
Ancestral Throne : Building The Strongest Empire In Another World

History tells us that powerful people come from powerful places. History was wrong! Powerful people makes places powerful. ___________________________________ Alexander The Great, Genghis Khan, Napoleon Bonaparte, Cyrus The Great, Attila The Hun. All these people were powerful people who made their countries powerful. ____________________________________ Nexus Astaseul possesses everything that many could only dream of having in a lifetime: a wealthy father and the love of the only person who truly cares for him in the world,his mother. Despite living a life of luxury each day, he learned that life can be unpredictable. At the age of eighteen, he was involved in an accident that resulted in the loss of both of his legs. Despite his father being one of the wealthiest individuals on the planet, his legs were unable to be restored, and tragically, he also lost his mother in the same accident. Nexus father did not have a close relationship with his mother, as their marriage was based on the benefits it brought to their families. His father's infidelity, even while his mother was alive, strained their family dynamic and contributed to his mother's unhappiness. Following the loss of his legs, Nexus's life took a dramatic turn. His father provided him with a small villa outside the city to reside in. Nexus had a passion for reading from a young age, and he cultivated a vast library in his home. His collection spanned various genres, including politics, business, management, and history. The sheer volume of books in his possession rivaled that of a university library, if not surpassing it in size. He sought solace in his extensive collection of books to alleviate the anguish of losing both his legs and his mother. However, fate seemed to have a cruel sense of humor. At the age of twenty-two, a fire engulfed the villa where he resided. On that fateful day, his caretaker was away visiting her family, leaving him helpless to flee the flames with his immobile legs. Tragically, he perished in the inferno. In the aftermath of his presumed demise, Nexus awoke to find himself in a new and completely different world where his vast library of knowledge resided within his mind. In a world where kingdoms and empires stood tall, conquest reigns supreme. Nexus gazed upon this magnificent world and made a solemn vow to become the greatest conqueror and emperor to have ever existed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 100 PS = 1 Bonus Chapter 200 PS = 2 Bonus Chapters 300 PS = 3 Bonus Chapters 1 Golden Ticket = 2 Bonus Chapters 2 Golden Tickets = 3 Bonus Chapters 3 Golden Tickets = 4 Bonus Chapters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can join my discord server: https : // discord. com/invite/c7hm7hVf

Mysterious_Ghost · Fantaisie
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56 Chs

Chapter 37 : Best Farmer

Time flew by quickly, and another month had passed. By this time, the Army Headquarters had been completed. The once deserted and dilapidated buildings had been transformed into a bustling hub of activity, with tall and sturdy structures designed to meet the military's needs.

Nexus, the architect behind the project, incorporated modern designs into the Army Headquarters,there are five massive dormitories, each capable of housing two thousand soldiers. Additionally, three expansive training fields, numerous bathrooms, six dining facilities, and a ten-story military office building was constructed at the heart of the Headquarters.

Although the military office building was currently sparsely populated, Kassius had managed to recruit a small group of individuals who, while lacking experience, possessed basic literacy skills.

Meanwhile, Brutus had successfully enlisted another thousand able-bodied individuals, expanding the army to three thousand soldiers. While these recruits lacked Cultivation abilities, their physical attributes had significantly improved thanks to the training manual provided by Nexus.

In addition to the completion of the Army Headquarters, a notable structure stood out on the premises - a massive building the size of a basketball court emitting intense heat.

This building served as a smithy, constructed by Nexus and currently overseen by Thorgrim. Upon its completion, both Thorgrim and Nexus were filled with joy. The completion of the smithy signifies that the can now produce weapons.

In addition to the ongoing events in the Kingdom, there is also another events that have been going in the Kingdom and that's the farming competition that has captured the attention of many.

Participants have dedicated themselves to honing their farms hoping to win the competition and be crowned as the best farmer of Mysthaven Kingdom and currently the deadline is fast approaching.

Three months have flown by since the competition began, leaving only a few days until its conclusion.


