I'd forgotten about it, but will you follow me up?"

Only Draco noticed the wariness in Severus' eyes and the narrowing of Sahar's as Sebastian followed Sirius up the stairs to room that Sirius always stayed in. It wasn't his imagination. Both Severus and Sahar didn't like the closeness that was developing between Sebastian and Sirius, Draco didn't really know why. It wasn't like Sirius and Sebastian were interested in each other abnormally, or were they?

"You didn't need to get me anything," Harry said to say something. "I didn't get you anything." He hadn't really had the opportunity to. He hadn't know until a few days ago that the rest of the extended Malfoy family were coming to the mansion.

Sirius smiled and shrugged carelessly. "It's nothing much," Sirius responded. "Besides, it belongs to you anyway." He reached into a trunk and withdrew a carefully wrapped package. "It's the only thing that I could think to give you and I have a lot of Christmases to make up."

That sounded like the Sirius he knew. And from the way the present was wrapped, Harry knew it wasn't a last minute gift- there had been thought placed behind it. He slowly unraveled the ribbon tied around it and his eyes widened when he saw what it was. Carefully he schooled his expression since he knew that he shouldn't know what this was. He was the supposedly deceased Harry Potter that somehow had been sequestered away into safety to Dumbledore. He wasn't supposed to know what this was.

"Try it on," Sirius encouraged. "It's special." Oh, Harry knew it was special as he slipped the familiar cloak onto his shoulder and grinned when he saw his body disappear. It was good to have his father's invisibility cloak back. He'd missed it dearly. "That was your father's," Sirius explained. "Dumbledore gave it to me to aid me in my spying, but I don't need it anymore now that Voldemort trusts me."

"Thank you for giving me this," Harry whispered emotively. "This means the world to me."

"I know."

The meaningful look between Sirius and Harry was cut of abruptly when Draco burst into the room followed closely by Sahar. "I know you two would love to talk about polo strategies, but you two should remember that you're on opposing teams," Draco shouted at them good naturedly, giving Sebastian and Sirius a gaze that said play along. "But if we want to play before the reported blizzard coming our way hits, we'd best get started now!"

"It's not as I would be discussing strategy with the opposition," Sirius remarked almost snappishly. "We Blacks always win." He shared a grin with Sahar that she reluctantly returned. "Don't we?"

"We do."

The game was underway. It was harsh and fierce. The Blacks against the miscellaneous assortment as Draco fondly called them. It was Bellatrix, Narcissa, Sahar, and Sirius against Lucius, Draco, Severus, and Sebastian. Based on skill, there was no doubt that the Blacks would win. It was like an inborn talent for them. Lucky for them they received a handicap of ten points, but they were only going to play to fifteen. Even that wasn't enough.

After only half an hour of playing, the Blacks already had scored five times while Lucius had managed to get the only goal for them bringing the score 11 to 5, rather pitiful considering they'd started out 10 points ahead. There was no helping it though. The Blacks were simply superior in skill.

Midway through when the game was tied at 14 to 14 Harry was angling off the side of his pony, trying desperately to keep hold of the ball as they approached the every shifting goal. It was as he was about to fling the ball into the narrowing goal that he was slammed from the side by Sahar's brutal black mare. Off balance that he was, he found himself tumbling head first into the ground.

Panic filled his veins as he hit the ground hard, luckily, on his shoulders first. Instinctively he tucked his head protectively in his arms and tried to roll away from Amphitrite's sharp scissoring hooves. He breathed a huge sigh of relief when he heard the familiar voice of his godfather tell him not to move. A grin almost cracked his bruised face when he heard the familiar voice of Severus sneer at Sirius, "Move away Black, can't you see you're only hurting Sebastian more?"

"I never knew you were a mediwizard, Snape," Sirius snapped in retort.

Severus narrowed his eyes as he reached into his pockets for some emergency potions he always kept with him and poured some pain-numbing potion down Sebastian's throat. "I'm a Potions Master which means I know more about potions than a mere mediwizard."

The undercurrent of a full-blown argument was there. Harry had to stave it off. He couldn't have two of the most important men in his life at each other's throat. Not now, not at his first real Christmas! "I'm all right," Harry croaked. "Someone help me up."

Both Severus and Sirius offered Sebastian their arm, but fortunately Draco had also made it to the scene. It was with much gratefulness that Harry took Draco's proffered hand. If it had been anytime before Harry had explained himself to Draco, he wouldn't have been alarmed to show Draco his favor. But that was the past, and this was now.

He may have been blind, but he wasn't that blind. The way Sahar was always abruptly cutting him off, always forcing him over the side- the general rough riding towards him made him suspect that she didn't like the way Sirius was favoring him. Draco didn't seem to mind, and Draco did seem pretty close to Sirius. However, there was no doubting Sahar was closer to Sirius. But still, why such foul play?

"Thanks Draco," he murmured, leaning heavily on his best friend for balance against the wave of dizziness that hit him. Damn majority. Why were the after-effects still bothering him after all this time? Poppy said it was something about him being rather weak after his extensive injuries before, which had most likely delayed his majority and had caused his internal magic to weaken since it'd drawn so heavily on its reserve to sustain him.

"Don't mention it," Draco remarked. "Let's go back to my room. You can't play anyway, and," he whispered softly in Sebastian's ear, "I can show you want Hermione got me. It's really something."

As Harry found out when they got to Draco's suite, it really was something. It was also about time that Draco realized that Hermione liked him. Hermione had given Draco a clear, blatant sign that she wanted him. That he was hers. She'd effectively staked her claim in him by giving his an ornate owl pendant heavily warded to protect him against other females' and males' attentions.

"But why an owl?" Draco questioned aloud.

Harry shrugged. The pendant form usually had to mean something special to the one who gave the warding/claiming pendant. He'd never thought an owl was special to Hermione, he'd always thought she was more of a cat person. Indeed, why an owl?