
Ancient Demon Lord Rimuru

80 years have passed since Yuuki's defeat. Rimuru, after dwelling for countless years at the end of time and space, has surpassed Veldanava in terms of strength and is, therefore, the strongest being in the Cardinal world. With his strength, he easily dealt with the aftermath of the final battle and accomplished his dream of coexistence between monsters and humans. Although he is happy with the results, his daily routine consists of constant paperwork. During one of these boring days Ciel, who is worried about the mental state of her master, suggests creating an alternate Timeline and traveling back in time. Rimuru, not wanting to do everything over again, comes back with an alternative idea. Going back in time but with one addition: instead of traveling to his original time of reincarnation as a slime, he decides to go much further in time and become one of the ancient demon lords.

Mert_Dertli · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

Infiltration of the Palace of White Ice

Where once located was one of the most powerful nations, everything was covered in ice. Everything was frozen, and no weak race could even enter this icy desert. This was the ice continent, the territory of the first and the strongest demon lord, Guy Crimson. Guy Crimson wasn't exactly the reason for the state of this place. The one responsible was his partner Velzard. Due to her leaking megicules the whole land got frozen. Far and wide, there were just two interesting things to be seen in this frozen land. First thing to be noticed was the ice palace. This was the residence of Guy Crimson and Velzard the Ice dragon. The second thing, to notice was a black dot hovering high up in the air. The constant snowstorms made it nearly impossible for anyone to identify what this was. But this dot was in reality a blue haired maiden. Blue-silvery hair with a hint of purple, around the age of 18-20. But the most striking detail were the Golden eyes. Many were entranced by those eyes that gave a feeling of being pierced through. No hiding, no secrets, they could see through everything. Those eyes belonged to none other than Rimuru Tempest who popped out of thin air, or precisely, just arrived here in the past.

>> That's why I don't like to fly over here look at this. Despite my cold resistance this place gives me chills. Why do they have to freeze a whole continent? <<

<< It's due to the leakage of the megicules  fro->>

>> I know I know, but still. Beating Veldora to pulp every time but she goes on to freeze a whole God damn continent. <<


'Maybe I could change something about this place this time. I mean, Velzard mainly stayed in Tempest and enjoyed everything. I bet we could also improve the conditions of this place. That way, me and Veldora don't have to be on guard every day because of her. '

After finding out about Rimuru's evolution into a true dragon, Velzard declared him her younger sibling. That might sound wholesome, but not exactly for Rimuru. After just 2 weeks, Rimuru understood why Veldora was afraid of his sister. She went on and added Rimuru to her / has to be educated \ list. Rimuru, not wanting to do this all over again, came up with a plan this time.

>> Ciel, you didn't forget to hide my dragon factor right? As long as i'm just a demon lord she won't care much. I don't want to join Veldora's suffering sessions again. <<

<< Yes, master, don't worry, everything is fine >>

>> Alright, let's go and play with this redhead, shall we? <<


And thus, with a wicked smile, Rimuru teleported inside the ice palace.


Guy Crimson and Velzard were sitting on the balcony of the castle, it was tea time. They were talking about this and that when Guy suddenly felt a weird presence. It was very weak, nearly nonexistent. This presence vanished as soon as it came. Guy felt troubled.

'Is it Rudra? No, he can't conceal himself that well. He wouldn't even bother to hide himself, that idiot comes barging in every time. But who could it be? Alone the fact that he managed to come here indicates that he has to be strong. Kuro and the others are still in hell, so it wouldn't be them. I have to check this out.'

"I have to go and check something, I'll return in a minute."

"Ara, you look bothered Guy, what happened? It has to be something important to bother even you."

"Ah no, I just have to quickly check something, it won't take long."

"If you say so.."

And thus Guy went to the location of the presence he felt, but when he arrived there, no sign of it was left. No sign of magic or spacial motion being cast, nothing.

'He has to still be around then.'

He walked around the castle looking for the intruder, but found nothing. Just when he was about to give up, he saw a blue-haired maiden walking around the corner.

"Hey who are you, what are you doing in here!?"

No response.

He followed the direction the blue haired maiden went, but she was gone. No traces other left.

'She had no presence at all, was it the same person who gave off this weird presence? Are there more than 2 intruders? Am I going crazy? Well, whatever, I tell Rain and Mizery to look out if anything is odd.'

He then returned to the balcony, where Velzard was enjoying her tea.

"Did you find what you've been looking for? You look more troubled than before."

"I think I'm just tired, I'm starting to see things."

"Can you even physically get tired?"

"Anyway, it doesn't matter. Rain, you said you brought sweets from Ingrassia, they better be good."

"Yes Guy-sama. Velzard-sama, would you also like some?"

"Yeah whatever, I might as well try some."

And thus, after bowing, Rain left to the Kitchen to get the sweets.

'Why did he have to remember them, I wanted to eat them by myself. Well whatever, I'll just send someone over later to get some.'

But when she arrived in the kitchen, the sweets were nowhere to be found. Rain looked for them over and over again, but couldn't find them.

That means...


Mizery, who was listening to the conversation between her master and Velzard was startled fora second but quickly regained her composure.

"Ara, Mizery-chan what happened? It's rare to see some emotions on your face?"

"It's nothing to worry about Velzard-sama. I'll go help Rain in the kitchen. Excuse me."


[Why are you shouting? I'm on my way.]

"What happened? And what's with that killing intent you're emitting?"

"Who said that you're allowed to eat the sweets I brought all by yourself? I was looking forward to eating them, and you stupid green head ate them all by yourself!"

"What are you talking about? I didn't-"

"No excuses can save you right now, just wait."

And so, the fight between the blue and the green Primordial began.

Meanwhile on the balcony..

"Guy-sama, bad news. Mizeri-sama and Rain-sama are fighting right now. The whole floor is heavily damaged, we can't go near them."

"What are those two up to again. Well whatever, Velzard, I go separate them."

"Whatever, just be quiet, I'm going to sleep afterwards, I don't want them to disturb me, or I'll personally beat them myself."

"Hey you two, what are you fighting for? Do I have to beat you to pulp again?"

"I'm sorry Guy-sama, I lost control for a moment, but Mizeri committed a crime worthy of death."

"What did she do?"

"She ate all the sweets I wanted to ea-, I mean the sweets I personally bought for you Guy sama."

"Mizery is that true?"

"No Guz-sama, I didn't even touch them, I wouldn't dare to eat something reserved for you."

'First this blue-haired maiden and now the missing sweets. Is someone playing a prank on me?'

"Well whatever. I have a feeling that someone is lurking around in the castle, keep looking out for him / her."

"As you wish, Guy-sama."

'Wait for me, you sweet-thief. I'll find you, and then I'll kill you!' thought Rain and started to look around the castle.


The culprit meanwhile was flying to the direction where Milim would soon rampage.

>> HAHAHAHAHAHA, I won Ciel, I told you Rain would start a war over sweets. <<

<< You're so childish, master... >>

>> Oi, a bet is a bet, you remember what you promised me right? <<

<< Unfortunately, yes. But that can wait until after we save Milim right? >>

>> Yeah, I mean it's still too early for it anyway. Let's go Ciel, we have to help my bestie soon. <<

And so Rimuru headed to the location where in a few hours a new demon lord would be born.