Within the Royal Palace, Nexus is engrossed in studying the current challenges facing the Kingdom. The need for rebuilding towns, cities, and villages, providing shelter for the homeless, and ensuring security through stationed guards are just a few of the pressing issues. Skilled individuals are required to manage the affairs of these areas effectively.

As Nexus delves into the reports, a knock on the door interrupts his concentration.

" Come in " Nexus said faintly and looked at the door. The door creaked opened and Kassius entered the room carrying a stack of papers in his hands.

" Your Majesty" Kassius bowed and greeted.

" Grandpa Kassius, what is it?" Nexus asked with a calm face.

" Your Majesty, the farming competition will end in three days and I've come to deliver the results" Kassius reported.

Nexus, taken aback and muttered, " It has already been three months, time really flies huh"

" Ok I've got it, you can go back and continue your duties " Nexus nodded at Kassius.

" Yes Your Majesty " Kassius bowed and left the room.


Three days have passed, marking the conclusion of the three-month long farming competition. All participants have had their information and farming specialties recorded.

They have been instructed to make their way to the Capital City for the announcement of the results. Not only are the participants en route to the Capital City, but also numerous spectators who are eager to witness the crowning of the best farmer.

The Capital City is currently abuzz with activity as people from all walks of life enter its gates. Many had arrived days prior in anticipation of the competition results.

Despite the city's dilapidated state and ongoing construction projects, the atmosphere is markedly different. The citizens entering the city wear joyful and contented smiles, their physical appearance improved and spirits lifted.

This transformation is attributed to the food and resources distributed by the Kingdom, which have significantly enhanced the quality of life for its people. Many now have well-paying jobs and experience a newfound sense of happiness and fulfillment.

As time progresses, the citizens gather at a grand platform near the Royal Palace. The previous platform, once used for executions, has been demolished and replaced with a larger, more beautiful structure.

Four statues adorn the platform, with four grand staircases leading to its center from each direction. The surrounding area is teeming with people, creating a lively and bustling atmosphere filled with chatter and excitement.

In the bustling crowd gathered at the corner below the platform, a family of five stood conversing amongst themselves. The man, Quill Ravenwood, appeared to be around thirty years old, with a medium build, short black hair, and a hint of stubble on his chin. His bronze skin bore the marks of long exposure to the sun.

Standing beside him was his wife, Ursula, also around thirty years old, with long chestnut hair and delicate features. Their three children, Octavious, Kiera, and Lyra, stood by their side, each exuding a sense of innocence and charm.

He was one of the few lucky people who still have his family intact during the reign of the Nobles.

Quill Ravenwood, a participant in the farming competition, hailed from a long line of farmers. From his great-grandfather to his father, farming was ingrained in their family's history. When news of the competition reached him, Quill seized the opportunity without hesitation.

With the unwavering support of his wife and children, they reclaimed vast acres of land, began farming, and now found themselves at the culmination of the competition.

As the competition was about to commence, Ursula turned to Quill with a nervous expression, her hand tightly gripping his. "Do you think we can win?" she inquired anxiously.

Quill, maintaining a calm demeanor despite his inner turmoil, replied, "I don't know. We are not the only participants, and there may be others more skilled in farming than us."

" Father, mother look it's about to begin " Their eldest son, Octavious, interjected excitedly, drawing their attention to the platform where the competition was set to begin.

Quill and Ursula turned their gaze towards the platform, their expressions a mix of nerves and anticipation.

Present on the platform was a middle-aged man, exuding a gentle and dignified aura as he made his way onto the stage. This man was none other than Kassius.

As soon as the crowd caught sight of Kassius stepping onto the platform, the chatter and noise immediately ceased, all eyes fixed on him with a mix of curiosity and anticipation.

Addressing the crowd with a commanding voice, Kassius declared, "Welcome, everyone, to the conclusion of the farming competition. All participants, please come forward."

Without hesitation, many individuals moved to the front of the crowd and stood beneath the platform. In a matter of moments, all participants had gathered before Kassius.

