
Ancestral Throne : Building The Strongest Empire In Another World

History tells us that powerful people come from powerful places. History was wrong! Powerful people makes places powerful. ___________________________________ Alexander The Great, Genghis Khan, Napoleon Bonaparte, Cyrus The Great, Attila The Hun. All these people were powerful people who made their countries powerful. ____________________________________ Nexus Astaseul possesses everything that many could only dream of having in a lifetime: a wealthy father and the love of the only person who truly cares for him in the world,his mother. Despite living a life of luxury each day, he learned that life can be unpredictable. At the age of eighteen, he was involved in an accident that resulted in the loss of both of his legs. Despite his father being one of the wealthiest individuals on the planet, his legs were unable to be restored, and tragically, he also lost his mother in the same accident. Nexus father did not have a close relationship with his mother, as their marriage was based on the benefits it brought to their families. His father's infidelity, even while his mother was alive, strained their family dynamic and contributed to his mother's unhappiness. Following the loss of his legs, Nexus's life took a dramatic turn. His father provided him with a small villa outside the city to reside in. Nexus had a passion for reading from a young age, and he cultivated a vast library in his home. His collection spanned various genres, including politics, business, management, and history. The sheer volume of books in his possession rivaled that of a university library, if not surpassing it in size. He sought solace in his extensive collection of books to alleviate the anguish of losing both his legs and his mother. However, fate seemed to have a cruel sense of humor. At the age of twenty-two, a fire engulfed the villa where he resided. On that fateful day, his caretaker was away visiting her family, leaving him helpless to flee the flames with his immobile legs. Tragically, he perished in the inferno. In the aftermath of his presumed demise, Nexus awoke to find himself in a new and completely different world where his vast library of knowledge resided within his mind. In a world where kingdoms and empires stood tall, conquest reigns supreme. Nexus gazed upon this magnificent world and made a solemn vow to become the greatest conqueror and emperor to have ever existed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 100 PS = 1 Bonus Chapter 200 PS = 2 Bonus Chapters 300 PS = 3 Bonus Chapters 1 Golden Ticket = 2 Bonus Chapters 2 Golden Tickets = 3 Bonus Chapters 3 Golden Tickets = 4 Bonus Chapters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can join my discord server: https : // discord. com/invite/c7hm7hVf

Mysterious_Ghost · Fantaisie
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56 Chs

Chapter 45 : Return 1 ( Seeking Collection and Recommendation)



Over the past three days, the demonic beasts inhabiting the outer area of the Emerald Mountain Range have been living in constant fear. A group of crazy humans, has invaded their territory and embarked on a relentless killing spree.

These people were covered in the blood of various demonic beasts and have been systematically hunting and slaughtering demonic beasts of all sizes and strengths, ranging from 1 Star to 3 Star creatures.

These group of people is naturally Nexus and the Black Armored Guards.

They have been in the Emerald Mountain Range for more than four days now, Nexus and the Black Armored Guards have been tirelessly killing demonic beasts within the Emerald Mountain Range.

With only brief breaks to replenish their Spirit Energy, they have devoted the majority of their time to the slaughter of demonic beasts. The number of wooden barrels containing essence harvested from their kills has now reached two hundred, a testament to the sheer scale of their slaughter.

Among their victims are approximately twenty 3 Star demonic beasts, as well as around a hundred 2 Star creatures. The exact number of 1 Star demonic beasts they have killed has become impossible to track, as Nexus and his companions have been so efficient in their hunting.

The Emerald Mountain Range has become a battleground, with the demonic beasts struggling to survive against this relentless onslaught.

The vast expanse of the Emerald Mountain Range is home to thousands of mountains, lakes, and rivers, making it a truly awe-inspiring sight. Despite its immense size, Nexus and the Black Armored Guards were focused on a small, remote corner of the outer area for their hunting expedition.

Even in this isolated corner, the number of demonic beasts they encountered was staggering. One can only imagine the sheer quantity of these creatures that inhabit other areas of the Emerald Mountain Range. The task of eradicating them all seems insurmountable.

