
Ancestral Awakening

Rjparsons203 · Oriental
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4 Chs

Chapter 4 : The Capital

The man drug me by my chains into the light, and for the first time in a long time, I saw the capital. In its glory days, back when I barely stood to my fathers knees, the city was a stunning show of wealth. Back then I truly admired all those who lived here, as their lives must have been so perfect. But now, I see through the wealth to the truth. Every man here was thoroughly corrupt, but I was the only one who dared to see it so. As the guillotine slowly panned into view, something strange happened. Numbers started popping up all around peoples heads. I had heard of this before, it's like a show of strength, yet only people that are level 90 and over are supposed to be able to see them. The man dragging me was a level 24, and the man working on the guillotine was at level 20. This made me wonder what level I was at, when suddenly the number three popped up on the tip of my nose. "Great" I thought, as I was about to die at such a weak level. Then I heard the old mans voice in my head, although it seems no one else could.