With a nod and a serious expression, Kassius announced, " Now let us all welcome His Majesty Nexus Astaseul." His voice resonated across the surroundings.

Nexus, adorned in a striking ensemble of red trousers with golden accents, a red shirt with intricate gold detailing, and a long black cloak, entered the platform.

Accompanied by a hundred black armored guards exuding an aura of fierce determination, they surrounded the platform on both sides.

As the crowd caught sight of Nexus, they immediately dropped to their knees, their eyes filled with admiration and respect as they greeted him in unison, "Welcome, Your Majesty," their voices echoing throughout the area.

Nexus gazed at the kneeling crowd, his eyes flickering slightly as he slowly raised his hand, signaling for them to rise. Instantly, all the people stood up, their eyes filled with excitement as they looked at Nexus - the man who had saved them from the depths of despair, their King. They were brimming with respect and admiration for him.

"Welcome once again, everyone. In the past, we have all faced challenges and hardships, but those are no longer important. It is time for us to look towards the future and each do our part for the Kingdom," Nexus addressed the crowd below.

Three months ago, I initiated a farming competition. The winner will be awarded a hundred gold coins and crowned as the best farmer of Mysthaven Kingdom. Today, we will announce the top ten winners, each of whom will receive a significant reward," Nexus continued, scanning the eager faces below.

As Nexus spoke, the participants displayed a mix of excitement and nervousness. He then turned to Kassius and nodded, prompting Kassius to clap his hands. Several maids appeared on the platform, holding silver trays covered with white cloths and wearing smiles on their faces.

Handing a white sheet of paper to Nexus,

Nexus cleared his throat and declared, "I will now announce the top ten winners of the Mysthaven Kingdom farming competition."

The participants below clenched their fists, their expressions tense with anticipation.

Nexus began with the announcement " 10th place winner, Milo Yearwood. He was able reclaim twenty acres of land, planted corn, and finally harvesting a hundred bags of corn. Milo would receive a hundred copper coins and a certificate for ranking 10th as Mysthaven's best farmer ".

As Nexus's powerful voice echoed through the crowd, the audience below erupted in applause.

A man in his forties eagerly ascended the platform, his face flushed with excitement. Despite being ranked tenth, he was thrilled to have achieved the title of the tenth best farmer in the Kingdom, out of the thousands who had participated in the competition.

As a maid approached Nexus with a silver tray, he uncovered a delicate white paper bearing the words "10th Ranked Best Farmer Of Mysthaven Kingdom" in beautiful script.

The paper was encased in a fine wooden frame, accompanied by a pouch of coins. Nexus graciously handed the certificate and coins to Milo Yearwood, who was visibly elated to be in the presence of the King.

"Congratulations, well done," Nexus commended Milo, patting him on the shoulder and further igniting his excitement. Kassius intervened, instructing Milo to step aside as Nexus continued with the announcements.

" 9th place Derek Fellows, he reclaimed twenty acres of land, planted corn, and harvested one hundred and twenty bags. He would receive two hundred copper coins and a certificate for ranking 9th as best farmer of Mysthaven Kingdom ".

" 8th place Viktor Windward, he reclaimed thirty acres of land, planting wheat, and harvesting one hundred and fifty bags. He would be awarded three hundred copper coins and a certificate for ranking 8th as best farmer of Mysthaven Kingdom ".

" 7th place Alix Marblemaw,he reclaimed thirty acres of land and planted rice, and harvesting 200 bags. He will receive four hundred copper coins and a certificate for ranking 7th as best farmer of Mysthaven Kingdom "

" 6th place, Hermione Ashbluff she reclaimed forty acres of land, planted tomatoes and peppers, and yielding 210 crates of tomatoes and fifty bags of peppers. She will be awarded five hundred copper coins and a certificate for ranking 6th as best farmer of Mysthaven Kingdom ".

When ever a name is mentioned the crwid woupd erupt into cheers and applause as the winners went up with excited faces and receive their rewards, as for the other participants their faces continue to grow more anxious, they were still hoping that they would win and it was at this moment that they realized how strong the competition is. And so far there was only one woman among the winners.