As they engaged in their mission to eliminate the demonic beasts, some of the Black Armored Guards sustained injuries of varying degrees.

Fortunately, none of these injuries proved to be fatal. The resilience and determination of the guards were evident as they continued their relentless pursuit of these dangerous creatures.

In a remote corner of the Emerald Mountain Range, a fierce battle raged. Hundreds of demonic beasts relentlessly besieged and attacked a group of warriors clad in armor, their once pristine defenses now marred with cracks and soaked in blood.

The surrounding twenty kilometers is filled giant corpses of demonic beasts none of the corpses demonic beasts were intact, broken limps and innards were everywhere large pools of blood covered the ground.

The area reverberates with the menacing roars and howls of various demonic beasts, their scarlet red eyes brimming with madness and a fierce intent to kill as they relentlessly assault the group of humans.

Amidst the onslaught of demonic beasts, there were seven 3-star demonic beasts, fifty 2-star demonic beasts, and hundreds of 1-star demonic beasts.

Nexus's chest rose and fell as he took in shallow breaths, sweat beading on his forehead. He tightly gripped the long blade in his hand, its surface cracked and dripping with scarlet blood. Nexus narrowed his eyes as he surveyed the horde of demonic beasts surrounding them.

Despite being at the Body Integration Realm and not easily fatigued, he had hardly rested in the past three days, spending all his time in constant battle and killing, which left him slightly weary. Observing the exhausted and worn faces of the Black Armored Guards, Nexus frowned. He knew that they were all truly fatigued, some even bearing injuries, though not severe.

" Lexx take care of the 2-star demonic beasts, Tyler support him from the side. I will deal was the the 3-Star demonic beasts,the rest of you kill the rest of the demonic beasts " Nexus commanded loudly from the side.

Lexx's expression changed slightly when he heard Nexus's orders. With a quick twist of his dagger, he took killed a 1-star demonic beast.

"Your Majesty, there are seven 3-star demonic beasts. It's dangerous," Lexx said, turning to Nexus with a worried look. The other Black Armored Guards also looked nervous upon hearing Nexus's command.

"Don't worry about me, I can handle them. You guys take care of the rest," Nexus reassured them.

" But... "

Before Lexx could finish speaking, Nexus cut him off. "This is an order. Just do it and stop wasting time," Nexus said coldly to Lexx.

" Yes, Your Majesty, please forgive me." Lexx immediately bowed towards Nexus.

Looking at Lexx, Nexus nodded slightly. He knew that Lexx was only concerned for his well-being, but this was not the time to waste.

Nexus's eyes softened as he addressed Lexx, "Ok, stand up. Just focus on dealing with the 2-Star demonic beasts, and I will take care of the 3-Star demonic beasts."

"Understood, Your Majesty," Lexx raised his head and responded seriously.

Nexus nodded slightly and turned his gaze to the seven 3-Star demonic beasts at the back of the demonic horde, resembling kings commanding their soldiers.

The reason they found themselves surrounded by so many powerful demonic beasts was due to their repeated use of tactics over the past three days. While successful, they had unknowingly angered the seven 3-Star demonic beasts in the process. Nexus smiled bitterly at the thought.

Dealing with seven 3-Star demonic beasts, comparable to a Human Body Integration Realm Cultivator, would pose a significant challenge. None of these beasts were weak, and Nexus could sense their brutal and wild killing intent.

Shaking off these thoughts, Nexus carefully observed the seven 3-Star demonic beasts before them: a gorilla, a saber-tooth tiger, a multi-colored snake spitting clouds of venom from it's mouth venom, a huge black spider with a human face and multiple eyes which looks quite creepy, a silver-colored wolf, a wild boar with huge long tusks the length of that of an elephant and finally another Blazing Flame Lion which was slightly bigger and taller than the other Blazing Flame Lion he killed three days ago. These beasts stood at ten feet tall, resembling small hills, emitting intense and chilling auras.

' I need to lure them away from here ' Nexus thought as he observed Tyler and the Black Armored Guards engaging with the other demonic beasts in the distance. Nexus understood the destructive potential of a battle between powerful experts, knowing that thousands of kilometers could be laid to waste.

Engaging in combat with the seven 3-Star demonic beasts in this location was not ideal, especially with the presence of the Black Armored Guards who were already severely injured. While Nexus could protect himself, the resulting shockwaves could harm the Guards further.

With determination, Nexus gripped his weapon and swiftly moved towards the Blazing Flame Lion, which was in close proximity. Utilizing his incredible speed, he swiftly descended upon the lion and delivered a forceful blow to its head.


The lion let out a furious roar, glaring at the human who dared to challenge it. Nexus smirked and swiftly vanished from his spot, reappearing beside the massive gorilla.


He struck the gorilla with another powerful blow, causing it to roar and beat its chest in anger. Nexus then proceeded to stealthily attack the remaining 3-Star demonic beasts, eliciting roars and hisses of fury as they turned their crimson eyes towards him.

' Now I have their attention ' Nexus thought as he swiftly made his way towards the east, prompting the other seven 3-Star demonic beasts to give chase. In a matter of moments, they had all departed from the battlefield.

Nexus, with his incredible speed, darted and weaved through the forest, leaping effortlessly from tree to tree. The seven 3-Star demonic beasts were hot on his trail, especially the Silver Colored Wolf, known for its lightning-fast pace. As they chased Nexus, they also launched attacks from a distance.

Huge trees were smashed into pieces, huge and giant boulders crashed into smithereens.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Crack! Bang!

The Blazing Flame Lion, in particular, would conjure massive fireballs and hurl them towards Nexus, causing chaos in the forest.

Despite the onslaught of attacks, Nexus managed to dodge and block many of them. After ten minutes of intense running, they found themselves in a vast open area with fewer trees.

' This is it ' Nexus scrutinized the place and thought.

Dodging another fireball, Nexus vanished in a flicker of flames, only to reappear above the Silver Colored Wolf and with a slash of his blade a huge wound appeared on the back of the giant silver colored wolf, even it's bones is visible.


The wolf howled in pain as Nexus swiftly moved on to the Human Face Spider, slicing off two of its legs with precision.

Before the spider could react, Nexus had already disappeared and reappeared above the multi-colored snake, plunging his blade into its eyes. The wild boar and huge gorilla also fell victim to Nexus's swift and deadly attacks.

Nexus swiftly inflicted massive wounds of varying sizes on the other demonic beasts, causing their bodies to be drenched in blood. The beasts glared at Nexus with a fierce and deadly killing intent, as if their very killing intent were materializing into tangible killing intent.

Nexus stood before the seven 3-star demonic beasts, sweat trickling down his forehead as he breathed heavily. He pushed his strength and speed to their limits, managing to injure the beasts and gain a slight advantage. It had been a long time since he had exerted himself so fully.


Suddenly, the Iron Back Gorilla let out a deafening roar and charged towards Nexus with a fierce look in its eyes, blood pouring from a wound on its abdomen. Despite its massive size, the gorilla moved with surprising speed, causing the earth to tremble violently in its wake.

As the gorilla closed in on Nexus, the ground cracked and craters formed. Nexus, determined not to back down, met the gorilla's fist with his own.


The impact created a shockwave that sent boulders and trees flying, the earth cracked opened, the surrounding terrain around both of them sank, deeps cracks extending in all directions.

The Iron Back Gorilla took a few steps back, while Nexus body only shook slightly but he didn't move from his position.

Boom! Boom! Crack! Boom! Bang!

Undeterred, the gorilla roared once more and charged at Nexus again. With each clash, explosions echoed through the surroundings, causing the earth to split apart and debris to fly in every direction.

The battle between Nexus and the Iron Back Gorilla left a path of devastation in its wake, stretching for kilometers around.

More powerstones please.

Mysterious_Ghostcreators' thoughts