Nexus took a deep breath and continue to announce the top five.

" 5th place, Helix Beckett, he raised twenty pigs each gave birth thirty piglets which add up to six hundred piglets, for ten rabbits each gave give birth to ten babies adding up to a hundred babies and finally he raised thirty chickens each hatching ten chicks adding up to three hundred chicks. He will be awarded one hundred silver coins and a certificate for ranking 5th as best farmer of Mysthaven Kingdom ".

A thirty years old man came forward and stepped on the platform amidst the applause and received his reward with a smile on his face.

" 4th place, Blayze Yarrow, he reclaimed fifty acres of land and planted lettuces, cabbages, onions tomatoes and harvesting a hundred crates each. He will be awarded one and fifty silver coins and a certificate for ranking 4th as best farmer of Mysthaven Kingdom"

Another man also climbed onto the platform with a flushed face and received his reward.

" 3rd place, Henry Whitlock, he reclaimed seventy acres of land and planted rice, he harvested three hundred bags of rice. He will receive 200 silver coins and a certificate for ranking 3rd as best farmer of Mysthaven Kingdom".

A stout middle aged man stepped on to the platform shaking slightly his eyes flashed with uncontrollable excitement as he received the rewards from Nexus.

" And now I will announce the second and first place of the farming competition" Nexus narrowed his eyes and said in a serious but powerful voice.

All the remaining participants were nervous all of them hoping for their names to be mentioned.

" In 2nd place is Axton Elrod, who reclaimed a hundred acres of land, planted corn, and harvested five hundred bags of corn. He will receive fifty gold coins and a certificate for being ranked 2nd as the best farmer of Mysthaven Kingdom ".

When Nexus announced the second place, the crowd erupted into deafening cheers and applause.

A burly man stepped onto the platform, his eyes filled with excitement and various emotions, even a hint of tears. Nexus smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

And now, the moment everyone had been waiting for - the announcement of the first place winner.

Some of the participants already had disappointed looks on their faces, knowing they couldn't make it after seeing how much land they had reclaimed. The atmosphere was electric, with everyone holding their breath and their eyes glued to Nexus.

" The first place and the top-ranked farmer of Mysthaven Kingdom was Quill Ravenwood. He had reclaimed three hundred acres of land and planted a variety of crops including corn, wheat, rice, and vegetables. Quill harvested an impressive three hundred bags each of corn, wheat, and rice, along with several crates of vegetables. For his hard work, he would be awarded a hundred gold coins and a certificate for being the best farmer in the kingdom ".

The crowd erupted into applause upon hearing his name.

Quill's wife, Ursula, had a shocked expression on her face, tears streaming down her cheeks as she covered her mouth. Their daughter, Kiera, was ecstatic, shaking her mother's hand and proudly declaring her father as the best farmer in the kingdom. Even Octavious and Lyra were caught up in the excitement.

Quill, who was standing at the front, was momentarily dazed. He had never expected to come in first place after thinking he hadn't even made it into the rankings. As he made his way to the platform, Nexus looked at him with narrowed eyes, surprised by the amount of land he had reclaimed and the variety of crops he had planted.

Nexus handed over the reward to Quill and patted him on the shoulder. "Well done, you did a great job. Keep it up - the kingdom needs more people like you," Nexus said with a smile.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Quill replied respectfully, his eyes filled with excitement and a mix of emotions.


Nexus then turned to the crowd. "Dear citizens, the competition has come to an end. Here are the top ten best farmers of Mysthavend ".

" As for those who didn't make it to the ranking don't be discouraged, although you didn't make it to the rankings but you made significant contributions to the food problem in the Kingdom and beside there is next year farming competition " Nexus paused and looked at the participants," Yes that's right every year we will announce the top ten best in the Kingdom, so please don't be discouraged because next year you might be the next best farmer in the Kingdom so work hard ".

All the participants disappointed looks disappeared and replaced by determination hearing what Nexus said. They are determined to win next year competition and the years to come.